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Certainly nothing new, and most of you have probably seen this on the web, but there is now a website warning you of the dangers of Dyhydrogen Monoxide, called dhmo.org


If you have not seen it, it is utterly hilarious, i think you guys will enjoy it, here's an exerpt:


Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.


You have no idea how many people i have met that i have told this to, only to have something like "oh yeah, they should totally ban dhmo in foods man, don't you know that stuff is bad for you". And they are 100% serious, straight face, and then they wonder why i just burst into laughter... oooh it's always a good one, you can use this as a scientiffic joke on april fools on your coworkers... get a petition going or something to ban dhmo in your work place :P hint hint


oh yeah, the funniest thing is how well it was put together, there's not a single reference to water on there, and to anyone who does not know what hydrohydroxic acid is, it will remain that scary word (acid) that they don't want in their foods... ingenious... but totally belongs here in chemistry, so you guys can have a good laugh ;)


I've just been reading over the site.


I had no idea so many people from the church of Scientology use Dihydrogen Monoxide.


The website does report, however, that many Scientologists have contacted them in order to deny using the stuff - so, there's that.




They can deny it all they want but everyone knows it ins't true. They regularly give it to their children because they have been led to believe that it will somehow be beneficial to their health.


I've even heard that they have these rituals where they actually submerge the poor kids in the stuff. ;)


They have to be stopped.


No, no, Clay, i have known about the website for 4-5 years now, i just havent posted anything about it, and didn't see it here when i stumbled upon a youtube vid that refers to dhmo, so i was like, might as well post about it, right :doh:


On another note, I have now linked a few facts about DHMO to causes and uses that the church of scientology may be using DHMO for, namely:


DHMO is used in many forms of cruel animal research. I think this plays in hand with the church of scientology scare tactics to get small kids to join the church by public displays of animal cruelty that refers to what will happen to them if God does not protect them...


DHMO is used in the distribution of pesticides, and can be just as easily used for distribution of other chemicals. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical. It must therefore be used to distribute mind control chemicals in the supermarket food supplies. A number of recent cases of dog attacks have been linked to the fact that the dogs were exposed to DHMO, if it has effects on dogs, it is likely to effect humans as well.


They can use it in another way, as a scare tactic for the curch goers, remember that even in small quantities, inhalation of DHMO can and will cause death...


How can one prove that the church of scientology uses it? Scientology has started out in the 1950s-1960s, it is around that time when the amount of cancer patients in hospitals start radically growing due to the fact that more and more medical bodies start looking for newer, better cancer treatments and start cooperating in the cancer researches and studies. How those two link, you might ask? Well, it is by now an established fact that the church of scientology uses DHMO fairly widely, and it just-so-happens that dhmo is commonly found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.... Make your own conclusions B)


Yes, they have been known to use verious chemicals and hypnosis, and have been sued over it many times in the past... It's a fair game to suspect them of using DHMO as well, but they probably started using it after the success of it's use in the church of scientology :doh:

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