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Does anyone know of any studies done on reading entire books aloud?


I just had this idea tonight. I'm sure I would seem crazy to someone who overheard me reading an entire book aloud, so I'm reluctant to even try for the sake of sounding absolutely insane! However, is there some benefit to it?


I remember that in school, I always loved reading from the book aloud. Any time a teacher would ask for a volunteer I would always raise my hand. I am a very confident speaker now as an adult, and I wonder if some of that is attributed to this "practice" I got in my early years. If it does has a positive effect.. then would reading everything aloud be beneficial to someone?

I remember that in school, I always loved reading from the book aloud. Any time a teacher would ask for a volunteer I would always raise my hand.
It always scared me! (but then I'm afraid of the phone, public speaking of any sort, and persons of authority as well...always have been.)
Does anyone know of any studies done on reading entire books aloud?


I just had this idea tonight. I'm sure I would seem crazy to someone who overheard me reading an entire book aloud, so I'm reluctant to even try for the sake of sounding absolutely insane! However, is there some benefit to it?

I am not able to cite studies at the tip of my fingers on this, but I'm quite sure they exist.


Yes. There is a benefit. Let me explain my logic.



When you read, the data comes in through your eyes, hits the occipital lobes, and then goes to the other areas of the brain for interpretation. It is registered in memory, and the strength of a memory is highly dependent on emotional state and the levels of activity in other areas of the brain.


Since when you speak it involves several other brain regions, from the motor cortex to the lingual areas, also the areas involved with sound since you can now hear yourself, additional it would have greater activation in the language regions of the brain (more than just reading alone, anyway)... All of this activity would be beneficial, at least in the context of memory and conscious experience.


Now, if you mean beneficial in being accepted by your social group... well, that may be a completely different *story.* :rotfl:

Does anyone know of any studies done on reading entire books aloud?


I just had this idea tonight. I'm sure I would seem crazy to someone who overheard me reading an entire book aloud, so I'm reluctant to even try for the sake of sounding absolutely insane! However, is there some benefit to it?


I remember that in school, I always loved reading from the book aloud. Any time a teacher would ask for a volunteer I would always raise my hand. I am a very confident speaker now as an adult, and I wonder if some of that is attributed to this "practice" I got in my early years. If it does has a positive effect.. then would reading everything aloud be beneficial to someone?


With reference to personal experience, reading aloud is slower than reading silently, and it is a strain on the voice box if overdone. One benefit to occasional solo reading aloud, is solidifying/perfecting a pronounciation, or other memorizing of written material. Go ahead though & read that book aloud & report back. :rotfl:


Jeez...none of you have kids....


Reading books aloud is wonderful! Even if you don't have kids, go voluneer for kids (or seniors who are going blind!) and read them books!


Do you want them to miss the joys of literacy?


Books come alive with voices, inflections, drama added!


Heck, I even read aloud when no one's around!


Yah B! I should do audiobooks! :magic:


Yea the illiterate, that know not how to cipher what is writ in learned books, will quote my loathsome trespass in my looks, :rotfl:


Jeez...none of you have kids....


Reading books aloud is wonderful! Even if you don't have kids, go voluneer for kids (or seniors who are going blind!) and read them books!


Do you want them to miss the joys of literacy?


Books come alive with voices, inflections, drama added!


Heck, I even read aloud when no one's around!


Yah B! I should do audiobooks! :cheer:


Yea the illiterate, that know not how to cipher what is writ in learned books, will quote my loathsome trespass in my looks, :phones:



well said buffy....


I have a long commute to work and I have become a fan of audio books...do you think I absorb less of the information from an audio book then I do reading it...because I do....but I don't know if it is just my feelings falsifying it because somehow it seems like I am cheating....does that make since? I hope it does...

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