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So i figured that we should have a quote of the day thing going on, only we do funny quotes that pertain to whatever... does not have to be your quote of the day, myself, i will only post quotes that i actually hear/read... yes post more then one quote at one time, if you have it...


One of my coworkers (a woman) talking about getting lunch:

> You know what, it's either coffee and oreos or arbys and phone sex...


Myself, reflecting on my goals in life:

> Eventually i'm gonna die.



hope that's enough to get people started :xx:


no, quotes of your day :xx:, means you can post quotes you have heard today, yesterday, any day, that made your day, made you smile, made you think... etc... no go ahead an post, anyone is welcome to, any amount of quotes. reason i titled it quote of the day is i want to see quotes that would make one's quote of the day list, like the oreos quote. i mean i laughed hysterically at that...


lol awesome quote.


upon talking about a fix that our AV group did for a customer (mind you this is something they have been dealing with for 3 years):


"I walked in there, not even 2 hours later i diagnosed what the problem was. I walked over to them and said i found a problem and was going to take care of it, they were surprised, they were like 'Are you really going to fix it?' I was a little startled, should have said 'psych, got ya! I was just playing with you guys.' and walked out...."


One of our sales people:

him > "... I have another customer to see, and i just spilled water on my lap."

me > "So?"

him > "Well, i gotta present to a customer and i look like i peed myself!"

me > "Just start a wet tee shirt contest and nobody will notice a thing..."

  • 4 weeks later...

My friend > "Be careful on this turn, its a down-hill and you don't want to hit that pole, my friends have broken it too many times, that's the pole that my Intrigue hit too"


Me > "Note to self, avoid the pole."


My friend > "Careful now, hitting that pole would really suck"


Me > "Yeah, it would suck more then Pamela Anderson in that that home-made movie with Tommy Lee, that's for sure..."


My Friend > "You haaad to go the whole nine yards, didn't you, ugh, the imagery"


my whole day is a joke of the day, i (well myself, 2 guys that do office furntiture, and an electrician and a networking tech) spent 4 hours in the morning setting up a polyvision room wizard on this new treadmill workstation, for presentation to our customer, take the cube walls apart, and put in some cabling into it, hide the wire, drill a few wholes to mount the wizard, recofigure that setup a few times.... it was getting to be around noon, and the designer who is responsible for the floor walks by and is like "i dunno why you guys are doing all this, the station is moving in like 2 months..."


My brother to me earlier today...


"I put the annoy-o-tron under my colleagues desk and he has three maintenance people in his office trying to figure it out. They're taking the ceiling panels right now. Oh crap, they're looking under the desk now! I gotta go!"


I just talked to him again...:eek:


"I didn't get busted, they couldn't find it. He approached the branch manager and asked for a change of office. While he was talking to the manager, I snuck into his office and removed it. He later had the branch manager in his office listening for it for twenty minutes and of course he didn't hear anything and looked at the guy like he was crazy." :cup:


I really do feel sorry for the guy though. He apparently leaves early every day now and is even talking to his wife about it...:roll:


Some other quotes from my brother related to the annoy-o-tron:


"It's the best $10 I've ever spent."

"I ordered two of them, but the website is right, you only need one to do the trick."

"Apparently, older people can't hear the beep, which really adds to the paranoia."


From the thinkgeek website is a letter that a "satisfied customer" wrote:

Dear friends at thinkgeek.com,


I recently acquired the "Annoy-A-Tron" from your web site. Actually, I acquired two, thinking that perhaps two devices might be necessary to truly splinter the minds of my friends and co-workers. How woefully did I underestimate this powerful tool.


I have watched this simple device transform an (until-now) mild-mannered colleague into a spitting, cussing, paranoid lunatic.


He has ordered all of the staff he supervises (not a small number) to locate the source of the dread beeping before doing anything else (but since they are in on the prank, they haven't been much help). So he waits, white-knuckles gripping the edge of his desk, anticipating the next beep.


He has set a timer on his computer to track the duration between beeps. It hasn't been much help.


My favorite quote so far, nearly bursting that vein on his temple as he shouted it: "That beep has been F***ING with me for HOURS now."


He has called the facilities department to schedule a maintenance worker to investigate.


He speculates that "they" might be doing air-quality testing in the building. This beep must be some device in the ducts detecting dangerous levels of asbestos in the air. Or worse. Radon? Aerosolized mercury? Legionella spores?...

:eek: :eek:


it's not a quote but its still hilarious:



This is after i freed up 350MB of space on it :rolleyes:


I hacked an "easy button", and now it says things you want it to say, so it has been going around the company, and some people have been recording things on it, at some point someone recorded "That was ****ed up" on it and it has been on there for a little while, so this one time, someone was doing a walk-through with a customer, walks by this thing and presses the button.... yeah... that was pretty funny :)

  • 5 months later...

hahahahaha nice one, Michael :singer:


- "yes, it was a shifting series of deceptive appearances, phantasmagoria if you would, of these popups, caused by an abysmal void of endless predacious executables put out by the onyx pragmatics..."

- "Alex, when i asked you if you fixed the issue, i didn't imply using long, made-up words to give me a headache."

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