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Yeah... that's quite a huge storm pounding the west coast. :fire: At least Hypo is okay.

And about our servers...

What made us choose Walla Walla? Just curious.


P.S. Having a city named Walla Walla is almost as embarrasing as it would be to have a president named Huckabee.:eek:


I'm on it! Which building is our server again? :eek: It's either 3C or 3G I think, but the rain has melted my note paper a smidge. :fire: So do I go for the red wire, or the blue wire? Do you want video of the surprised look on the guy's/gal's face when I show up? :camera: :hyper: All aboard.......:(

Did you really go to Walla Walla, Washington Turtle? :eek:


I am sworn to secrecy. :camera: Mums the word. :fire: Should I be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of me. :(

Yeah... that's quite a huge storm pounding the west coast. :eek: At least Hypo is okay.

And about our servers...

What made us choose Walla Walla? Just curious.


P.S. Having a city named Walla Walla is almost as embarrasing as it would be to have a president named Huckabee.:(

Whats wrong with that? Sounds kind of like Wogga Wogga, an Aussie town. :fire:

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