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I can offer no better example of different ''brain wiring'' than the last few posts. Obviously these people are wired alike.




They interpret data or information the same way and express themselves in similar fashion. It would be quite interesting to find out what their political and societal philosophy is. It would also be interesting to know their age and employment history. I think I could construct a personality profile for them by asking a few questions. This would not be done on this site, but by personal email.


Email is too slow, I'm not scared. :doh:


I'm a 29 year old male guitar-playing environmentalist that holds a Bachelor of Science degree in freshwater ecology. My main hobbies are science, music, and nature. When not involved with my hobbies, I enjoy the company of my friends and family. I'm currently employed as an ecological consultant and have had a variety of jobs in the past including: waiting tables, REI salesperson, office depot salesperson, natural foods clerk, my own computer repair business, and my first job as a burger flipper.


So which candidate am I voting for? :D

Ok, to keep it simple, guess which party I'm voting for?

Now which side of my brain is the dominant one?

(note: I listed those questions in that specific order for a very specific reason, to make a point; more on that later)


To make it unbiased and to prevent claims of lying, before you answer these questions, give me the name of any member here (that we mutually trust) and I will PM them my answers and make a post when I have done so (you may contact them to make sure they got the answers, but obviously you can not get the answers before answering yourself). That will be an unbiased test of your theory. It's not going to be completely convincing with only one case if you answer correctly (to me or anybody else with statistical knowledge), but if you're wrong, then hopefully you will see the need to abandon the theory, or at least seriously revise it.


Are you game? :hyper:


I'm game, but since I proposed the test, I make the rules. I can use the info you provided, but I need the answer to some questions. I'm not going to do this on Hypography because others here may have no interest. After I look at the data, I'll let you know what I think. I will not share this with anyone but you, but you may share my findings with anyone you choose, or choose to say nothing. It could be an interesting experiment. If you give me your email address, I will mail the questions tomorrow.

I'm game, but since I proposed the test, I make the rules.


Since I am a willing subject, I'll make the decision to participate. :)


I can use the info you provided, but I need the answer to some questions.




I'm not going to do this on Hypography because others here may have no interest.


I'm quite sure that several people would be interested in raw data regarding this claim. If you can produce raw data that verifies your claims, then I'm sure many of the skeptical views of your theory would disappear. While I find that highly unlikely, I'm a willing specimen for testing it out. :shrug:


After I look at the data, I'll let you know what I think. I will not share this with anyone but you, but you may share my findings with anyone you choose, or choose to say nothing. It could be an interesting experiment. If you give me your email address, I will mail the questions tomorrow.


Mail the questions to me through PM and I'll decide whether I want to continue on or not. I imagine that your questions are benign and will yield acceptable data. If so, we're actually going somewhere with this. :hihi:

Let me repeat my rules: I will not use the site for personal communication. You and others have seen fit to reprimand and nit-pick my posts, so this will only be done by email to avoid inflaming the moderators.
For the purposes of conducting the test you propose, rest assured that the contents of a questionnaire posted in this or another thread will not be interpreted as containing claims subject to the usual site rules.


Although private messages are subject to the rules concerning rudeness and personal attacks, they are private, and are reviewed by hypography staff only at the request of sender or recipient(s). If you feel a non-public exchange is preferable to a public one, feel free to use PMs.


It looks like you [freeztar] are trying to back away from the experiment by imposing escape clauses:

''Mail the questions to me through PM and I'll decide whether I want to continue on or not. I imagine that your questions are benign and will yield acceptable data. If so, we're actually going somewhere with this. ''

Any forum, PM, or email thread can be ended by either party at any time simply by not replying to it. No escape clauses are necessary. In a forum thread, the only time this may result in infractions or other consequences potentially affecting a member’s posting privileges at hypography is when a request to support a previously posted claim is ignored.

Craig, thanks for your statement of the rules. Since enforcement here seems subjective, I will still ask that the experiment be done by email. If anyone else wants to participate under the same rules, please do. If freeztar does not want to participate, it is his choice. You will note I have posted my own email address so I can be easily reached.

Craig, thanks for your statement of the rules. Since enforcement here seems subjective, I will still ask that the experiment be done by email. If anyone else wants to participate under the same rules, please do. If freeztar does not want to participate, it is his choice. You will note I have posted my own email address so I can be easily reached.




You and I frequently disagree, and we may not get along very well, but I must offer you some friendly (although, unsolicited) advise.


You really should remove your email from open view in the thread.


You are setting yourself up for a real headache, and are opening yourself up to attack from the spam bots out there that troll internet fora like this for email addresses.



Do what you wish, but I suggest you remove your personal email from the thread, removing it from public view, and share it only via PM with anyone interested in participating.



In the spirit of friendship,

iNow ;)


Freeztar, You gave me enough information and I have observed your comments enough to make my profile even though you chose not to participate in the test. Let me say that I don't think you will vote for a conservative presidential candidate. Sorry you didn't want to play, I think everyone could have learned something.

Modest, don't bother to take the test.


A left brain, right brain test? They are widely available - I was just looking for one to take. I'm honestly curious because my first 2 years in college were for engineering, but I switched majors and finished in architecture which is very artistic. I've had this discussion with a group of people from my dorm when I switched majors. We honestly couldn't come to the conclusion of which side of my brain was dominant. I am looking for a convincing-looking online test now. I'm glad you already know - I don't have a clue.



You and Freeztar are soul brothers. If you want to know your opinion, ask him his.


Also, thank you for the compliment. I've found freeztar to be very helpful since I became a member a short time ago. I would have nothing but the best to say about him - obviously a credit to hypography.


Honestly, thank you,





Blogthings - Are You Right or Left Brained?


***You Are 65% Left Brained, 35% Right Brained***



The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.

Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.

If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.

Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.


The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.

Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.

If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.

Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.


And I'll be voting for Barack Obama, if I get the chance :shrug:


Another interesting brain duality is the cerebral and the cerebellum. The cerebral is about twice the size of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is located at the bottom back of the brain closer to the brain stem. It is responsible for processing movement of muscles to help smooth movement out. If we didn't have the cerebellum we would walk like robots. The cerebellum makes us smoother and is the processor that is lacking in robotic movement.


From that simple contrast one might conclude that people with better muscle control, such as athletes have better cerebellum development. Things like singing and dancing would benefit by better cerebellum development. Just as it is hard to develop the left and right sides of the brain equally, with people excelling in one side, it is also possible cerebral and cerebellum development is also unequally developed in most people. One can stereo type this contrast as the jock who doesn't do good at school but scores touch downs. Or the nerd that can't catch a ball but wins the science fair.


Speaking, being due to muscle control, is benefits by the cerebellum. Many deep thinkers often don't have much to say since they stay cerebral and may not work out the cerebellum enough to speak long without effort. While people who talk too much, often don't think before speaking. But there are also those who can use both and carry out an intelligent conversation.


A politician needs good speaking-cerebellum development to talk endlessly. They typically have staff writers and advisors to do the bulk of the cerebral processing for them. But on the other hand, many of the writers and advisors don't have the verbal-cerebellum to be spokesman. It takes a team effort to get one entire virtual brain.


Though I feel the same way, modest, I'll live by your moniker and not respond except for the tip of my hat. ;)



I was administered this test by a practicing psychologist when I was in high school. I've since taken several online tests and have found that my results are generally consistent. On a scale of 1-10, I average around 4.6. Converting that to percentages equals 64% left brained and 46% right brained. Maybe we are "soul brothers"? ;)


And I'll be voting for Barack Obama, if I get the chance ;)


Funny you should say that. ;)

I'm leaning towards Barack and will most likely vote for him in the upcoming primary. I'll amend my decision for final presidential candidate as research warrants and electoral certainty surfaces.


But, seeing as we are "soul brothers", we are obviously just contiguously-arranged outlying data. :)


Hmmm.....Left-brained soul brothers leaning toward Barack Obama, the liberal.


How is this possible based on your theory, questor? :hihi:


By the way, I ended up 55% Left-brained, 45% Right-brained according to this specific test. Looks like I'm barely under the wire to be qualified as a candidate for president.


Although I'm sure that if you are more than 10% Right-brained, you're branded a liberal and are therefore disqualified for president. :tree:


Ha! Check this out...

Not exactly the type of wiring that questor was thinking of, but interesting nonetheless.


As reported in this week's issue of "New Scientist" magazine, research by Rice University professor of political science John Alford indicates that what is on one's mind about politics may be influenced by how people are wired genetically.

Is political orientation transmitted genetically?

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