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What if all the people who want change in America come together as one and create a new document not to separate the united states from anything but to implement change into the system.


It's like a massive update for our laggy old computer.


I think this is a great idea. You?


Not just america.

Anyone on Earth could sign this thing.

It would get millions of signatures.


I'm not quite sure how you would get such a stubborn old fat computer to absorb such a sacred document of peace and evolution,





Hi Orb,


It could be called 'The Universal declaration of independence (against tyranny)' and could get billions of signatures, if only the vested interests could be prevented from corrupting the process.


That's the real problem, the vested interests win if nothing is done or if whatever is done becomes corrupted, they have a 66% chance of sating their unnatural greed (and their fervent hypocrisy) by following their own status quo.

what are vested interests?


Hi Orb,


Vested interest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A vested interest is the state or condition of having a special interest in protecting or supporting something for the purpose of self-interest, gain or benefit, often financially or politically. By way of protecting their vested interests, individuals, groups or other entities may seek to maintain a status quo. However, if changing a system works in one's favor, supporting or effecting such change may also be in one's vested interest. "Vested interests" may also refer collectively to individuals or groups which seek to maintain a favorable state of affairs.


A politician may therefore be said to have a vested interest in making a particular decision or achieving a particular outcome. For example, if the politician owns shares in a company which may be awarded a lucrative government contract, he or she may have a vested interest in seeing that the company wins the contract. Conversely, a company which would benefit from a change in government policy will have a vested interest in the successful election of a candidate who supports such a change. Politicians are often required to declare financial interests and/or divest themselves of any asset or influence which may be seen as or lead to a conflict of interest. Failing to do so may amount to political corruption.


Those that seek to have their own personal beliefs forced upon the masses by "lining the pockets" of those that have the power to do so. These are typically called special interest groups.


The politicians they fund have a "vested interest" in keeping them happy.


Weapon manufacturers have a "vested interest" in civil unrest and war.


Politicians also have a vested interest in keeping us distracted by war, illegal aliens,

social security reform etc. so we don't know just how bad they are bangin our backsides.

What if all the people who want change in America come together as one and create a new document not to separate the united states from anything but to implement change into the system.

I think this is a great idea. You?

I have a few thoughts.


First, the devil is in the details. What, specifically, would this document say? “Massively change the system” isn’t in an actionable directive, and, second, any such vague requirement can be used not only to make the system better, but to make it worse. An authoritarian church-run hereditary dictatorship would be a “massive change”, and far from unlikely, might have the most support of any plan. Recall that, as of 2004, 23% of Americans identify themselves as “evangelical Christians”. A similar percentage of the population openly favor elimination of the current Constitutional separation of church and state.


Third, you might be surprised how difficult it is to get a large number of people to sign anything. Although we commonly think of representational democracies – republics – as being designed to add caution and control lacking in direct democracies, they also can also enable it to take reach a majority consensus that a direct democracy can’t. As a whole, the People can be so cautious and conservative that they avoid change or decisive action of any kind.


As a teenager in the 1970s, I spent a couple of years collecting signatures to petition Congress to amend the Constitution to require states to treat the killing of children under 18 as a severe a crime as the killing of adults. Surprisingly – one would not imagine that any person would not object to reduced criminality of the killing of children in some states - this was not an easy sell. Activist action was influential in the several state legislatures changing most state laws, making such an Amendment unnecessary. Had such legislation required the grass-roots approval of a majority of citizens, I don’t believe if would have occurred.


For political activists, I believe there’s no substitute for field experience. History and individual experience show that, left to their own devices, all the People simply won’t come together to create anything, but require leaders to come forward and lead. Such leadership is a skill, and, like any skill, must be learned.

Just wanted your opinions before I go off on a crazy mission . .


"Think before you act"


yeah. like that?


The problem (as I see it) Orb, is that your passion shifts with each passing breeze. You are topical in your interest, and minimal in your actual involvement. Root your interest, find your anchor, and no storm will take you off course. Until then, you do not effect change, you experience it.


Excuse me sir but my passions do not shift they multiply. (and yeah, some shift, but whose doesn't?)

Yes I'm going to write a new document with the help of you guys and everyone I know and everyone who wants change.

Yes it will be poetic. Political.



I hate being lied to. It bothers me. I hate that all of these people are all being lied to. It bothers me. I want sincerity, I want peace,

I know how easy and possible it is I am a hippy and that is how us animals live.

Don't try.



By himself?


Yes I'm going to write a new document with the help of you guys and everyone I know and everyone who wants change.
That's better. You need to involve a good representation of all those that would be affected and who's approval you will seek to get.


Trouble is today there is absolutely no social cohesion. :shrug:

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