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Here at Hypo there are those that always seem to be able to find things they are seeking....well effortlessly...and then there are those of us that search for litterally hours seeking.


How do they do it!?!? What are we doing wrong? What aren't we doing that we should be?


What are the tricks to finding that piece of info or toy that you just gotta have without having to root through the usually useless links browsers puke up with every search????!!!!???:)


I wanna know!

Here at Hypo there are those that always seem to be able to find things they are seeking....well effortlessly...and then there are those of us that search for litterally hours seeking.


How do they do it!?!? What are we doing wrong? What aren't we doing that we should be?


What are the tricks to finding that piece of info or toy that you just gotta have without having to root through the usually useless links browsers puke up with every search????!!!!???:)


I wanna know!


I could tell you, but then...well, you know. :hyper:


But seriously; without knowing 'what' you do, it's not possible to say what is wrong, or right, about it. :) When I search, I put in exact phrases that prompt my interest to begin with. If I don't get results that I want, I make a minor change & search again. For instance, I might substitute 'motor' for 'engine' in a search for 'electric engine vehicles.'


I also type in whole questions just as I would ask someone, e.g., "How does a cavity magnetron work?" Generally, if I don't see what I want on the first page of results, I rephrase the search rather than going on to the second or third page of results.


That's all that comes to mind at the moment, so this concludes another test of the Where Can I Find It Network. Please exit the ride to your left. ......:)

-T.- I put in exact phrases that prompt my interest to begin with. If I don't get results that I want, I make a minor change & search again.

That is exactly how I search for stuff.


O.k. how long do you spend on average searching for VERY specific tidbits?


How much unrelated garbage do you get per page (a rough percentage will do)?

I litterally get one good link per ten or twenty attempts good being a link related to but not exactly what I'm searching for. (Good because it at least was something)

That is exactly how I search for stuff.


O.k. how long do you spend on average searching for VERY specific tidbits?


How much unrelated garbage do you get per page (a rough percentage will do)?

I litterally get one good link per ten or twenty attempts good being a link related to but not exactly what I'm searching for. (Good because it at least was something)


I don't pay much attention to how long I spend searching. I use Google out of habit, and whether one engine is better than another I don't know. The PGPP (Percent Garbage Per Page) varies with the quality of my search phrase, but I tend to find the right stuff in 20% or less of the results on a page.


Do you have a particularly vexing example? :)


I have MANY!!!! The worst are for machines and parts (and info about the same) old jap bikes, tractors, old trucks, please note I search for very specific parts, info, and vehicles and hate it when every link leads to Ebay or Wiki. If I wanted to search the Bay I'd simply click my bookmarks and search there! :)


Even worse are the dozens of links per page which lead to sites which have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm looking for (other than the inserted phrase in their text) or sites which simply pop up more links which lead to more sites which pop up more links etc. leading in a massive twisted circle of repetition eventually leading to hours of wasted time and little or no useful info. :)


Gotta run must get foodstuffs lest I end up having to get them alone tomorow (much rather food shop with Wifey! so much easier!:) )


Just a slight switch up on the question. searching hypography is sometimes difficult for me from inside the forum. I tend to google "hypography and whatever" and get some hits in the direction I need.... I know I am not using the forum tools to the best they offer but can't find directions for their use and learning by bits and pieces is too much trouble when I am already hurried and want to know NOW! as in yesterday... :) Are there a few pages of breakdown on using our own system?


Esp. how to post nice small pictures!!

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