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Has anyone on this forum ever had a vision? Are you calling them hallucinations? I would like to note that I am not looking for the type of vision that requires sleep deprivation. I am looking for the type where you are minding your own business and then BOOM.


Hello buddhabee.

My main objective in this reality is to experience what you call "visions"

We have an eye within our eyes. A mind. No scientist can deny this.

I like to call our inner mind thing our "third eye"

This eye isn't always open. When it is, you can close your eyes and be flooded with visions of things you cannot even imagine. These visions may consist of any sense, not just sight. Sound is usually abundant in visions. I rarely smell or taste things in visions...

There are forms of yoga and asanas that get your third eye flowing.

Psychedelic alkaloids like mescaline, psilocybin, and dimethyltryptamine blow your third eye way open.

Sleep deprivation is a way to see visions...as well as going into a cave for days with no light. DMT will start to flow.

It's hard to distinguish the difference between visions and hallucinations...they're essentially the same, except for the fact that visions usually have a heavy connotation to them...they seem to emenate a certain purpose...or they may be totally absurdous and have no meaning except the Tao.

A hallucination is like delerium,

a vision is like wisdom.


Google "kundalini awakening"

People experience these all the time.

Inner explosions if the most divine intensity. leave you howling on the floor.






Howdy Orbsycli,

So lets say we include sleep deprivation and psychedelics. It doesn't seem to be that anyone has had them without one or the other of these being involved. So if you have had some...what were your experiences?


Look into Kundalini awakenings. These happen to sober people.

Dreaming is also a great place to observe visions.

There are certain ways to pry the eye...many different ways.

When I meditate I float in orbs of colors.

When I sleep I fly around in jet packs.

What does that mean though? Seems pointless.


The white light is symbolic. Halos.

Thelogists talk about it, and from my experiences

the "white light" that people see inside themselves

(Near death experiences, psychedelics, yoga and meditation)

is the connection to God.

You can ask yourself any question

and it is all so clear. So taoist.

I've seen fractal triangular tri-forces whipping around in a kaleidoscope-like fasion while listening to the ice plants on the cliff whisper absolute divinity through the wind, and I could actually hear the resonant frequencies of the space around me oscillating.

Every star's a different note. An infinite composition.


Some people live in this divinity (saints) at all times.

Others, like myself, have only touched samadhi.

I can see how these visions and experiences tie into religion, the evolution of consciousness, the vibration of molecules, and so forth-


These are just thoughts spilled over a cup of coffee from Golden gate park, California.


The ring of fire's spinning.

Has anyone on this forum ever had a vision? Are you calling them hallucinations? I would like to note that I am not looking for the type of vision that requires sleep deprivation. I am looking for the type where you are minding your own business and then BOOM.


I had a vision once but didn't think it was a vision at the time. While reading here and there in a very old and reputatively deceptive book, I came upon about a page and a half of very startling ideas by the author. I would have continued reading but I was so hungry that I had to put the book down and go out to eat. (I suppose that disqualifies my response due to food deprivation).


When I returned to the book, I couldn't find that usually startling section that I was amazed by earlier. Only after reading the whole book carefully from beginning to end did I realize that I had been reading the words of a vision. The startling things I had read for about a page and a half simply weren't there. I believe that what I read was a clear presentation of the author's beliefs.


Thanks Orb, I like your style of writing. Thanks for the Kundilini information.


Hi Shubee, Wow. Now that is something. That is really cool. Now that I would call a vision. I think that is very interesting. Do you remember the name of the book?

Do you remember the name of the book?


Yes. The name of the book is either The Living Temple or Living Temple and the author is John Harvey Kellogg. It's a book about health and hygiene, which Dr. Kellogg published around 1903. Kellogg believed some very odd things about God in nature but his strange ideas really aren't in his book. My brief vision was about his beliefs. I searched for other writings by Kellogg to try to confirm that my revelation was true. I didn't find anything else by him but I found a truly terrifying lecture by one of his closest associates, Dr. E. J. Waggoner, published in 1899. E. J. Waggoner wrote the forward to Kellogg's book. I view the very terrifying theology that is in Waggoner's published lecture as a strong confirmation of my vision.



They say that Kellog guy had something to do with the Urantia. ... Have you read the Urantia?


The Urantia Book (UB) was allegedly channeled by Wilfred Kellogg and edited by William Sadler, the founder of the Urantia Book Fellowship (UBF). Wilfred Kellogg was the son of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. The link between William Sadler and Dr. John Harvey Kellogg is that William Sadler got his start working for Dr. Kellogg and then basically joined the Kellogg family by marrying the sister of Wilfred Kellogg's wife.


I have never read The Urantia Book. I'm sure that the book is probably very dangerous. I bet that the strange thoughts in the book would have an evil influence on many people. Consider the bizarre consequences that developed by just being associated with John Harvey Kellogg. My strong warning to you is be satisfied with reading the reviews of the book on the internet.



The Urantia Book (UB) was allegedly channeled by Wilfred Kellogg and edited by William Sadler, the founder of the Urantia Book Fellowship (UBF). Wilfred Kellogg was the son of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. The link between William Sadler and Dr. John Harvey Kellogg is that William Sadler got his start working for Dr. Kellogg and then basically joined the Kellogg family by marrying the sister of Wilfred Kellogg's wife.


I have never read The Urantia Book. I'm sure that the book is probably very dangerous. I bet that the strange thoughts in the book would have an evil influence on many people. Consider the bizarre consequences that developed by just being associated with John Harvey Kellogg. My strong warning to you is be satisfied with reading the reviews of the book on the internet.




What is your source for that claim? Just what I have been looking for over here. >> http://hypography.com/forums/theology-forum/3199-urantia-book-who-couldve-hoaxed.html I recommend anyone who can, read Urantia, even if taken as science fiction. It is a curious charge to recommend someone not read something to gain understanding of it. B) No worries fellas; visions are all in our heads. Neuro-theology is where it's at. http://hypography.com/forums/theology-forum/9410-biotheology.html Be there, or be square. B) B)

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