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  goku said:
are you saying that a fire can learn? can teach other fires?


In a way it can, it does spread with more material that it ignites and when that material ignites, there's identical fire with the same traits as all fire does, red/yellow/blue and HOT!


now it might not be genetic, but it is chemical, and traits are the same

  InfiniteNow said:

I presume he is searching for a gap which he can fill with "god."


Here you hit the nail on the head.


It's interesting on that score to ponder why He—rather than associating Himself with physical evolutionary processes—chose to associate Himself with stealthy objects or events indistinguishable from the bewildering array of such creatures as ghosts, goblins, fairies, phantoms, angels, demons, devils, demigods, imps, jinns, trolls, sprites, nymphs, fauns, wish-nicks, mother goose, poltergeists and other apparition-like spirits.



  koji8123 said:
In a way it can, it does spread with more material that it ignites and when that material ignites, there's identical fire with the same traits as all fire does, red/yellow/blue and HOT!


now it might not be genetic, but it is chemical, and traits are the same


if that were true then we wouldn't need school, knowledge would be pasted on chemically

  coldcreation said:
It's interesting on that score to ponder why He—rather than associating Himself with physical evolutionary processes—chose to associate Himself with stealthy objects or events indistinguishable from the bewildering array of such creatures as ghosts, goblins, fairies, phantoms, angels, demons, devils, demigods, imps, jinns, trolls, sprites, nymphs, fauns, wish-nicks, mother goose, poltergeists and other apparition-like spirits.




appartently you know more about that stuff than i do

  Moontanman said:
carbon chemistry is easily driven toward complexity by excess energy in the environment.


are you talking about todays enviroment or the enviroment "billions of years ago"?

  goku said:
if that were true then we wouldn't need school, knowledge would be pasted on chemically
You mean like salmon returning to their spawning grounds, or migratory birds navigating by the stars, or antelope knowing their mating ritual. Yes, quite a lot of 'knowledge' can be passed on genetically. What's your point?


are you talking about todays enviroment or the enviroment "billions of years ago"?
Both. Today the complexity is maintained and expanded within an already complex, diverse web of life within an environment shaped by life. In the past the complexity was driven to higher complexity within a comparatively simple, but steadily complexifying, environment.
  goku said:
if that were true then we wouldn't need school, knowledge would be pasted on chemically


Actually the knowledge passed on chemically, often called instinctive knowledge serves many animals extremely well but it has a problem. Instinctive knowledge is written in stone, it is not flexible and when an organism with this knowledge is confronted with a new situation it cannot adapt. Knowledge like the knowledge of humans is much more flexible. We can learn new complex behaviors, animals that rely most on instinctive knowledge cannot. Human can adapt to almost any environment simply be acquiring new knowledge. Instinctive animals cannot do this with anywhere near the efficiency of humans. But to be fair humans also have instinctive knowledge, just not very much and it is mostly ignored in favor of learned knowledge.

  Galapagos said:
People Are Not Animals! (and evolution never happened...EVOLUTION= A LIE!!!!
Galapagos, I sure hope you're just being facetious and sarcastic. :D :hihi: :D


I have seen a dozen or so of these "proofs" that Evolution is wrong. They are all so bizarrely simple-minded. Almost to the point of being "mentally retarded". It shames me that most of my species in this country cannot tell the difference between logic and the rhetorical twaddle that passes for logic in these videos. :( Humans can't be "animals" because animals have sex "doggie style" and Humans don't. Right. Yeah. Twaddle.

  Galapagos said:
People Are Not Animals! (and evolution never happened)








Are there really people who are too blinded by hubris to not see the flaws in this stuff? Talk about blowing sunshine up someones ***, I would hate to be so in need of confirmation of my own greatness that I had to believe this stuff to feel superior!

  Pyrotex said:
Galapagos, I sure hope you're just being facetious and sarcastic. :D :hihi: :D


I have seen a dozen or so of these "proofs" that Evolution is wrong. They are all so bizarrely simple-minded. Almost to the point of being "mentally retarded". It shames me that most of my species in this country cannot tell the difference between logic and the rhetorical twaddle that passes for logic in these videos. :( Humans can't be "animals" because animals have sex "doggie style" and Humans don't. Right. Yeah. Twaddle.


Yes, both me and the maker of the video were being ironic. EdwardCurrent(responsible for the video) gets many reactions similar to yours on his comments page before people realize that it is indeed a farce. His other videos are also very humorous(once you figure out that its a joke), and I thought this one was particularly relevant to the thread(every time I read the thread title, I think back to this video, "Evolution=a Lie" and "People Are Not Animals(and evolution never happened)!!!" and it makes me chuckle a bit


Oh my, "Lovely White Skin" vs. "Dirty Brown Skin"....


Sounds like someone's been to the Karl Rove school of exploiting latent racism...:hihi:


I am certainly not racist; I even like the British, :D


  Galapagos said:
Yes, both me and the maker of the video were being ironic. ...
Woops :cup: I didn't notice it was a joke. I thought the comparison between Angelina and a orangutan was a bit strained. But the irony went right over my punkin head. :D
  Buffy said:
Oh my, "Lovely White Skin" vs. "Dirty Brown Skin"....


Sounds like someone's been to the Karl Rove school of exploiting latent racism...:D


I am certainly not racist; I even like the British, :cup:



isn't pot illegal? :shrug:

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