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Can I declare my property my own separate country? Is there a law against that? Would the government even bother to acknowledge that its my own country? That would be cool. please get back to me.

Can I declare my property my own separate country? Is there a law against that? Would the government even bother to acknowledge that its my own country? That would be cool. please get back to me.

I suppose you can declare that you have started your own country. The Confederacy did and you remember how that ended. Now if you entered into some foreign alliance then you would be violating the Constitution as only the President can deal with foreign policy and only Congress ratifies treaties. So, if you put up a sign saying here is "Theory5 Nation" probably no one would bother you as long as you pay your taxes and do not print your own money.


T5, One of my favorite examples is The Republic of Rough and Ready, California. In 1850 they succeeded for three months before voting to return to their former status. There is a city in Australia that has become it own nation, and has very close ties to the Australian government. Rep to you if you can find a link to it here at Hypo. It is here someplace, I remember the conversation.



... probably no one would bother you as long as you pay your taxes and do not print your own money.
Since its T5's own country of course, there'd be no one else inside the country to trade with so there'd be little excuse for money...in fact, you'd have that mythical "Moneyless Society" that everyone's talking about... :evil:


Indivisible, with liberty and justice for me,



To the best of my knowledge, the formula goes like this:


Seccession = High Treason = Death Penalty.


So, yes - you can declare your own country. But you'll need a biggish army if you want to make it last for longer than ten minutes.

Can I declare my property my own separate country?
There is a slight jurisdictional hitch. Is it your property? Before declaring independence you had the benefit of the state within which it lies guaranteeing your right of property. After becoming independent, you have no guarantee but your own. The same goes for the independence itself, so ya better choose your foreign policy carefully.


Is there a law against that?
Probably not explicitly, because most nations simply don't contemplate the case. Maybe some modernist ones do; Prodi's proposed EU constitution provided for opt-out as much as for opt-in, it was of course to be a federal constitution, and that of a modern federation highly based on good neighborly relations.


The Confederacy did and you remember how that ended.
Why do Americans call it the Civil War, while it's called the secession war in other countries? :evil:


Now if you entered into some foreign alliance then you would be violating the Constitution as only the President can deal with foreign policy and only Congress ratifies treaties.
Which constitution and which president? This argument is somewhat an oxymoron.


So, if you put up a sign saying here is "Theory5 Nation" probably no one would bother you as long as you pay your taxes and do not print your own money.
Sealand prints its own money, stamps, and even issues Sealand passports. The UK gov't simply doesn't recognize it and really doesn't bother with it.


T5, One of my favorite examples is The Republic of Rough and Ready, California. In 1850 they succeeded for three months before voting to return to their former status. There is a city in Australia that has become it own nation, and has very close ties to the Australian government.
Never heard of these, I'll be looking up! :thumbs_up


But you'll need a biggish army if you want to make it last for longer than ten minutes.
The Repubblica di San Marino doesn't have a big army at all. Apart from two very brief occupations during the later Middle Ages and moments of tension during neighboring conflicts, it has maintained its independence for about 17 centuries, by means of good neighborly relations as it came to be surrounded by larger states. Currently, its foreign policy is aligned with that of Italy but it is still fully its own jurisdiction; it also shares things including the official language and currency and, even with the Euro, still has conventions for minting its own.
There is a slight jurisdictional hitch. Is it your property? Before declaring independence you had the benefit of the state within which it lies guaranteeing your right of property.


Well....no. Its my parents property and technically the bank owns it but as long as they pay the bank, we own it.




I suppose you can declare that you have started your own country. The Confederacy did and you remember how that ended. Now if you entered into some foreign alliance then you would be violating the Constitution as only the President can deal with foreign policy and only Congress ratifies treaties. So, if you put up a sign saying here is "Theory5 Nation" probably no one would bother you as long as you pay your taxes and do not print your own money.


last time I checked the confederacy was about 1/2 the united states, and they were FOR slavery. and that my house sits on an acre of land(with most of the backyard saved as conservation land by the state(or government))and I can proudly say that MY country wont have racial profiling.


And If i created my own country why would I have to pay taxes?


"All this came to an abrupt halt less than three months later when, preparing for an Independence Day celebration, it was realized the independent country of Rough and Ready, no longer a part of the United States, had no reason to celebrate."

people are so funny.


You have to remember that the Civil War wasn't fought over slavery. It was fought over economic issues, spawning from many issues including the abolishment of slavery.


We can all agree slavery is atrocious. But why can't we decide to separate from the rest of the country? Our declaration of independence states:


"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


A present day result would be the declaration of an emergency, martial law, the suspension of habeas corpus, and a complete owning. There is no room for insurrection.

There is a slight jurisdictional hitch. Is it your property? Before declaring independence you had the benefit of the state within which it lies guaranteeing your right of property. After becoming independent, you have no guarantee but your own. The same goes for the independence itself, so ya better choose your foreign policy carefully.

Well....no. Its my parents property and technically the bank owns it but as long as they pay the bank, we own it.

Try Again no-one (here in the states anyway) actually "OWNS" their property...even if it's payed for...don't believe me?.. Ever heard of "school taxes" how about property taxes?

Your home is the only thing you can purchase but never own due to these...Which is thoroughly f####d up because Americans are gauranteed the right to own property (Bill of rights or Constitution I don't remember or care which) These taxes are based not on what you actually paid for your property but on what ever the value of the property is as determined by the county assessor so if your property value goes up you pay more make improvements (add a garage for instance) it goes up, if the borough can't balance the budget it goes up, schools need more money it goes up.

Interestingly it never goes the other way! In short you pay an awful lot of money for the privelage of renting your home from the local govt. Fail to pay... they sieze your home and sell it to cover the debt... Which is why the State and Federal Govt. fail to protect us from this illegal taxation...Tax sales lead to resales (get rich quick buying and selling tax forclosed houses sound familiar? How many infomercials selling info on how to do just that?) which leads to more money in their coffers in the form of income tax.

(Bill of rights or Constitution I don't remember or care which)


well yea, its ALWAYS in the constitution. the right to bear arms, YOU just try bringing a pocket knife or gun on a plane. The thing is, because of lawyers we have loopholes. They can obey everything in the constitution yet still take away our rights and such. who stands up? no one. Everyone is just so passive, and they believe everything on the news anyways. "WHAT! nuclear bombs were accidentally loaded on a plane and flow over the US?!?!?!?!?!... boy they willl get an angry letter after this beer." Isnt that what everyone pretty much though when that even happened? EVERYTHING is wrong with

America. we are AGAINST the very things we are supposed to stand for.



"The United States does not give back people who come to us seeking shelter. My land is made up of people who came seeking freedom. We welcomed them; we did not turn them away." - Secretary of State Cordell Hull over the matter of the traitor of the Race {former} Shiplord Straha.(WorldWar Series "Upsetting The balance

This is one of my favorite quotes because its supposed to be true. yet its not . Our own president is against illegal immigrants, He doesn't know what its like to live in Mexico or anyplace like that! so what does he know?


we are so blind to the stuff put right before us. somewhat because of the news, and our own laziness.

we need to do stuff about where our government is going.



Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government


who knows about this? its in the Constitution. I read about it in the history books (by myself. I think they skip that part)

yet what do we do about it?

We just cant go up to them and say: here is a petition we want you out.

NO They vote on it. using the same system we are trying to get rid of! It would involve lawyers to fight them, yet another part of their system!

Try Again no-one (here in the states anyway) actually "OWNS" their property...even if it's payed for...don't believe me?.. Ever heard of "school taxes" how about property taxes?

Your home is the only thing you can purchase but never own due to these...Which is thoroughly f####d up because Americans are gauranteed the right to own property (Bill of rights or Constitution I don't remember or care which) These taxes are based not on what you actually paid for your property but on what ever the value of the property is as determined by the county assessor so if your property value goes up you pay more make improvements (add a garage for instance) it goes up, if the borough can't balance the budget it goes up, schools need more money it goes up.

Interestingly it never goes the other way! In short you pay an awful lot of money for the privelage of renting your home from the local govt. Fail to pay... they sieze your home and sell it to cover the debt... Which is why the State and Federal Govt. fail to protect us from this illegal taxation...Tax sales lead to resales (get rich quick buying and selling tax forclosed houses sound familiar? How many infomercials selling info on how to do just that?) which leads to more money in their coffers in the form of income tax.

Slight correction...


A government like those in the US generates no revenue, but does have costs. It supplies services and employs people as public servants. All of that requires money. The cost of a government is the mutual debt of the citizens who reap the services of that government. The debt generated by the government is shared by the citizens and paid for with taxes. Property taxes are just one way of collecting from landowners their duty toward the mutual debt of the locality. If the taxes are not paid the seizure of the land can happen, but usually every other method is exhausted prior to that happening.


There are times when taxes are dropped. Dropping income taxes can increase revenues because of the dynamic effects of the population having their own money to spend use in the open economy. People with money are better for the economy than government with money. There is a declining return for cutting taxes and ultimately there is a point where cutting taxes lowers revenues. The way taxes are calculated can have a huge effect on the overall economy as well, with some tax cuts stimulating more growth than others. But the general rule of thumb is this; nothing from the government is ever free. If you want the government to do something it needs to collect taxes to pay for it. The more you want a government to do, the more taxes it requires.


Want to stop the growth of taxes or even shrink them? Fight to keep government as small as possible. And buy a house.



And If i created my own country why would I have to pay taxes?


As long as your country is acknowledged as a sovereign entity by whatever country you stole land from, then sure. Otherwise you face overthrow from hostile natives (the police) from failure to comply with international law (not paying taxes).


I think finding a remote island is your only option at this point. Then just hope the war fleets or pirates from nearby nations don't come and take you over. :)

But the general rule of thumb is this; nothing from the government is ever free. If you want the government to do something it needs to collect taxes to pay for it. The more you want a government to do, the more taxes it requires.


Want to stop the growth of taxes or even shrink them? Fight to keep government as small as possible. And buy a house.


Very Jeffersonian! :)


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

Thomas Jefferson

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