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Hi there!


This is a site devoted to discussing a wide range of subjects including Theology. You're welcome to bring your topics here for discussion, but our rules specifically disallow simply promoting other sites. Its spam, and our members don't appreciate it.


C'mon, sounds like you have some interesting things to say! Say them here! Listen to the feedback, and you're sure to learn something!


More than yada, yada, yada, :rolleyes:


  • 4 weeks later...

Actually I am not happy with the suppression of links on the ground that it is spam, to get people to visit other websites.


And what is wrong with that, if the link is to materials associated with the topic of the thread?


Suggestion to Buffy the fearless vampire slayer(?): Please hold that wooden stake, not every bat is a vampire. Laugh.



About prophecies in the Bible, from stock knowledge, it is not really about predictions but more on reminders from special emissaries of the Jewish God, socalled prophets, to His chosen people to watch out, lest they go astray and lapse into a-whoring with unclean uncircumcised tribes.



So, what is the reminder with that 666 beast all about?


Simple: Render to Cesar the things that are Cesar's, and to God the things that are God's.


The trouble is when as had happened in history for long long years, Cesar is the anointed vizier of God, then you have double taxation.



And who's wiser?





Actually I am not happy with the suppression of links on the ground that it is spam, to get people to visit other websites.


And what is wrong with that, if the link is to materials associated with the topic of the thread?

If this thread actually had any discussion in it and the linked site had information that was *relevant* to the discussion here, then there'd be no problem.


What you need to look at is that this thread was *created* simply to post this link, and that is indeed spam. In the spirit of not allowing the poster to covet--indeed steal--this site's hard-earned Google ranking, we have explicit rules against this.


Simply because we have a Theology *forum* on this site does not provide any excuse to simply create threads to try to get people to go to another site.


Or would you have a problem if I put "Devil Worshipers for Pedophilia" sign up on your own front lawn?


The explicit purpose of the Theology Forum on this site is to provide a place to discuss comparative religious beliefs and the sociological impacts thereof. It is not a place to discuss the superiority of one belief over another (or over lack of belief), and we have explicit rules against such proselytizing.


If you don't like that, that's fine, but this is a moderated forum and if you want to discuss such things, you'll find *plenty* of other places on the Internet to do so.

So, what is the reminder with that 666 beast all about?


Simple: Render to Cesar the things that are Cesar's, and to God the things that are God's.


The trouble is when as had happened in history for long long years, Cesar is the anointed vizier of God, then you have double taxation.

And so what does that say about the nature of and interaction between religious and political institutions? Since there is obviously no firewall in many places (and many people here in the US trying to break it down because the are "offended" by the notion that this should not be a "Christian Nation"), the two mix readily, but why should we be critical of politicians and not of religious leaders? What standards can we use to judge them? What can we do about the fact that there are few if any mechanisms within religious hierarchies for their removal?
And who's wiser?
Perhaps those who take a critical look at *all* those who claim to be anointed by God...


To grease a king or other great functionary already sufficiently slippery, B)





I guess there must be some board on complaints and suggestions, then?


Anyway, peace, man.



But, from curiosity, why not just suppress the thread totally and give the author a warning?



You say it's allowed to come out with the suppression of the link, just the same, for a lesson to others and to posterity?



Congratulations then, you are one terrific dude of a moderator.






You might want to spend more than 12 posts getting the feel for a site before you make a bunch of accusations.




Further, exactly which part of the below is not clear to you?





If it were my site, I'd have banned your *** already, so shut about it. Nobody is forcing you to play here.



Spoken from someone who has not only had issues with the staff, but who's been on it. B)

I guess there must be some board on complaints and suggestions, then?
Yes! It's here.
But, from curiosity, why not just suppress the thread totally and give the author a warning?
Sometimes we do. If its a "one-post spammer"--like this one was--leaving them up as an example serves a purpose. Gentler souls who are trying to be good members do deserve having their records expunged where appropriate.
Congratulations then, you are one terrific dude of a moderator.

Thanks! You made my day! B)


What about abstemiously, B)



I must confess that I have not read the rules for this board on theology.


That is my peccadillo, not to read the terms of agreement in signing up to register for posting in a web message board, but just the same to agree to the terms whatever; because the worst that will happen to me is termination of life in that web forum.


But I always approach a web forum on the assumption that since it is publicly displayed and it invites everyone and anyone to sign up, then it must be dedicated to the principle of free thought, free inquiry, and free speech, the last of course done in a civil manner.



Now, I know about spamming, meaning using the forum for advertising one's money-making scheme.


And I also know about proselytizing, which is to gain others to your views; or shall we say convictions?



On that basis of gaining others to your views or points of view, then everyone who has ever said anything that is not for pure practice to exercise one's vocal cords, but to communicate, everyone is into proselytizing because everyone just loves to gain others to his own points of view.



Yes, I understand what is being tabooed here is religious proselytizing, like that done by Mormons or Witnesses going from door to door to proselytize, gain members to their church affiliation.



Sure, I can avoid and I don't have any such proselytizing in mind, not at all.


I just love to say my piece, just for the fun of engaging in the exercise of putting words to ideas which I think could be enjoyable for others to read, as they are enjoyable to myself to put in writing -- whatever the shortcomings of my language.




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