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OK, I was looking up something entirly unrelated on the internet and came across a little gem. It is a page dedicated to unusual formulas that approximate Pi.


Puzzle 50.- “The best approximation to pi with primes”


One of the examples is only Palindrome numbers (same forward and backward)


1.09999901 x 1.19999911 x 1.39999931 x 1.69999961 = 3.141592573


Then it has a whole section for formulas that use only prime numbers to approximate Pi. Here is an example.


3+(5*2216117)/(3*53*577*853) = 3.14159265358979316


I thought some of the guys here would get a kick out of this, I did.




You really like those pies? During the year I passed in Australia I ate them exactly once in the first week and then never again!

Actually to say the truth I tried in central Australia a Kangaroo-pie and that one was at least eatable...

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