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What's in your mind 5 minutes ago?

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I'm going to quote Nelson quoting Polish-American Philosopher Korzybski that the map is NOT the territory in the disucssion of 'the best models we have of the climate yet'. So do I say Nelson quoting Korzybski, or Winston quoting Korzybski? Boy this Broken Halo IPa is good with the Irish cheese. What if.....


Merry Christmas, I mean, Winter Solstice, to Hypography! And to Tormod, BigDog, InfiniteOne, Freeztar, Orby, Turtle, the Buffster, Craig, MichaelA, Loricybin, and all the others I can't remember right now.


:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: :edevil: :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:

:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: ;) :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:

:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: :xmas_tree: :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:

:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: :xmas_tree: :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:

:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: :xmas_tree: :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:

:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: :xmas_tree: :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:

:yay_jump: :applause: :cheer: :xmas_tree: :cheer: :applause: :yay_jump:


I'll never tell. :eek: Okay, I will. I have a summer canyon-side cottage there. But I spend most of my time on Earth. Speaking of time, it's 11:52 AM. I haven't thought about tits since I got to work this morning. DAMN!!! I just thought about them. So much for breaking my personal record. Where's the coffee?


I fergit but I betcha it was a 'Super' positive and coherent ,,state of mind


Or maybe I'm lying and I had bad thoughts that I'm 'witholding' in an effort to deceive you ,,,it's not as if you could read my mind or something spooky like that,,,

sooooo what you see is what you get,,,

if I type the words with my fingers and

you see them with your eyes,,,

they must be true,,,right?


Ok,,,I confess,,,,I really 'can't' remember::shrug:


Oh what an 'entangled' web we weave,,,:(

when first we practice to



nOT ONLY AM i SLEEPWALKING THRU THIS SITE AND NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD 'CONTEXT',,,,but sheesh I just posted all caps with my eyes on the keyboard,,,,AND,,,,I'm double posting


Newbieitis,,,that's what I got,,,,I shall come back after I sleep off my New Years 'all nighter' and try to ,,,be more 'observant


I couldn't bring myself to edit out my prior post,,,,I'm a pack rat,,,sory guys,,,I'll calm down,,,this site has my sleepy head spinning


It's a stunning beginning!

Everything are so smooth and I have to be well prepared for an expected unexpected pitfall.

Of course to me that would be a natural and healthy one.


I am wondering if there would be any two of us here from Hypography having a similar thoughts at the same time in the same place (thread)...


Oh crap, it's almost 1:00 AM and I have go to work in five hours.

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