nutronjon Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 I want to begin with a defense. I don't know anything. I don't know how mathematicians do their number thing. I sure don't know much about science. The only thing I have to contribute is questions that might make for interest discussions, and make you feel good about yourself with the realization that you know so much more than I do. That said, is the following good math and bad science? If you can please pick out which statements might be true, and which ones are for sure wrong, and explain why each is right or wrong? And if this is in the wrong forum, I am sorry.Untitled Document We are in a unique opportunity in history. It is called the Time Gate. When we observe the constant tripling changes occurring to every aspect of our society, planet, galaxy, and even reality itself. The emergence of this transformation, of which the Time Gate is mans co-created effort, can be witnessed all around us, including the science journals of the modern day religion. Witness the following points: · That there is a 7 billion year old gameboard cycle that runs through time in our universe has been demonstrated by a specific graph extracted from the most ancient I-Ching. · That the 64 hexagrammes of the I-Ching has been correlated to the 64 codons of DNA was well established scientifically by Dr. Martin Schönberger, in The I Ching and the Genetic Code: The Hidden Key to Life (DNA codons are the buttons that tell cells where to grow eyes or noses, they are a binary 64 set off/on set, whose combination creates our image and all life - a three dimensional chess board of 64 squares). · That the graph extracted from all permutations of the I-Ching, when superimposed over history, correlates to major world changes in the event horizon of our past and pre-history, from astrophysics and thermodynamics, to geological changes and weather cycles, to societal breakthrough's, revolutions, and downfalls. · That this graph correlated exactly to the 11.44 year sunspot maximum cycle which changes our weather, our temperature, and even our moods and fertility, as demonstrated by Dr. Ross Aidy and co. · This graph was inspired by Superconscious guidance in the Amazon, to Terrence Mckenna, and was developed into a computer programme that accurately measures the 64 levels of time, right upto the day. · That this graph reaches its 7 billion year zero point on December 21, 2012. · That Emmanuel (a non-localized quantum superconscious source) indicated to Ananda that history of universal man in the 3rd and 4th dimension was locked into this 7 billion year gameboard. Where our own personal non-localised superconscious selves beyond time and space, or even dimensionality, animate our live spaces and times concurrently. · That we are generated holographically, and that our 64 codon DNA crystallization is an antenna for these holographic 3rd dimensional television signals. A hologramme being generated by one beam split into two. The holographic information flowing through a time forwards wave, carrying our information from 7 billions years ago, as well as time reverse wave from 2012, and elsewhere. · In the Emmanuel expansion of the time-wave, when time reverse waves and time forward waves collide (much like ripples in the water colliding), then major changes occur - this is when the I-Ching Time Wave graph drastically drops and major world changes occur. · Ananda upon Emmanuel guided research, discovered a galactic cycle, which involves our sun, whose magnetism shuffles up our genes from conception to birth, demonstrated by Dr. Ross Aidy. · That this cycle of the sun occurs every 12,000 years, as part of larger clockwork fractal of cycles, not only to our sun, but it appears to all suns, so far scanned , 50,000 light years in circumference to our own solar system (that is half the galaxy's width). The next cycle, according to astrophysical observations of other suns, and according to geological and paleontological research in the science journals, is to occur 2013. Normally an ice age followed these solar transformations (see The Unity Keys of Emmanuel, for exceptional details). · That time is changing, exactly as Emmanuel predicted in 1987 - atomic clocks were recalibrated two times in 1992, and a further two times during 1995. Emmanuel had stated that this would continue until mans "perception of time" collapsed towards 2011. According to Emmanuel this was the beginning of the lifting of the eye lids of sleeping man to step into the awakening dream. · That the sun has been transforming since 1957, and in the 1979 sunspot maximum reacted as never seen before. The science journals and media went wild (see Time Gate video). · That December 21st 2012, falls exactly on such a sunspot maximum cycle. · That 2012 also falls exactly on the 3,686 year solar magnetic polar reversal - where 7 such cycles accounts exactly for the 25,802 years of the precession of the equinox's. · That 2011 is also the date the ancient Mayan Indians of central America gave as the ending of time, accounting for leap years give us 2012/2013 - the end of their calender. The Aztec calender ends 2009, but accounting for leap years gives 2012/2013. · That during 1994 and 1995, astronomers began detected gamma ray and cosmic ray bursts that were beyond light, exactly as Emmanuel had stated would occur, where the faster-than-light realms would overlap our own crystallized light realms (matter, electrons, are just light biting its tail). Cosmic rays with an electron charge equivalent of 300 trillion electron volts were observed in numerous localities on the planet, lasting for recording breaking hours, when minutes in cosmic ray activity, in the years prior, were a celebration. The mass of the observable universe is 300 billion electron volts. These cosmic rays were stronger than the charge of the whole universe, and they are bombarding earth, as well as the entire galaxy - they are also increasing in activity. · That the Earth is responding - ultra high order gamma ray bursts have now mysteriously been detected to be pulsed from the earth during lightening storms into space. They are also of such a high order as to be beyond light, or even beyond neutrino's. Earth is responding and merging with the faster-than-light overlap. All of this and a great deal more (documented in Ananda's book The Unity Keys of Emmanuel, ) evidently acts as sign posts and alarm clocks, telling man: adjust, transform, become ecstatically coherent in unity, or die. Time Wave from 1996-2012, showing the time-forwards and time-reverse wave phase-conjigate resonance. Quote
Overdog Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 It is neither good math or bad science, just rambling inchorrent, meaningless jibberish. We are in a unique opportunity in history. We are IN an opportunity? This doesn't make sense to me. It is called the Time Gate. Can't say if it's true or false, since the first statement doesn't make sense. When we observe the constant tripling changes occurring to every aspect of our society, planet, galaxy, and even reality itself. More jibberish. Doesn't assert anything. The emergence of this transformation, of which the Time Gate is mans co-created effort, can be witnessed all around us, including the science journals of the modern day religion. More jibberish. Doen't make any sense at all. As for the list of points, they are all jibberish as well, because the context in which they are listed says nothing. I can not interpret that any anything is being asserted by the document, so there is nothing I can say is true or false, only that to me it is jibberish. Quote
freeztar Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 It's pseudo-science jibberish. There are so many holes in this that it is not even wrong. For example, mass is not measured in electron-volts. Mass is measured in kilograms. Quote
coldcreation Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 I would say wrong forum. Strange Claims sounds more appropriate. Edit: this is why; Strike 1. "...when time reverse waves and time forward waves collide..."Strike 2. "...faster-than-light realms would overlap our own crystallized light realms..."Strike 3. "...lifting of the eye lids of sleeping man to step into the awakening dream..." Quote
CraigD Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 It's pseudo-science jibberish. There are so many holes in this that it is not even wrong.I agree that excerpts from “FUTURE ENGINEERING: TIME GATE: Operation Future Wave: AN OVERVIEW” is pseudo-science gibberish. My favorite line from it is: - ultra high order gamma ray bursts have now mysteriously been detected to be pulsed from the earth during lightening storms into space. They are also of such a high order as to be beyond light, or even beyond neutrino's.This is a classic form of pseudoscience, blending an accurate statement with several inaccurate implications and nonsense terms. Orbiting gamma frequency observatories, the first of which was flow in 1994, have detected gamma ray photons emitted from lightning storms (known as TGFs). However, gamma rays are not “beyond light”, other than in the sense that they are outside of the visible band of EM radiation. At the 20 MeV (20,000,000 eV) maximum observed for TGFs, they are not more energetic that the most energetic detected neutrinos 3 GeV (3,000,000,000 eV), and more energetic than ones detected at less than 1 MeV. Although the precise cause of TGFs is not fully explained, it’s well demonstrated experimentally and explained theoretically that high velocity electrons colliding with atoms such as those in the atmosphere produce gamma photons. Far from mysterious, its fairly certain that TGFs are caused by this effect.For example, mass is not measured in electron-volts. Mass is measured in kilograms.However, among it’s misuses of the electronvolt (eV) unit is not that it uses it as a unit of mass. Although, speaking strictly, the eV is a unit of energy, the mass unit [math]\mbox{eV}/\mbox{c}^2[/math], is commonly omitted in scientific conversation and writing with its “divided by the speed of light squared” part omitted, in a manner similar to how the avoirdupois measurement system’s pound (lb) unit is commonly used both as a unit of force and as a unit of mass (lb/g). The “Time Gate” paper does misuse eVs, but its misuse is as a unit of charge, not mass. As with a lot of pseudoscience, debunking, this document can be entertaining and educational, but unfortunately, for people like myself who have seen a lot of this sort of writing, it can also be annoying. Rather than many readers having to debunk it for themselves and others, it would be nice if the writers debunked it themselves – although it would then be much less dramatic and impressive-seeming. The most interesting observation I found in it is the various different domains in which there are 64 of a kind of thing:64 squares on a 2-D checker/chess board.3-D boards typically have [math]8^3=512[/math], or, more commonly of one that is actually used to play chess, [math]5^3=125[/math], although the “tri-D board” known from Star Trek actually has 64 squares. 3 fixed boards of 16 squares each, and 4 movable boards of 4 squares each, although one could argue that the 4 movable boards actually give it 3 x 4 x 4 + 3 x 6 x 6 = 156 squares (the movable boards are allowed to overhand the fixed boards by 1 square, making the 3 “virtual boards” formed 6 x 6.64 hexagrams of the traditional I Ching. Any order-important random-pattern generator using 6 two-sided tossed things has [math]2^6=64[/math] possible patterns.64 codons of the 20 amino acids and a “stop” and “start” “command”.DNA and RNA both have 4 bases, and, in apparently every organism yet examined, code for proteins in units of 3 base pairs, so there are [math]4^3=64[/math] possible codons. Because some code for the same amino acid, there are only 20, not 64-2 = 62, amino acids.I don’t think we should conclude from these coincidences that 64 is an unusually “key” number in nature. Like electrical engineers, nature (or at least our anthropomorphized feel for it) appears to favor minimal designs, and the minimal base for a fixed-base positional numeral system is two. It’s expected, then, that we find a lot of remarkable collections of things number a power of two – 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, etc. In the case of chess and checker boards, 64 squares seems purely coincidental. In the history of chess and checker-like games, a lot of boards sizes and arrangements other than 8 x 8 have been and continue to be popular. Had China, rather than India and European countries, had a more dominant role in the history of games, we might well think of 19 x 19 or 9 x 10 as being the usual size of a square tiled game board. IMHO, the best experience that can be had from papers like “Time Gate” can be had by readers like neurtonjon who are unsure if it’s good math and science, or bad. Take one claim – for example, an easy one is That the sun has been transforming since 1957, and in the 1979 sunspot maximum reacted as never seen before. The science journals and media went wild (see Time Gate video).And research it, finding for yourself how it is incorrect. Human culture in general, and the internet in particular, is too full of such writing for a reader to have to rely on others to recognize it. If a person is to effectively understand the universe scientifically, she must develop her own critical scientific skills. Of course, as with any “the end/change of the world is near” prediction, one can simply wait and see. 2011 is not too far away – if our perception of time has not “collapsed” by then, we know that that prediction, at least, is incorrect. freeztar, Overdog and nutronjon 3 Quote
C1ay Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 I would say wrong forum. Strange Claims sounds more appropriate. Well, I agree with the wrong forum part but I'm thinking most people put crap in the toilet. Perhaps we need a "Toilet Forum". Not to demean you nutronjon but that material is a real load of BS... Quote
nutronjon Posted June 12, 2008 Author Report Posted June 12, 2008 I would say wrong forum. Strange Claims sounds more appropriate. Edit: this is why; Strike 1. "...when time reverse waves and time forward waves collide..."Strike 2. "...faster-than-light realms would overlap our own crystallized light realms..."Strike 3. "...lifting of the eye lids of sleeping man to step into the awakening dream..." Thanks, What is the best way to get this moved? Quote
nutronjon Posted June 12, 2008 Author Report Posted June 12, 2008 Well, I agree with the wrong forum part but I'm thinking most people put crap in the toilet. Perhaps we need a "Toilet Forum". Not to demean you nutronjon but that material is a real load of BS... Now that comment was insulting. Quote
InfiniteNow Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 Okay. Super. You called his response insulting. Now, would you care to address the real challenges to your opening post, or is that too scary? Seriously, nutronjon. You can't keep just calling others mean instead of addressing their criticisms. It's academically dishonest and weak, and you've shown to ALL of us already that you really can do better. Please.Try. Quote
C1ay Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 Now that comment was insulting. Why? It's not directed at you. The stuff you copied and pasted is crap. BS make pretend science. It belongs in the toilet. Feel free to pass my comments on to the original author of the work. Quote
C1ay Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 Thanks, What is the best way to get this moved? Done Quote
nutronjon Posted June 12, 2008 Author Report Posted June 12, 2008 I agree that excerpts from “FUTURE ENGINEERING: TIME GATE: Operation Future Wave: AN OVERVIEW” is pseudo-science gibberish. My favorite line from it is: - ultra high order gamma ray bursts have now mysteriously been detected to be pulsed from the earth during lightening storms into space. They are also of such a high order as to be beyond light, or even beyond neutrino's.This is a classic form of pseudoscience, blending an accurate statement with several inaccurate implications and nonsense terms. Orbiting gamma frequency observatories, the first of which was flow in 1994, have detected gamma ray photons emitted from lightning storms (known as TGFs). However, gamma rays are not “beyond light”, other than in the sense that they are outside of the visible band of EM radiation. At the 20 MeV (20,000,000 eV) maximum observed for TGFs, they are not more energetic that the most energetic detected neutrinos 3 GeV (3,000,000,000 eV), and more energetic than ones detected at less than 1 MeV. Although the precise cause of TGFs is not fully explained, it’s well demonstrated experimentally and explained theoretically that high velocity electrons colliding with atoms such as those in the atmosphere produce gamma photons. Far from mysterious, its fairly certain that TGFs are caused by this effect.However, among it’s misuses of the electronvolt (eV) unit is not that it uses it as a unit of mass. Although, speaking strictly, the eV is a unit of energy, the mass unit [math]mbox{eV}/mbox{c}^2[/math], is commonly omitted in scientific conversation and writing with its “divided by the speed of light squared” part omitted, in a manner similar to how the avoirdupois measurement system’s pound (lb) unit is commonly used both as a unit of force and as a unit of mass (lb/g). The “Time Gate” paper does misuse eVs, but its misuse is as a unit of charge, not mass. As with a lot of pseudoscience, debunking, this document can be entertaining and educational, but unfortunately, for people like myself who have seen a lot of this sort of writing, it can also be annoying. Rather than many readers having to debunk it for themselves and others, it would be nice if the writers debunked it themselves – although it would then be much less dramatic and impressive-seeming. The most interesting observation I found in it is the various different domains in which there are 64 of a kind of thing:64 squares on a 2-D checker/chess board.3-D boards typically have [math]8^3=512[/math], or, more commonly of one that is actually used to play chess, [math]5^3=125[/math], although the “tri-D board” known from Star Trek actually has 64 squares. 3 fixed boards of 16 squares each, and 4 movable boards of 4 squares each, although one could argue that the 4 movable boards actually give it 3 x 4 x 4 + 3 x 6 x 6 = 156 squares (the movable boards are allowed to overhand the fixed boards by 1 square, making the 3 “virtual boards” formed 6 x 6.64 hexagrams of the traditional I Ching. Any order-important random-pattern generator using 6 two-sided tossed things has [math]2^6=64[/math] possible patterns.64 codons of the 20 amino acids and a “stop” and “start” “command”.DNA and RNA both have 4 bases, and, in apparently every organism yet examined, code for proteins in units of 3 base pairs, so there are [math]4^3=64[/math] possible codons. Because some code for the same amino acid, there are only 20, not 64-2 = 62, amino acids.I don’t think we should conclude from these coincidences that 64 is an unusually “key” number in nature. Like electrical engineers, nature (or at least our anthropomorphized feel for it) appears to favor minimal designs, and the minimal base for a fixed-base positional numeral system is two. It’s expected, then, that we find a lot of remarkable collections of things number a power of two – 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, etc. In the case of chess and checker boards, 64 squares seems purely coincidental. In the history of chess and checker-like games, a lot of boards sizes and arrangements other than 8 x 8 have been and continue to be popular. Had China, rather than India and European countries, had a more dominant role in the history of games, we might well think of 19 x 19 or 9 x 10 as being the usual size of a square tiled game board. IMHO, the best experience that can be had from papers like “Time Gate” can be had by readers like neurtonjon who are unsure if it’s good math and science, or bad. Take one claim – for example, an easy one is That the sun has been transforming since 1957, and in the 1979 sunspot maximum reacted as never seen before. The science journals and media went wild (see Time Gate video).And research it, finding for yourself how it is incorrect. Human culture in general, and the internet in particular, is too full of such writing for a reader to have to rely on others to recognize it. If a person is to effectively understand the universe scientifically, she must develop her own critical scientific skills. Of course, as with any “the end/change of the world is near” prediction, one can simply wait and see. 2011 is not too far away – if our perception of time has not “collapsed” by then, we know that that prediction, at least, is incorrect. You win the prize for the best thought out reply. :) Quote
freeztar Posted June 12, 2008 Report Posted June 12, 2008 However, among it’s misuses of the electronvolt (eV) unit is not that it uses it as a unit of mass. Although, speaking strictly, the eV is a unit of energy, the mass unit [math]mbox{eV}/mbox{c}^2[/math], is commonly omitted in scientific conversation and writing with its “divided by the speed of light squared” part omitted I tip my hat to you, sir! Thank you for the clarification. :) The rest of you post is quite informative as well, as usual. Quote
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