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OK well I know that many of the scientists and readers would reject the thoughts in my mind but when viewed from a second point of view, it seems like this world is just an illussion which is runned by someone.

To consider the situation, visualise the condition when you are playing any game. What you notice is that the thoughts,actions and everything of your character is in your hands no original thoughts of the characters arise. And same is the situation with us.

Iknow it is opposite of cosmology but their are still some questions left unanswerd in modern cosmology

Q.1 From where did all the matter came before Bigbang?

Q.2 Is their another universe or not?

Q.3 How did time began?

And many

But if considerded from this point of view, it seems that all questions are answered.



Moved to strange claims, they dont come much stranger than this!


Sorry but unless you can give some evidence, this theory will always be filed under non-falsifiable. Meaning you cant prove it wrong. For all we know you could be right, but if you cant prove it right and we cant prove it wrong its not a scientific theory.

OK well I know that many of the scientists and readers would reject the thoughts in my mind but when viewed from a second point of view, it seems like this world is just an illusion which is runned by someone...



Sorry, but this is not new. Nor is it a scientific question. Most people who ponder the basics of reality come across this problem. However, that said, it is an important question, and there is no easy answer to it. You just have to work at it. Lets take it one step at a time...


Firstly, this is not a scientific question because science takes as an axiom (fact) that the universe exists outside our perception of it. Questions about that assumption lie outside the purview of science. But lets deal first with the scientific questions you have raised...


I know it is opposite of cosmology but their are still some questions left unanswerd in modern cosmology

Q.1 From where did all the matter came before Bigbang?

Q.2 Is their another universe or not?

Q.3 How did time began?


Q1. Big Bang theory tells us nothing about what happened before the Big Bang, nor after the Big Crunch (if that ever happens). Indeed, arguably there isn't a "before" the beginning of the universe nor an "after" its (possible) end. These words are meaningless. I know that may not seem a satisfactory answer, but it is the best you are going to get. You have to understand that words are only meaningful in a context. Taken out of that context, they may seem sensible, even profound, but they are actually meaningless.


Q2. This is another meaningless question. The universe is defined as everything. therefore, by definition, there cannot be anything outside it, let alone another universe. What you are asking is "is there anything outside our space-time continuum"? The simple answer to that is, we don't know. Possibly, we never will.


Q3. Time, in the sense of it existing within our space-time continnum, came into existence at the Big Bang. Again, that may seem unsatisfactory, but the same comments as for Q1 apply.


Next, the idea that the world is an illusion is actually a philosophic question. Taking your example...


To consider the situation, visualise the condition when you are playing any game. What you notice is that the thoughts,actions and everything of your character is in your hands no original thoughts of the characters arise. And same is the situation with us.


Philosophically, all I can say is "I think therfore I am". I have no way of knowing that the universe around me exists outside my imagination. But what does "I exist" mean? Basically, I exist mentally. Therefore it is possible that I (and hence everything around me) exists as someone else's thought. Or, as you put it "it seems like this world is just an illusion which is runned by someone".


But if considerded from this point of view, it seems that all questions are answered.

Well, actually no. It doesn't answer any questions! Stating that the world is an illusion (if that is the case) answers none of the questions like:

  • Why is the universe the way it is?
  • Why does the universe seem real?
  • Is the dreamer (who dreamt me and this universe) merely a figment of someone else's imagination?
  • Where do illusions end and reality begin?
  • Does it matter?

What difference does it make if the world is real or "just" a figment of someone's imagination? In this universe, if I cut myself, I bleed. And it hurts. If I'm hit by a train I die. If I don't eat I die. It's all still real within this illusion (if indeed it is an illusion).


Anyway, I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying. You are not the first person to ask these questions, and you won't be the last. Take a look at the Philosophy section of this site. There is a current thread "What is the Nature of Knowledge". That it a bit technical, but similar ideas are alway being tossed around. Don't be afraid to ask difficult questions, but do listen to others who may have spent many years considering questions that you are only just becoming aware of.


Why not? Their is a proof to whatever I have written. We say that their is god that helps, whenever we are helpless but then the question arises here is:- Why cannot we see god infront of us the most simplest answer is that we are virtual but the god is real this whole world is under influence of him. I know most of the readers would just start flabbergasting but if both are virtual that means both are alike and if both are alike, they could see each other. But here I am claiming that this whole world is virtual or simply an illussion as the god could not be virtual, only we are left with it.

Over your e-mail, you said that if I die, I die. But once we die then again we are forced to get rised up I mean just get once more a new life. Our this system is never going to end untill and unless we all become as pure as this universe from inside.

And this answer still not proves my theory, then answer my question that

I face a problem that sometimes when sometimes an event is going to happen, I just see it before it actually happens but it happens occasionally.

WHY DOES IT HAPPENS? And if seen from my perspective, it is answered well and finly


I recommend the science-fiction movie, The Matrix. It deals with this subject.


The fact is, we will never know for sure. As Jedai pointed out, regardless of whether the universe is "real" or "virtual" does not really matter at all since our reality is defined, and very real to *us*, either way.

Why not? Their is a proof to whatever I have written. We say that their is god that helps, whenever we are helpless but then the question arises here is:- Why cannot we see god infront of us the most simplest answer is that we are virtual but the god is real this whole world is under influence of him. I know most of the readers would just start flabbergasting but if both are virtual that means both are alike and if both are alike, they could see each other. But here I am claiming that this whole world is virtual or simply an illussion as the god could not be virtual, only we are left with it.


Over your e-mail, you said that if I die, I die. But once we die then again we are forced to get rised up I mean just get once more a new life. Our this system is never going to end untill and unless we all become as pure as this universe from inside.

This is a statement of belief. I respect your beliefs but it is not proof that what you are saying is valid.


And this answer still not proves my theory, then answer my question that I face a problem that sometimes when sometimes an event is going to happen, I just see it before it actually happens but it happens occasionally. WHY DOES IT HAPPENS? And if seen from my perspective, it is answered well and finly

No such claim has ever passed independent scrutiny. If you can predict the future, I would predict that someday you will be a very rich man. If you so chose.

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