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So there's a meteor shower tonight.

Anyone know the peak time?

I'll be up on skyline blvd.


start looking NNE at sunset...best opportunity to see the 'earthgrazers' at that time. the earthgrazers don't head for the ground, they cut through high up; longest tails for the viewer. :shrug: keep looking generally East 'til Sunrise.


They are claiming a 'good show' of as many as 100 per hour, but they say that every year for the last many years and it has never panned out. I set out a lawn chair last night & watched off and on from Sunset 'til 1 am. I saw about 6 dim short out of the corner of the eye meteors and one nice blue earthgrazer. Last night we had some high clouds with breaks, but tonight we are socked in with cloud cover and so no meteor viewing expected.


top story for the day at spaceweather.com; photos, times to view, etcetera.

SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

that's all i got. :eek_big: :eek_big:

I had a quick look, but it was cloudy, so i didnt see anything

Since when are you in the northern hemisphere? :confused:


I saw a couple, but I don't exactly live in a "dark" place. A couple is better than none I suppose.

The curious thing however, is that the ones I did observe were directly above me. Not towards the horizon, but straight up from where I was watching. Is there any reason for this?


the light traveling from directly above you has less atmosphere to get through and hence will be brighter and easier to see.


Since when are you in the northern hemisphere?


Funny, i was unaware that meteors had a preference for a warmer climate :confused:


I was laying on the top of a mountain in a sleeping bag. All I saw was sky. The galaxy was apparent. There were meteors at least once every 30 seconds. Sometimes simultaniously. I felt like an outerspacenaut, floating around. My entire vision was filled with stars and some shooting. Some meteors even exploded and a bright white light was revealed. They streaked, left trails. I fell asleep in a trance, woke up to the first hint of sunshine and they were still shooting. Beautiful night!

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