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I'm pleased to announce the latest addition to our Moderator team, the illustrious Freeztar who has impressed the socks off of just about everyone here in the last year (he's actually been lurking about for much longer, but we all know what an incredible contribution he's made recently) has been made our latest Junior Moderator...Welcome Freezy!


I'm also pleased to announce that CraigD--by virtue of his incredible talent in both science and the diplomacy of moderation--has been promoted to Senior Moderator: he's been invaluable in making this one of the more pleasant places to discuss science on the Internet, and we're all sure glad we have him!


Please join me in a cacophony of congratulations to both of them!


:camera: w007! Way to go guys!:hihi:


Work, which makes a man free, and thought, which makes him worthy of freedom, :)


I'm pleased to announce the latest addition to our Moderator team, the illustrious Freeztar who has impressed the socks off of just about everyone here in the last year (he's actually been lurking about for much longer, but we all know what an incredible contribution he's made recently) has been made our latest Junior Moderator...Welcome Freezy!


I'm also pleased to announce that CraigD--by virtue of his incredible talent in both science and the diplomacy of moderation--has been promoted to Senior Moderator: he's been invaluable in making this one of the more pleasant places to discuss science on the Internet, and we're all sure glad we have him!


Please join me in cacophony of congratulations to both of them!


:partycheers: w007! Way to go guys!:cocktail:


Work, which makes a man free, and thought, which makes him worthy of freedom, :phones:



What great choices freeztar has such patience, good (GREAT) humour and fascination for new ideas and the arguments from others. He is a great asset to Hypography. (even if he does edit my posts :))

CraigDsurprises me and sometimes overwhelms me . His posts are so articulate, reasoned, sane, detailed, and supported it is scary.:wave:

I would hate to go one-on-one with him.

Another great asset to the hypography community


Good choices:)


Congrats to both of you!


I always figured Freez would end up being mod someday.


Craig has always been a very fair mod as far as I am concerned (even when we're on opposite sides of a topic). Congrats on the upgrade Craig!

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