InfiniteNow Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 Okay, so GAHD deleted my last one. I'll just repost. Censorship is silly when the issue is true. Why close a thread instead of taking action on the member who crapped all over it? Also, I was neg repped with an amazingly aggressive attack and foul language by the second highest ranking member here, yet all he got was a PM? WTF? Do the staff have any teeth? I'll likely be banned for bringing it up here, which is super ridiculous considering I'm commenting on others who have broken the rules and experienced zero consequence. :eek: Quote
GAHD Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 I'll make my points from a chat convo known here Rep is optional, if you can't follow a "sticks and Stones" phillosophy I suggest disabling it. Some things get heated, if you can't deal with the heat get out of the fire; there's plenty of other things you can discuss. Some one else will pick up your sword, I'm shure :eek: Suspension of posting is a rather harsh action and we deliberate on anything heated to provide what we think is a reasonably fair course of action. If you disagree with any action, the ownis is on you to bring up some serious reasonigs why it's inadiquate. Making a public specticle of it simply distracts from the site's main purpose: factual discussion & debate, as well as news. If something degrades into a flame war it's easyer to put out the fire and start anew. You are still free to REFERENCE that previous thread. If you have troubles with a user, we staff do our best to resolve those issues, you are ALL valuable contributers. If the wost happens and we can't resolve it you are free to use the "ignore user" feature, allthough we hope everyone can get past their differences. I hope you have received satisfactory explanations, and that any users who have similar concerns likewise voice them. Quote
Tormod Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 Do the staff have any teeth? As you very well know, we all have implants due to frequent jawtouching of fists fixed to well-meaning members with twitchy hands. I'll likely be banned for bringing it up here, which is super ridiculous considering I'm commenting on others who have broken the rules and experienced zero consequence. :eek: Inow - recently you sported a user title saying "Should I be banned". Now you claim you will be banned for posting. Do you want to be banned? I am confused about this behaviour. There are other members than you around here, my friend, and we can't be everything to everyone. This is not kindergarten. Rep is rep, as you already know. Complaining about it in public is probably not going to help anyone. Take it up with the person who negrepped you. Quote
InfiniteNow Posted August 1, 2007 Author Report Posted August 1, 2007 Complaint not about the rep friend. Complaint about the lack of action on the comment tied to it. Can I tell members "**** you and horse you rode in on" anytime I want without consequence? I know I don't need to tell you, but for reminder... please see rule #10. Quote
sanctus Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 I explained you already in a pm! We wanted to solve this another way and this is what has been done. Turtle got the rules reminded so don't worry about them.He decided not to join the given forum, but also to calm down (proof: any reported posts or reps from him since you both got that pm?). You repeated this neg-rep comment enough times, I know you don't like the action taken (in your view nothing I guess) but that's the way it is so please stop it. Quote
InfiniteNow Posted August 1, 2007 Author Report Posted August 1, 2007 "Dear member, you told another member '**** you and the horse you rode in on' and also called him 'boy' in a previous thread. There are rules, so please follow them. Also, here is a link to a private thread where you two can solve this issue proactively." Memeber response:"Nah. No thanks." Me:WTF? BTW Bill, it's been 24 hours. Thanks. :) Quote
Tormod Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 Okay, that's plenty Inow. Either hold your venom and take a break from Hypography, or cool down. Pretty please. Quote
sanctus Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 Well I would say as two old time members you got some privileges (my personal opinion)...for example trying a bit more to resolve something humanly instead of right repression... Quote
InfiniteNow Posted August 1, 2007 Author Report Posted August 1, 2007 Well I would say as two old time members you got some privileges (my personal opinion)...for example trying a bit more to resolve something humanly instead of right repression... I did try this solution, friend. I was alone in the conversation. It was a monologue. Okay, that's plenty Inow. Either hold your venom and take a break from Hypography, or cool down. Pretty please. A smooth and satisfying response. :eek2: Quote
Tormod Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 A smooth and satisfying response. :eek2: Let me get this perfectly clear: Are you implying that I am - in any way - hindering your ability to post here at Hypography? Please explain, by bullet points if you like, what it is that you need to have solved, and how the staff at Hypography is hindering you from solving it. Quote
CraigD Posted August 2, 2007 Report Posted August 2, 2007 Infinitenow, I fear that you badly fail to understand the purpose of hypography, its rules, and the role of its moderators. Hypography’s purpose is to promote the understanding and enjoyment of science and science related subjects. To do this, we strive to make reading and posting not only an informative exchange of evidence-backed ideas, but friendly and enjoyable. The site rules and the infraction system are intended to guide members and mods in achieving this purpose. They are not a legal document, subject to expert jurisprudence, nor a point-based game system to be tricked and beaten. An “aggressive attacks” is when a member bullies others. Such behavior can cause both its object and other readers to experience hypography as NOT friendly and enjoyable, which works against its purpose. Hypography is intended to be “Science for Everyone ”, “everyone” including people who may be offended by certain expressions (eg: “f*** you”), and young people who’s guardians may disapprove of their reading such material. The “Inappropriate language” policy and infraction exists to assure that hypography is acceptable to these people. Infinitenow, your recent and current behavior, IMHO, is not friendly and encouraging, but adversarial and bullying. In particular, you seem outraged that, having provoked long-time and valued member Turtle into giving you negative reputation with a comment containing “inappropriate language”, the mod and admin team judged it inappropriate to do more than ask Turtle to refrain from rising to such bait in the future. You appear to me to be attempting to “game the system” of hypography and its moderators. Such gaming does not further the goals of hypography, and, IMHO, is a severely aggressive attack on various members with whom you strongly disagree on a number of topics. If you persist in it, it may well result in the suspension of your posting privileges. Also, you posting of inappropriate language that was originally in a rep comment visible only to you in a public forum is infractionable, in a way that the original comment was not. Please, support hypography’s core purpose of being a friendly community of people interested in learning and promoting science. TheBigDog and Tormod 2 Quote
REASON Posted August 2, 2007 Report Posted August 2, 2007 InfiniteNow, I know this situation doesn't concern me in any way and I'm not familiar with the circumstances that brought it about. I hesitated to even post here. But based on what I've read, the administrators positions are very valid and their intent is obviously to keep these forums under control. I hope you will find it within you to take a deep breath and reflect on how all this has come about. You're better than this frustration that's driving you right now. I've enjoyed reading many of your posts over the last year or so and I have often found that you bring a fresh insight and a wise perspective to the discussion. I would hate to see you let an escalating disagreement, and the way it is being managed by the staff, discourage you from continuing to bring forth the value of your contributions to this site. Sometimes, part of "waking up" is letting go, and starting over. :doh: I look forward to more of your posts, REASON Mercedes Benzene, GAHD, TheBigDog and 1 other 4 Quote
InfiniteNow Posted September 4, 2007 Author Report Posted September 4, 2007 Infinitenow, I fear that you badly fail to understand the purpose of hypography, its rules, and the role of its moderators. Hypography’s purpose is to promote the understanding and enjoyment of science and science related subjects. To do this, we strive to make reading and posting not only an informative exchange of evidence-backed ideas, but friendly and enjoyable.<…>Please, support hypography’s core purpose of being a friendly community of people interested in learning and promoting science. Craig, you have my respect. I’ve shared with you, on more than one occasion, how your posts and perspectives have helped my own knowledge grow. Again, I thank you for this. However, when you made this comment, you really missed the boat, and definitely showed how little you understand me as a human being. Due to a mishap, I know for a fact that a high percentage of the staff assumed I “baited” Turtle into attacking me; therefore it was okay that he did. If I did, in fact, cause the “**** you and the horse you rode in on” comment he placed in one of his 3 neg reps to me, then I was sincerely not conscious of my described “baiting” behavior. However, I can state plainly that when Turtle made this grotesquely aggressive comment about fornicating with the equestrians who brought me to town that he was very conscious of what he was doing, and yet he was not given any consequence. I struggle to accept the selective application of this site’s rules by the Hypography leadership, and my recent lack of participation in the Hypography fora illustrates this. If you truly want the site to be “friendly and enjoyable,” then perhaps you should act consistently when members attack one another, regardless of who that member is. Additionally, you seem to have forgotten that I, too, was once on the staff, moderator of 8 (yes, eight) different fora, and decided to be removed from the staff of Hypography due to this inconsistency and preferential treatment so consistently applied. Sleeping dogs aside… I think you will notice when looking at the latest distribution of thread topics that Hypography has significantly drifted away from science based topics. Now, it is not my intent to suggest that this is a bad thing, however, the trend of post topics has been much more toward art and general discussion than science and math for several months now. This is awesome, as I love creative expression, but don’t tell me that I am mis-perceiving the site’s purpose when your own description of it is counter to evidence. I love science. Science itself is adversarial, and it is the exploration of our universe (and our perception of it) using the principles of science that drew me to Hypography in the first place. However, it is this same love of science that has caused my participation to diminish recently. That, and the selective application of rules. Please don’t ever tell me again how I should perceive the world around me. Specifically, I’ll decide on my own how I perceive Hypography without your personal parameters ever factoring into the mix. Quote
CraigD Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Craig, you have my respect. I’ve shared with you, on more than one occasion, how your posts and perspectives have helped my own knowledge grow. Again, I thank you for this. However, when you made this comment, you really missed the boat, and definitely showed how little you understand me as a human being.It was absolute not my intention of my post of a month ago to so sorely insult you, infinitenow. I honestly hoped you’d respond positively to it. Clearly, I erred badly in my expectation and approach, and apologize for any stress and unhappiness I caused you. It’s ironic, I think, that my effort to promote friendliness had such a contrary effect. I’ve long valued your opinion, whit, intelligence, and felt a sense of fellowship with you on matters from science to politics. I’ve found our recent conflict quite distressing, and hope we can put it behind us. Please understand that Turtle is practically my oldest hypography friend, his character and interests much of what attracted me to the site when I discovered it over 2 years ago. The conflict between you two has been very troubling to me and others on the moderation team, and difficult with which to deal. As always, our handing of it was a consensus gathering process. This process is not impartial or legalistic, but intensely intuitive, with no input barred. While you may find this a serious weakness, I believe it to be an essential strength.Please don’t ever tell me again how I should perceive the world around me. Specifically, I’ll decide on my own how I perceive Hypography without your personal parameters ever factoring into the mix.I didn’t intend to tell you how to perceive the world around you. However, if your – or any other member’s - perception of hypography results in behavior that is, in the consensus of the moderation team, not beneficial to the site, rest assured that you’ll be so informed, and directed not how to perceive the site, but how to behave here.I love science. Science itself is adversarial, and it is the exploration of our universe (and our perception of it) using the principles of science that drew me to Hypography in the first place.I’m confident that, by being mindful and affirming of this shared affection, and favoring it above any conflicts of personality or perception, we can avoid future unpleasantness. While the scientific process – one of hypothesis and testing – might be described, as you do, as adversarial, I believe there’s a great qualitative difference between such an approach to objective, independently testable reality, and adversity between people, based on interpersonal and social interactions. While science discussion is not without psychosocial influences, I believe it’s possible to recognize and distinguish the core science from these influences, and for even people with conflicting personalities to get along well in the context of scientific discussion. Buffy 1 Quote
InfiniteNow Posted September 5, 2007 Author Report Posted September 5, 2007 Craig, thank you for reminding me how much we agree. You are correct in that we share a fellowship on a great number of subjects. Also, you did support me when the staff set precedent when Orbsycli was suspended for his comment via neg rep (for reference, "why are you such a ****ing dick?" resulted in a week off for him), so I know you're just trying to mellow things out here. Your comments, however, do not negate the favoritism I've tried to call attention to. Quote
cotner Posted December 30, 2007 Report Posted December 30, 2007 Well, that is all very enlightening. I have to cool down now. And I am still laughing out loud. Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! Talk about human behavior, hahaha! cotner Quote
InfiniteNow Posted December 30, 2007 Author Report Posted December 30, 2007 Sleeping dogs man. Let them sleep. :eek2: Quote
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