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  • 4 weeks later...

Great article but I got a question ...

Could it be possible the individual to be you yourself. For example we use how much max of 6% of our brain...where's the rest? What if the rest contains duplicates of those 6 % and you are you at the same time in a different time place maybe even the same place but like a mirror world and all of "you" are connected to the mother brain. :-(

Is this too much of immature imagination ... or could I, in some insane way, be making sense to you??


The Oracle of history


we only use a small percentage of our brains for conscience thoughts. the rest is for subconscience thought and for the functions our our inner workings like heart-rate, digestion, breathing, skin growth, etc... etc..


Eva, I don't think you can look at it that way.


How far can you throw a plastic football? It depends on a lot of factors, like planning, preparing the throw, throwing the ball, putting your arm down. Some of this is conscious thinking, some of it is subconscious. I would argue that it is near impossible to determine what percentage of each is involved.


One reason is that there is no clear limit between what is conscious and what is not. All the time while you throw the ball you brain is doing other things. Just close your eyes for a moment, and you'll probably notice a lot of thoughts going through your head which you weren't aware of.


So it's not right to say 10% of anything is used for this or that. We use all of our brain, but we use it for many different things in many different ways.


I'm not saying it is absolutely wrong to think in those terms, but I would be catious when it comes to accepting "brain usage" dogmas - there are a lot of misunderstandings involved.




Yes, thank you Tormod that is quite interesting. I think I am going to start a topic here about th "daughter universe theory" I read about it in Discover magazine and I searched it a while ago and found an article on another forums about it... anyways from what I got from the article it is quite interesting and may be related to this topic but I think it should have it's own thread.

  • 4 months later...

Vlad, I think one of the consequenses of the article's view would be to assume that the parallell universes are made of the same kind of matter as our own.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

In fact, Everett´s Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is not really a physical theory, it is an interpretation of QM and not the most popular.


In QM, the mathematics is perfect and all the predictions based on the mathematical theory are confirmed by the experiments, but the interpretation of the mathematics is difficult. The most used interpretation is known as the Copenhagen interpretation, a probabilistic interpretation.

In this interpretation, it is assumed that a system is in a state that is a combination of all possible states it can assume untill someone do a measurement, after what the system choses a state according to certain probabilities. The point is that the system wasn´t in a specific state, it really was in a mixture before the measurement.


Everett´s interpretation says that the system does not chose a state, somehow all the possibilities exist in parallel universes and it just happens that we are following one of the possibilities while copies of us follow ALL the others.


Well, first, it is not a real physical theory at the moment because it cannot be tested. A physical theory needs to make predictions to be tested or else it´s just an idea, not a theory.


Second, the cause that it is not so popular is that it generates more problems than solves (if it really solves any): why we are following exactly this universe? Can we really accept that some choice we make creates whole universes? If there are infinite choices, infinite universes are created instantaneously. Does it make sense?


You must be aware that there are a lot of alternative interpretations of QM. I can cite two at least: Bohmian Mechanics and Sum Over Histories. The only way to decide between them is to work more on it´s differences and try to make experiments to chose among them.

  • 2 months later...

Hello all thought i would just add my 2 penneth, just because we do use all our brains doesnt necessarily mean we harness the full potential of our brain! and is the brain and the mind the same? we could be using the 100% of the physical brain but using only a fraction of our minds ...probably get shot down in flames but i hate typing what i think ..lol


Mindsmog - welcome. And yes, you are right - when talking about the brain there is a difference between capacity and potential. Good point.



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