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My name is Michael Walls from St Petersburg FL. So why the DC? I "growed up" there! I am a musician, copy writer and web designer. I am into western history, especially the impact of religion on war, expansionism and intellectual evolution. I am into metaphysics and philosophy as well as having a keen interest in that wondrous phantasm we call reality.*As we plod on in our quest for enlightenment we find that much of what was fantasy a hundred years ago is not only canonized in the scientific liturgy but old news.*


Sir Isaac Newton's comment about his discoveries being already known to peoples thousands of years prior is at the vanguard of my interest in religion's effect on intellectual evolution. Occult derives from occultus, which means hidden - not evil. When Galileo tried to take his monumental discoveries public, the church successfully made them occult - or hidden. And where was it hidden?*Right under our noses, but we dared not sniff.*Sir Isaac Newton was likewise fascinated with what we now call metaphysics, as well as a master astrologer.


A Note: If any of my posts make me sound like an atheist - read deeper. My criticisms of the Abrahmic religions that dominate humanity and the theocratic governments that take advantage of blind faith are not atheistic. I am openly against Old Testament type scriptures as law. Hindu is amongst the oldest religions, but it does not threaten the world, nor does Buddhism. However Jews, Muslims and Christians all have deadly weaponry aimed at one another and the disputes that can cause the pull of a trigger hinge on Bronze Age dogma.


What a scary new member.

you sound like you know waht you are talking about!

Do you realise this forum is full of strange bearded men in funny red hats?


Welcome to hypography:)


That was the longest introduction I have ever seen. You are obviously an open and unafraid person

We should knock that out of you soon:)


Your first challenge, set by the holy order of hypog,s is to answer this question!


Then we will decide you fate


ha ha ha


Hey Mike,


Interesting topics you raise, indeed, i lived in 2 of the 3 St.Petersburgs, including where you live now, it's an interesting little area...


I could post a reply on the topic you raised, but i wont, except for one fact that Gallileo's writings (hand copied) that were seeked by the church and some of which still reside in the Vatican library, were mostly destroyed. Church didn't agree with his theories, because it compromised the early models of the universe, and their writing, and they burned him at the stake. And then, in the early 90s, i think (dunno the date, i could find out probably), they apologized and finally accepted what the universe really is.... ironic...


anyways, make a post somewhere and link me, i would definitely like to join the discussion with a like-minded person about the subject, such as yourself. I am agnostic, btw, and no i didnt get an atheist feel out of your reply.


Welcome to Hypography, the only place you know, where religious discussions held at high level of mind-openness reveal interesting but scientific and historical facts.


on that note:


Upon doing some research, the commonly beleived myth that he was burned, is actually not quite true. Historically, he was 62 and sick, and instead of the burning, he said that the sun did move around the earth, and he was pardoned. Legend has it though that he did mumble under his breath that the earth still moved, but no he succumbed to his natural death from illness (though it's wrong to call that natural).


John Paul the II described the Church's struggle with this man as:

"the Galileo case has been a sort of 'myth,' in which the image fabricated out of the events was quite far removed from the reality. In this perspective, the Galileo case was the symbol of the Church's supposed rejection of scientific progress." When referring to the condemnation, the pope described it as “tragic mutual incomprehension”


Finding of the church's commission on Galileo in 1992:

"From the Galileo case we can draw a lesson which is applicable today in analogous cases which arise in our times and which may arise in the future. It often happens that, beyond two partial points of view which are in contrast, there exists a wider view of things which embraces both and integrates them."


to which the Pope replied by saying that Galileo was lead by God himself:

"Galileo sensed in his scientific research the presence of the Creator who, stirring in the depths of his spirit, stimulated him, anticipating and assisting his intuitions."


Thanks Alexander, for that great update.

I recall his daughter helped him a lot in the later years.


...and in the end, don't the sun and earth revolve around each other?

(some weird common CG... or is that within the sun's radius?). :)


Well, Galileo knew that Earth revolved around the Sun, he figured that from observing the planet movement, which has been done since pre Copernicus time, but there was always a sort of a mystery. They knew of planets, but what they observed was a motion of planets (in the sky) that did not make sense, and while most of it was accountable by Copernicus model, the wobble was not. Galileo therefore theorized that if the planets were to move around the sun, the wobble can therefore be explained. Using Kepler's laws, he was able to describe the universe and account for what we actually observe and properly predict positioning of the bigger planets in the knight sky with a much, much higher degree of accuracy then the Copernicus model. But Galilean model of the universe contradicted with many verses of the Bible, direct verses, not some interpretation, so the church accepted Copernicus model with earth in the center, and fought Galileo to his untimely illness and later death...

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