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Who we are, where do we come from and where do we go?

I will expose my theory. The life is the most remarkable characteristic of the planet Earth. The base of the life is the water, the vital liquid, without which the life so and as we know it would not be possible.

In addition it has a property that withstands almost only to other compounds and chemical elements: when happening of the liquid state to solid its density diminishes what does that the ice floats and allows to the life in the seas and frozen rivers.

Studying the water the man fixed the temperature scale between the ice and the steam of water to 100 degrees Celsius. The later advance of science decreed that a minimum temperature in the Universe exists to which the zero absolute one is denominated and whose value is of -273.15 degrees Celsius.

Once explained all this I will expose my discovery.

If we took the value from the terrestrial diameter like length unit, the size of the moon is 0.2731…

Earth size = 1 Moon size = 0.2731..

This one is the number of the zero absolute one that arose from which the man put number 100 between the ice and the water.

I will call this number NUMBER K = 0.27315

If we took the value from the solar day like time unit, the time of the moon is 27,3… days, that is to say, 100K days.

Earth time = 1 day Moon time = 27.3.. days

We can see a relation between water and moon.

If we make the inverse 100/K we obtain 366.09… that is the number of turns that the Earth gives in a year with respect to stars or what is the same the duration of a year in sidereal days (it is always the number of solar days + 1).

The relation between 100 and -273,15 in the temperatures of water is verified only in 1 pressure atmosphere.

Earth pressure = 1 Absolute zero = -273.15

Zero absolute in relation whit water = -273.15 degrees Celsius.

The moon drags the water on the Earth surface and generates the tides that are as well the people in charge to generate the wind. The Sun drags the water by the sky when evaporating it and it distributes for the planet thanks to it to the aid of the wind.

The Sun is 400 times greater more than the moon but this 400 times far away from the Earth surface, which causes that we see them of he himself size and producing the spectacular total or annular Sun eclipses.

The size of the moon 0,27315 and its time 27,315, if I raise the system of 2 equations with two incognitos 0.27315=X/Y ² and 27.315=X • Y ² I obtain like result X=2.7… and Y=3.1… the numbers e and pi, numbers of logical and geometric intelligence with a smaller error to 1%.

The K=0.27315 number contains all the prime numbers from the 0 to the 9.

All this induces to me to enunciate the theory that it was an intelligence with mathematical and scientific knowledge that design the system Earth-Moon-Sun and caused the origin of the life in our planet. The Earth is a gigantic designed spaceship 4,500 million years ago.





The terrestrial polar diameter is of 12.713.824 meters but the altitude of the North and South poles is 1-4 meters and 3200 meters. So we have a water sphere size of 12.710.624 meters.

The lunar polar diameter is of 3.471.940 meters.

If we make relation 3,471940/12710624 = 0.2731526

The error in percentage with respect to number K=0.27315 is -0,00095% In addition due to defrosting to the poles the error approaches zero.


The solar time is one day and the Moon time is 27,32166 days.

The error in percentage with respect to the number 100K=27.315 is the 0,024%. This error is stabilised (not grow and not decrease).


The solar year is of 366,256436 days sidereal.

The error in percentage with respect to the number 100/K=366.09 is the 0,0429%

In addition terrestrial rotation stops and the error approaches zero.


If I raise the system of equations size of moon in respect to the size of Eath = 0,2731526 = X/Y ² and the relation time moon (27,32166 days) with respect to the solar day (one day) = 27.32166 = X • Y ² I obtain Y=3.162… that are the number pi with a 0,666% error and X=2.731… that it is “e” number and with an error of the 0,49%.

Relation distances to the Earth surface-Sun / Earth surface-moon = 395.70

Relation in polar diameters size Sun / moon= 398.48

The difference is smaller to 1%

In summary, the water is ice 1000K degrees Celsius and liquid 100 degrees Celsius.

The Earth measures 1 and moon K.

The Earth turns around the sun 1 day and the moon 100K days.

The Earth in a year gives 100/K returned around stars.

The calendars solar and lunar are the same and are based on the water one comes from the function 100/K and the other of 100K.

That the sun eclipse is total always has been defined as an incredible cosmic chance, but this demonstrates that the chances are many more.



Salam (peace)

THEORY ABOUT THE ARTIFICIAL ORIGIN OF SYSTEM EARTH-MOON-SUN...That the sun eclipse is total always has been defined as an incredible cosmic chance, but this demonstrates that the chances are many more.



Salam (peace)


The implication you make that Earth will always have Total Solar eclipses is mistaken. It is estimated that in 500 million years the Moon will have receded from Earth sufficiently to prevent its eclipsing the entire disk of the Sun.


Curious About Astronomy: Will we ever stop having solar eclipses because of the moon's motion away from the Earth?


Find several related links to this question of the Moons's distance from Earth at the bottom of the above page. :turtle: ;)


Men poblates Earth from 160.000 years ago.

The last moon cuadrature in Tycho´s crater 100 million years ago but the last cuadrature was made in Earth with the Yucatan crater (65 million years ago) and the end of dinos.

Homos appear 50 million years ago

Man is just in the time. Do you understand me ? sorry I´dont speak english (from Spain).

Every thing was calculated to put men on Earth in the exect time of the numerical cuadrature.

You say 500 million years after there was no eclipse but maybe 500 million years after there was no numerical intelligence on Earth. Or maybe there was no Earth.


Now is the time not 500 million years ago.


Men poblates Earth from 160.000 years ago.

Do you have a reference supporting that figure?

The last moon cuadrature in Tycho´s crater 100 million years ago but the last cuadrature was made in Earth with the Yucatan crater (65 million years ago) and the end of dinos.


Quadrature of the Moon & Sun from Earth perspective occurs twice every month. Quadrature refers to a whole/entire bodie's position relative to 2 others and has no direct bearing on geophysical structures or locations on the bodies.


In astronomy, quadrature occurs when two celestial bodies appear 90° apart from one another as viewed from a third celestial body. As an example, the Moon and the Sun are in quadrature with respect to the Earth when the Moon is in its exact first quarter or last quarter phases. The symbol for astronomical quadrature is a hollow square. Quadrature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Homos appear 50 million years ago

Man is just in the time. Do you understand me ? sorry I´dont speak english (from Spain).

Every thing was calculated to put men on Earth in the exect time of the numerical cuadrature.

You say 500 million years after there was no eclipse but maybe 500 million years after there was no numerical intelligence on Earth. Or maybe there was no Earth.


Now is the time not 500 million years ago.



I think I understand. You write English well enough; how did you learn?


Inasmuch as you seem to promote a metaphysical view that I don't support on general principles, the specifics of your theory hold small on my time to debate them. :sun: :moon: :earth: :turtle:

In Spain we study engilsh in the publics school.

Plese: single languge. I don´t understand you. Sorry.

Thank you



Cool! In the United States we study Spanish in the public schools. Muy bien!


OK; single (did you mean 'simple'?) language. I do not believe it is possible to make a good theory about the origin of life on Earth by using the positions of planets, moons, and stars (suns). I do not think it is possible to make a good theory about the origin of life on Earth by using a reference to a creator. :turtle:


To Turtle: Imagine that in the future men seeds planets in other similar planets to Earth in the same conditions that in the Earth in the beging of life. If we can do it we can´t go there bacause reproduction wouldn´t be posble because the woman´s menstruation is in relation with moon (27.3 days).

The second step in this process will be to put a satellite with the same gravitational gradient influence that moon in Earth´s surface. This gradient depends from the mass and the distance. This thing let us play with satellite size and time . This permit to study many diferent ways to tell to the posible numerical intelligence evoluted (if evolution is true) that they have a intelligent creator.

The most incredible is that with oly one number K (100K is the same number) you obtained e and pi the most posible intelligece numbers. And K is zero absolute in relation whith water 1-2.7315 10-27.315 100 degrees-273.15 degrees. You only have to put one on Eath time and size and one in water the much valious composed chemical of the Universe (for life).

But men told that the most valious is Gold....(ignorance).

Wake up, humanity.

Salam (peace).


The ratio is of the diameters of Earth and moon is a pure number.

The value of absolute zero in degrees below the freezing point of water is a wholly arbitrary number.

Consequently the relatiohsip between the two, while interesting, is entirely coincidental.

  • 2 months later...
In Spain we study engilsh in the publics school.

Plese: single languge. I don´t understand you. Sorry.

Thank you



Actually you are not the first to see that the moon being able to eclipse the sun so precisely is a fantastic coincidence. I have read more than few people who think this a sign of some sort of intellegence being in control of us. the odds are very low that we would exist at the precise time the moon and the sun are the same diameter in the sky. Very strange and yet it could just be chance.



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