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I came here to try and have fun talking about things, but everyone disagrees with everything I say. The worst part is when I'm asked to give evidence when I already have.


As a result I am quitting. Anyone else feeling this way?


We merely disagree with you because you came to a sciencetific forum offering views and opinions that do not rationally fit into science and logic...i.e. your statement that Global Warming isn't a big deal and how I was specifically told, by you, that you would pray that I was saved by your Christian God. At a forum such as this, did you think it would be wise to raise God as something that we would all simply agree with? No. I'm afraid that was a bad assumption.


We, or I at least, would encourage you to stay here and use reason to discuss topics here at the forum. Although I can sense your rough start, I beieve if we were to show you our reasonings and logic, that you would eventually se things ina different light.


Take our criticism as "rattling you cage" because everyone has to defende their beliefs at some point and if people cant stand the heat...well...ge toutta the kitchen!


This is a science forum, and we have a set of rules which we all agreed to when we signed up:




If you find yourself opposed in discussions, there maybe several reasons why. None of them are related to your person, but rather to the way you present yourself in debates.


Calling our forums a depressing place after having been a member of it for a few hours is probably not going to solve anything.

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