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Tummo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


So, to establish from the start, I don't believe in mysticism. I am a very firm believer that anything that happens with our bodies can be explained scientifically, despite our not necessarily being able to explain it at this very moment. I recently became intrigued by the Buddhist discipline of Tummo. With years of training, and months of prep meditation needed each time, some Buddhist monks are able to dramatically raise their body's temperature.


My thoughts then turned not so much in how they did it, it is easy to deduce that they had tapped into the normally unconscious process of thermal regulation, but more of what the implications are. That thermal energy must have come from some where, and that is most likely fat. As I am also interested in the science behind dieting and weight loss this intrigued me. Thermal regulation accounts for 2/3 to 3/4 of your bodies energy use after all. If we could willingly up our metabolism through a process similar to Tummo meditation what would the implications be? Could we actually think ourselves thin? It is an interesting prospect, no?


Sadly, information is scarce and most of what I have found on the net are just ads for this or that meditation trainer/school. Everyone is trying to make a buck I guess. I figured that there would be others here at Hypography that might find the physics, biology, and psychology behind this phenomenon interesting as well.


*THINK HOT* *THINK HOT* :headache::hot::angryfire::)


Curious. I had not heard of this before. Reminds me a bit of chi/qi (but I, like you, would prefer not to rest on that as if it were some sort of explanation).


I haven't done any research yet, but my first reaction is that this has to do with willful movement of blood, oxygen, and glucose (think "cells eating"), as well as some sort of inflammation process like with prostaglandins, cytokines, and maybe even histamines.


Hopefully someone here can offer some insight, or even their own inclinations. :)

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