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Evolution Must Be Taught in Public Schools

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That's not evidence at all. Are you saying that if everyone in the whole world believed there was a Lazyboy recliner orbiting Neptune that it would be true?


;) good grief you got it all backwards.

the greatest nation the world has ever seen, and half the people believe in God. just think about that. very strong evidence.


i wonder how much greater america could be if everyone believed?


Just think if 100% of us believed in god we would be right up there with Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and all the other theocratic **** holes in the world.

america was created by crazy christian maniacs like myself.


and education is falling behind because of the lack of God.

you see, God is knowledge, wisdom, logic.......

why do evolutionists care? how can they?

evolution means nothing. nothing matters, there is no right or wrong, there is no caring.

a caring, moral, law bidding evolutionist is a hippocrit.

why would anyone want to better themselves?


my son does well in school, and he knows there is no such thing as evolution, and i didn't even have to teach him that.

perhaps evolutionists are genetically inferior. evolutionarilly speaking of course ;)


Goku, your take on the USA is so far off the mark it's unbelievable. So me and my sons must be genetically defective? My sons do very well in school, NC state and UNC chapel Hill deans list, very intelligent young men and both of them know creationism has no support what so ever in reality. You on the other hand are a TROLL, nothing less, you spout off nonsense like it's fact and then insult anyone who disagrees with you. i used to think you were just an ignorant fool but now i am pretty much convinced you are far worse off than ignorant, you are flat out stupid. Do you now read any of the stuff in these treads at all? all of what you claimed in that post has be refuted so many times here only a blind man could have missed it. People like you will be responsible for the destruction of our entire culture and society. It' time for everyone to realize just how dangerous people like you really are. We see examples of how religion is destroying societies around the world but people like you cannot see because their religion is better. Bull ****! You are no better than those assholes who throw acid on young girls because they want to go to school or who blow up civilians to scare them into getting closer to god. You and all like you sicken me, you are despicable, if anyone is a genetically defective it's **** heads like you.


MOONTANMAN...be nice

Goku, is not stupid, this is what he believes and he has that right, whether we agree or not.

Goku, it clearly states in the Bible not to lean on your understanding but on God's. It would seem that you are missing something here. I do have 2 children, so I know what it means to parent. When my children do not understand- i explain in detail and terms in which they can.

Now both of my children have a different belief system other than myself. I do not criticize them, but seek to understand their opinions and the "why". We are all very different, who would have thought in a nuclear family.

Stating that evolutionists are genetically inferior is

wrong and you know it-especially if you stand by the fact that Jesus has called you to love everyone and not sit in judgement. Evolution doesn't hurt God's feelings, it hurts yours because you lack understanding. If you choose to call yourself a Christian, then abide by the fundamentals.

" For God so LOVED the world"

"LOVE your neighbor as yourself"

I suggest that you do a Wiki on evolutionism and gain some understanding. I believe you have just accepted some nonscientific chatter from some preacher. Read and learn for yourself, don't just accept what mainstream fundamentals are tossing out there- you do yourself a great injustice by just accepting their views

So me and my sons must be genetically defective?


no...... did you notice the little heehee face at the end of that sentence?

i appologize if you took it to mean something hatefull, it was just a joke.


i found it interesting what you said about the acid and the girls.

where does evolution say that it is wrong to do such things?

tell me the commandments of evolution, if you will. if you could.

Goku, your joke was in poor taste....

You cannot equate evolution and religion-2 totally different animals-so don't be coy


again, forgive me about the joke. i will try to remember who it is i'm talking to in the future :shrug: please, is my humor really that bad???


evolution is a religion, seriously


I don't know you well enough to critique your humour, but would like to think that you have the ability to be funny


evolution is NOT a religion-who told you that?

evolution= science-this deals in facts

religion= belief- "faith is the substance of things hoped for, and evidence unseen"

Again, please research evolution


well, i have read and still see that even scientists believe and evolutionists believe, at least that is what they say. even here at this science site you will be punished for saying that you "know" something.


all this leads me to believe, oops, that evolution is a religion.

no...... did you notice the little heehee face at the end of that sentence?

i appologize if you took it to mean something hatefull, it was just a joke.


i found it interesting what you said about the acid and the girls.

where does evolution say that it is wrong to do such things?

tell me the commandments of evolution, if you will. if you could.


Goku as long as you insist on asking stupid questions and making g stupid claims i will continue to call you stupid. Evolution is not a religion or a philosophy. It's simply the best explanation we have for the variety of life on earth that that fits the evidence we have. Stop asking stupid questions goku. Read the threads before you post, if you want to ask where an atheist sense of morality come from then start a thread on it don't derail other threads for your own amusement. Read, don't act stupid don't make claims about things that have been explained hundreds of times already. Use the brain you think god gave you to think instead of using it to believe. If you truly are not stupid then prove it, start a thread for your own questions instead of trying to act cute to derail what you choose not to understand. Your act is not cute, it is stupid, I find it difficult to believe you could be a successful farmer and still be stupid but you continue to prove it every time you jump in with stupid claims half truths and disingenuous comments meant to show your disdain for science. If you hate science and the freedom it gives then go back to your religious superiors and tell them how great they are and how much you love them I'm sure they will agree that you are correct in your worship of them.

well, i have read and still see that even scientists believe and evolutionists believe, at least that is what they say. even here at this science site you will be punished for saying that you "know" something.


all this leads me to believe, oops, that evolution is a religion.


Goku, when a scientist or a science orientated person says they believe something to be true it's because it is backed up with evidence. "Believe" in religion is a horse of different color and has nothing to do with evidence, facts or observation. I can say I know there is a alien base on the far side of the moon but I can't prove it and if you are going to say such a thing on this site you should be prepared to back it up or have your idea slapped down. Evolution is not a religion and belief or disbelief will not change the evidence that backs it up. You said that Islam doesn't worship the same god or the correct god, how can you be sure? is it because Christians do not use violence to enforce their religion? Have you ever wondered why Christians do not "usually" use violence to enforce their religion? It's because our government doesn't allow it. Read Romans and Leviticus in your bible and then explain to me why you don't follow those rules or laws. If you are indeed a Christian and you do not follow those laws then you are a hypocrite, nothing less.


Moderation note: various responses to this post were moved from the theology forum thread 17398, because they discuss the theological subject of the nature of God and relative superiority of religions


Goku as long as you insist on asking stupid questions and making g stupid claims i will continue to call you stupid. Evolution is not a religion or a philosophy. It's simply the best explanation we have for the variety of life on earth that that fits the evidence we have.

every humanbeing on earth is blind.

one day one man says "i know what the color red looks like"

how could he prove it?

go back to your religious superiors and tell them how great they are and how much you love them I'm sure they will agree that you are correct in your worship of them.


sorry, i'm not catholic


Goku-I do not think anyone is punishing you for what you "know" assuming that the know is what you believe.

Construct your ideas and provide back up-that is all any one wants


I do not understand Moontanman, why you continually slander Goku.You have it stuck in your head that he is a troll, and you will never allow him to rise above your opinion. He, like all of us are seeking answers.Maybe you have more than most, but let him learn... The doors will be closed to his mind if you put him on the defensive. You are my friend and i think very highly of you, but I cannot accept the verbal abuse you are putting on this human being


i found it interesting what you said about the acid and the girls.

where does evolution say that it is wrong to do such things?


If you had never read the Bible or any other religious scripture, wouldn't you still feel it was wrong to throw acid in someone's face? As I said to questor, if I walked up to you and punched you in the face for no reason, would you need a scripture lesson to know that was wrong of me to do? I don't think so. Morality in humans predates formal religious teachings.


In this case, those who threw acid in those girls' face did so because they believe that it is wrong for girls to go to school based on their religious beliefs. Maybe if they had never been taught their radical religion, they would be more considerate of others. If you think Christians are immune to that type of behavior, consider the KKK and the violent way they have applied their faith.


Evolution is not a teacher, it is a natural process heavily supported by evidence. While your lack of knowledge may diminish your acceptance of evolution, it in no way diminishes the reality of it. Religiosity in humans, and the way it affects behavior, thereby has an impact on the evolutionary process.


Like it or not, you are a participant in the evolutionary process as well, goku. Particularly since you have passed on your DNA to your children. I hope your god doesn't get mad at you for that. But I wouldn't worry about it. :shrug:

Goku-I do not think anyone is punishing you for what you "know" assuming that the know is what you believe.

Construct your ideas and provide back up-that is all any one wants


I do not understand Moontanman, why you continually slander Goku.You have it stuck in your head that he is a troll, and you will never allow him to rise above your opinion. He, like all of us are seeking answers.Maybe you have more than most, but let him learn... The doors will be closed to his mind if you put him on the defensive. You are my friend and i think very highly of you, but I cannot accept the verbal abuse you are putting on this human being


Pamela, goku has been doing his troll act for a long time, I have done everything in my power to lead him to knowledge but he refuses to even consider partaking of that knowledge. I have bent over so far for him i could kiss my own *** but he doesn't care he simply wants to put in his two cents worth anytime he wants and he never gives up. His mind is as closed as a bank vault. He has nothing but contempt for science, he doesn't even realise that if not for science and the tools of reason and data gathering he would be squating in a cave somewhere naked and cold. Nothing can prove anything to him what so ever if it disagrees with his religious world view. He has no use for science what so ever yet he insists on commenting on things he doesn't know anything about, doesn't want to know anything about and refuses to know anything about. He acts like a troll, he is a troll nothing less.


America wouldn't even 'be', if everyone believed in your misunderstaken Christian God. Until the Wright brothers flew, 'everyone' knew that if God meant people to fly they would have wings. Think about that.


america was created by crazy christian maniacs like myself.


and education is falling behind because of the lack of God.

you see, God is knowledge, wisdom, logic.......

why do evolutionists care? how can they?

evolution means nothing. nothing matters, there is no right or wrong, there is no caring.

a caring, moral, law bidding evolutionist is a hippocrit.

why would anyone want to better themselves?


my son does well in school, and he knows there is no such thing as evolution, and i didn't even have to teach him that.

perhaps evolutionists are genitically infeiror. evolutionarilly speaking of course :shrug:


You are in violation of the site rules Goku, because at the very least your post is proselytizing, but worse yet you continue to hit & run post, supplying no links in support of your position, and ignoring links given you in opposition to your assertions. You quoted me out of context when you left off the link that I gave contradicting the assertion that the founders were Christian.

So again:



The reliance on reason that Deism demands enabled those who used it at the time of the American Revolution to overcome the Biblical prohibition against rebellion in political and governmental matters. This prohibition is found in Romans 13:1-2 which reads, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."


One of those who employed Deistic principles was Benjamin Franklin. As a young man in Philadelphia he read some Christian books that were written in opposition to Deism. Franklin wrote in his autobiography: "Some books against Deism fell into my hands; they were said to be the substance of sermons preached at Boyle's Lectures. It happened that they wrought an effect on me quite contrary to what was intended by them; for the arguments of the Deists, which were quoted to be refuted, appeared to me much stronger than the refutations; in short, I soon became a thorough Deist."

Deist Roots of America


There is also the matter of you referring to the 'Bible', and you choose to ignore that which Bible is pertinent and the fact any Bible yo little farmer self can read is a compilation of (mis)translations of myths, poetry, and history. You have claimed that you don't read much, and then try to use your ignorance as a shield. Knock it off.

who [re]wrote the Bible?

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