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Does anyone remember the Discovery channels coverage about a small organism or small object that was spiraling, in close proximity, past cameras while filming several documentaries.


I think they were calling them Spiral Flies. I wanted to track developments in the story but I lost connection with it.


I have been trolling the net in an effort to pull out information as to the disposition of the subject, but cannot find anything useful.


Does anyone else remember this?

What did they learn about this phenomenon?



I remember a thread here at Hypography a while ago that mentions something similar, but it was called something else...something about really fast objects speeding in front of the cameras and strange theories about what they could be (IIRC).


Perhaps someone else will remember the thread title. If not, I can try and hunt it down later. :)


Yes, thank you. It would seem that my memory has been corrupted on this topic. I'm not sure where I got the term Spiral Fly, but it seems that Rods are neatly plastered throughout the net.


Thats great, I was worried that my skepticism and or theories on the subject would have nothing but a blank page to cling to on this subject, which seems to have been beat to death.


Geez, I think I feel another opinion forming.... :)


Thanks again.

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