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Like all knowledge I would like to learn anything / everything,

I have very Little knowledge of the Chinese Language :lol: but if you were willing maybe Tormod Would create Chinese forum in the "Language forums" I would be interested in learning this if you started off slow, :hihi:


And again Welcome, I'm Very glad your here.

Like all knowledge I would like to learn anything / everything,

I have very Little knowledge of the Chinese Language :lol: but if you were willing maybe Tormod Would create Chinese forum in the "Language forums" I would be interested in learning this if you started off slow, :hihi:


And again Welcome, I'm Very glad your here.


Haha, why not?

I'll try to start some threads, if enough you can create a Chinese forum and move the thread in...


Hi hamihaha.

Silly question: I've heard on a few occasions that the Chinese symbol for the word trouble depicts "two women under one roof" and have been unable to verify if that is true. It sounds a little suspect to me (but hilarious). True or false?



(Hello my friend thank you for teaching me the Chinese Language)


Question should I use

"Simplified Chinese "


"Traditional Chinese "




"Polite or formal"


when Translating Chinese, I have always felt uneasy when I send a Translated word file (Don't want to piss anyone off) if you could shed some light?


PS. kool link.:hihi:

Some funny character etymology here:

Colourful Characters - Chinese characters




Thanks for the link!

I daily use Systran (Babelfish)...

Do you speak french? I wrote an article (in French) about statistical translation...

Using this method, I translate my website alone in two languages (portuguese and italian) I don't speak!


Welcome Hamihaha!

Which part of China are you from?


Yes, Tormod, what about a Chinese Forum in Language Forum?


I've heard on a few occasions that the Chinese symbol for the word trouble depicts "two women under one roof"
An interesting one. Am trying to find out which word is it referred to...


"two women under one roof" sounds like trouble to me.




Question should I use

"Simplified Chinese "


"Traditional Chinese "




"Polite or formal"


Hi DougF,


It doesn't matter. Actually Traditional Chinese is used in both HongKong and Taiwan area whereas Simplified Chinese is used in mainland China. Well, there should be one more slightly different simplified version of Chinese which is being used in Singapore.


But all in all, it's only the fonds that different. I think they should not cause any polite / impolite or formal / imformal issue among these regions. I believe the tone and manner should be considered more.


Also the way we speak and the way we write are very different too.



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