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Guest fripro2

Hi again everyone this is fripro2 (FRIPRO) my e mail was changed so I had to reregister under fripro2. However I am a long time member of the fourm under FRIPRO


I wish I knew how to change my new title for my old one?

Best regards to you all.

Guest fripro2

Hi again. Yes through a missunderstanding of the rules and other reasons, my ban has been released by TORMOD.

The only problem I have is I could not re enter as FRIPRO as my e mail was changed to FRIPRO1 and when I reregistered as FRIPRO, or FRIPRO1 the Forums registgered sent me an e mail at my old address so I was locked out. I have re registered and added a 2 but I prefer FRIPRO.


Thank you for the explanation.


Your words imply that you are a very patient man with a kind spirit. I cannot say that I fully understand your theory of UIDE, nor that I think it's completely valid, but I accept that you are a sincere human being who is trying to share your thoughts with others. I apologize for my own lack of patience so often shown in response to your posts across the various fora on the internet.


Out of curiosity, what is your native language?



Guest fripro2

I am of Scotch, German, and Dutch decent, however, I was born in the USA in Metro Detroit (Highland Park) Michigan. My relatives came to USA through Canada.(I have lived in Canada having a home there).


My first language is English. However I write poorly in English grammar, and certianly need help in my scientific authorships of technologies. That is why I looked to the HS Forum members for their ideas and questioning of my theories and inventions.


Most of my life was spent in many of the states, currently in Ohio.


I am curious why have you asked this?

I am of Scotch, German, and Dutch decent, however, I was born in the USA in Metro Detroit (Highland Park) Michigan. My relatives came to USA through Canada.(I have lived in Canada having a home there).


My first language is English. However I write poorly in English grammar, and certianly need help in my scientific authorships of technologies. That is why I looked to the HS Forum members for their ideas and questioning of my theories and inventions.


Most of my life was spent in many of the states, currently in Ohio.


I am curious why have you asked this?

Do you links to these new theories and inventions? :D

Guest fripro2


How can FRIPRO2 be infamous already? I thought that you were going to let me haveFRIPRO back (which seems to be so) so I guess fripro2 shold be removed from the forum. As it was not intended to be a new account. Sincerely TOM Fairbairn

Guest fripro2

Thanks I have sent the e mail TOM (FRIPRO)


Tormod I see on this site I am still Infamous. Does this have to stand. Or is it because of Buffy and the banned she gave me on that page. I still think this is unfair. TOM

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