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Science Forums

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We have expanded our list of forums with two more science sections, and we have three new Junior Moderators.


Aquagem, Fishteacher and Killean are entering the ranks of our esteemed moderator corps. Please treat them nicely or they may find inventive ways to wield their newfound power.


Earth science is the place to discuss everything about our planet. Weather systems, geology, oceanography, global warming. It will be moderated by Fishteacher and pgrmdave.


Social sciences has been requested a couple of times. It is the place for a lot of things. We are not 100% sure yet how to split the load between the philosphy/humanities forum and the social sciences forum, but for now psychology, education, law, political science, anthropology and other subjects which naturally belong in it should be posted there. Moderators are Aquagem and Killean.


We will also set up a quiet room for more in-depth discussion of any topic. More about this later.




You shall all kneel in awe!!!!!! :D



Oh, sorry...did I say that out loud... :D

Hmm. well thanks guys...Let me know iany ideas for the new forum and lets see what we can get going..

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