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  • 2 weeks later...
We made this video:


[Proselytizing video claiming Islam is superior to other beliefs removed]




Perhaps, the author should have just invited people to see the video by asking for it with a private message; then it would not have been removed, I presumed by a forum staffer.


Anyway, if the author is willing and it is not against the forum discipline, I am disposed to see the video if you just send it to me by private message.


About the title of your thread: Re: Real İslam is reverse of spiritualism, do you mean that it is your opinion that Islam is not into spirituality, i.e., spiritual life, meaning things like abstinence from sex, not being overly greedy with money, cultivating humility, aspiring after union with God, spell that Allah for Muslims.


I beg to disagree wholeheartedly; for me according to my knowledge of Islam, it is also a very spiritual religion.


Don't be misled by its practice of plurality of wives -- four wives and unlimited concubines; this is the most practical and even spiritually oriented doctrine and practice in the name of goodness to women.


Not be sardonic, but with such a doctrine and discipline many otherwise unwed old maids have the much greater possibility of getting properly wedded as traditional wives and as legitimate concubines.


Talk about any ascetical and mystical exercises in Judaism, Christianity, or the non-theistic Buddhism, and you will not find Islam wanting today and also in its whole long glorious history, except for its current predicament.





İ am posting the video to your message box, friend.


We saying different things.




I saw your link conveyed to me by private message. Thanks.



Yes, friend, we are saying different things. I was thinking that you are a secularized Turk and have jettisoned your Islamic faith, but you are actually a devout Muslim Turk, trying to wean people from the lure of New Age spiritism.


By the way I visited Turkey some years back and found it a very beautiful country. Everywhere I went there are statues to Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey.


It must be tough on the faithful Muslims though, to have to see statues of Ataturk everywhere; because Islam absolutely forbids the use of statues, well perhaps absolutely not in a religious domain but allowed in a civic venue. What do you say?


Back to our misunderstanding, not intentional of course -- I admire your religious zeal to set people outside Islam to the harm of mistaking New Age spiritism with traditional spirituality of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


You see, in my customary English, what you call and New Agers call spiritualism, is spiritism, that is, communicating with spirits.


There is a saying popular among Christians in my land, that when man speaks to God it is prayer, but when he feels that God speaks to him, it could be and most probably is delusion, as in delirium tremens. Hahaha.



I guess in Islam there is the similar injunction against trying to contact spirits to learn from them and even to have visitations from them. One can be getting into one's own head all kinds of hallucinatory experiences which can lead a person otherwise in contact with objective reality to live in a demented world ruled by his own imagined spirits from the outer realm.




I must congratulate Muslims, because among world religions of over a thousand and a half years of history, Islam is the only one where its Holy Book is written by the founder himself, Mohamed -- great guy he, no nay-saying about that.





Mohamed -- great guy he, no nay-saying about that.

Good strategist, good warlord & warmonger, and ranked in "The 100 - The definitive list of the 100 most influential people in history" at #1, the most influential single person in history. Not for his religious impact on the world as you might think, but largely because the shape and layout of the modern world is in a big part due to Mohammed's meddlings in 500AD politics and warfare. The history of Europe would not have panned out as it did were it not for Mohammed. Think of the Crusades, and the reciprocal invasions by the Muslims into Europe.


But great according to morals and philosophy? I think not. No single belief system can claim that prize. Let's consider the religions of Abraham's sons:


The Jews:

Believe in an Old Testament God. This God demands from you the following:

Stoning of homosexuals, prosititutes, etc. This God also does not seem to frown upon incest, infanticide, murder, genocide, warfare and general mayhem. The fact that the Jews don't partake in these Old Testament demands anymore shows that their religion is a watered-down affair, diluted to suit modern lifestyles and needs. Which means their religion is mostly for show, if you get down to the nitty-gritty of it.


The Christians:

Believe in the New Testament as superceding the Old Testament, having been brought to them by Jesus Christ, a Messiah predicted in the Old Testament. This Messiah is fallible, and morally suspect. This is demonstrated in the example of Him dooming an olive tree to eternal barrenness, for the vile crime of not carrying olives for His pleasure when He strolled by. This was, unfortunately for the poor olive tree, totally the wrong season for olives, too, but that did not prevent Him from exercising His wrath. Donkeys got punished similarly for not being available when He needed a lift.

Jesus had His good points, preaching love and kindness to all, but it seems as if His example was lacking, in the light of above examples. Or maybe He simple set a precedent for those Christians to follow, where Christianity in the last 2000 years probably caused more deaths and destruction than any other reason, theological or political. If the preachings of Jesus is considered, together with the actions of today's Christians, is seems that their religion is also mostly for show, once you get to the nitty-gritty of it.



The third and youngest of the flavours of belief in the Abrahamic God, Islam was founded by Mohammed in the 6th century. History shows Mohammed, or "The Prophet" as he's fondly known by his adherents (he never claimed to be anything more than a man, no Messiah-delusion there), was a very clever strategist and warlord. He unified in a big way the tribes of the Arabian peninsula, and tailored a version of religion that suited their nomadic lifestyles. The clever strategist he was, he used religion to united all these tribes for his own political ends. It definitely worked, as we can now see, some 1,500 years later. But if we read the Koran, and its message of peace, tolerance, etc., we can also see that their religion is mostly for show, once you get down to the nitty-gritty of it.


In conclusion, Islam can be what it wants to be, the reverse of spiritualism, I don't think in the Great Scheme of Things anybody will lose any sleep over it. The reason for this, of course, is that like Christianity and Judaism, Islam is also for show, invented many, many years ago to united scattered tribes, using their ignorance and belief in the supernatural as a handy tool to achieve these political ends. It's now 1,500 years later. But is seems as if the people are still the same ignorant bunch they were thousands of years ago, because they are still lapping up these three religions with gusto. I'm amazed that any single Jew, Christian of Muslim can read or write, and has full access to public libraries, universities, the internet, etc. Because it seems as if these cultural inventions of dissemminating knowledge simply made no dent in the childish beliefs in the supernatural that seems to be demanded by these three (and all other) religions.


Mohammed was a crafty and shifty warlord, Jesus was crazy as a hatter with delusions of grandeur, believing he was the son of God. Today, such people are certifiable. Back in the day, psychologists were very thinly spread, and ignorant people believed that if someone said they were, indeed, the 'Son of God', you had to at least give him the benefit of the doubt. But none of them were Messiahs or Prophets of some invisible super-powered God.


I will now stop. I've had enough of this bull.

  • 1 month later...


EVERY religion is the reverse of spiritualism --

Spirituality is "when God (alias Devil) and his money and matter no longer matter." (The God of one religion/cult is always the devil of another thus they are the same, only the brain-washing by the politicians called preachers makes the difference. )


Religion is the exterminator of Spirituality. To do its work for money and matter, religions must exterminate the Messengers of spirituality, that is why the religion of Jews exterminated/crucified Christ: he was the proverbial Messenger of Spirituality in which money and its "matter" no longer matter.



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