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I was playing first time freedroid and you really shoul try it mainly for the message which comes if you wait for pressing "any" key when asked to do it.


But anyway, it got stucked and the only way I found to get out was powering of my laptop...is there something like the ctrlaltdel on windows to make you stop a stucked application?


There is ctrl alt backspace, which just quickly resets the interface or somesuch. closes everything down. only way i know of to get a task manager is through (i assume your on ubuntu?) the system/admin menu.


not all as hard as it seems, sanctus, there are a few linux combinations you need to know that do a multitude of wonderful linux things:


there is Ctrl + Alt + Del, and generally in all distributions it is enabled, but, generally that will lead you to the screen where youget to shut off, reboot or log out of your machine


there is Ctrl + Alt + Backspace, that is an escape sequence for Xorg, and will generally shut it off.


there is Ctrl + Alt + F1 (and then Alt F1-F6 to switch virtual consoles), switches you to a console without quitting X, basically these are the ones that you might want to try using if your game gets stuck, from there you can use ps (i generally use ps -ef f) to list your processes or kill or killall to kill them, you can also use top or htop if you choose to :hihi: (you can make sure that the consoles are enabled, just cat /etc/inittab, you should see a bunch of lines in there....) also i can't recall how to switch back to X, if i'm not mistaken it's Alt+F7, just go through them, but it is Alt + F something, just not ringing a bell right now.


if you are using KDE, you can use Ctrl + Alt + Esc, start what windows people refer to as "Task Manager"


If it's a console program, you can background it with Ctrl+z and then kill it, also notice it backgrounds stuff, so if you wanted to background a process and then bring it back, you just need to type in jobs to list backgrounded (stopped) jobs, and then use %(job id) to bring a job back, so like %1 to bring the first stopped job back up front


Also, depending on what distro you use, and i know you don't compile your own kernel or anything, there are ways of killing processes that surpass anything windows ever had. There is a kernel module called SysRq. You can see if it's enabled by doing the following


Step 1


First check your kernel if it's built in or not....

generally, you would just do: cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ


however if your distro opts to not put the config file in there, you may get away with: cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ


if either of these puts out CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y you know you are in business


then you can proceed to step 2


if you do not have that output then SysRq is not enabled, and you are out of luck :earth: (unless you want to recompile your kernel)


Step 2


now we need to see if it's running :weather_snowing: just do: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq


if it returns a 1(one) then the it is running and accepting commands


Step 3


Killing stuff ofcourse ;)


* Alt+SysRq+K - Kills all processes (SIGKILL / kill -9)

* Alt+SysRq+E - Terminates all processes (SIGTERM / kill -15)

* Alt+SysRq+I - Interrupts all processes (SIGINT / kill -2)

* Alt+SysRq+U - Force unmount and remount of all filesystems readonly

* Alt+SysRq+S - Syncs all disks

* Alt+SysRq+B - Reboots


P.S. SysRq is the same button as Print Screen


Hope this helps


thanks for the answers.

Alex, step 1 is ok but in step 2 I get 0....


Great your P.S. because I was wondering what SysRq was...actually on my laptop it is even written under printscreen...:confused:


i have a feeling that you can modprobe it (cuz i never dealt with it, i can check, meanwhile try the following)


like "modprobe sysrq" see if that shows sysrq in lsmod. and then do step one again, see if it's going to turn to one (1).

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