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What I am saying is, we have to conserve and make the best use of natural resources,

Conservation - somebody else in some undefined tenebrous future deserves to consume it; and not them, either. Hey git: We put aside a mammoth 10% of everything every year that we may have more at the end. Do you know how much that will extend all the economic growth curves over a century of drastic conservation? About two years. Do the math for compound interest growth of consumption.


The solution to the whale oil crisis in the mid-1800s was not to conserve whale oil, to more efficiently use whale oil, to study whale oil, to government-regulate whale oil, to farm sperm whales, ro to sign sperm whale petitions. The solution was petroleum. Beware societies that grow comfortable in their ancestors' nightmares. Science does not solve problems, it renders them irrelevant.


Build nuclear reactors to civilian specs including a civilian fuel recycle - separate a clean short half-life beta-decay waste stream for modest storage. Reburn residual uranium and transuranics contaminated with nasty beta-emitters. Poof! No more fossil fuel problems. Right now we build nuclear reactors like they were being inserted into submarines. Stupid. A clean transuranic alpha-decay stream is isolated for bombs. The residual uranium and alpha-decay products plus beta-decay waste must be buried forever. It is an incredible stupidity and a political football.


I am a songwriter. Save The Planet is one of 400 songs I have written

Who hears the peatmoss when it cries? Buncha crap. If you want to save the planet, get rid of four billion Third World drones. Fumigate the prisons. Civilization knows what it is doing.

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