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I was warmed to see this video recently.


It really made me feel more closely connected to those who espouse religious belief.


When one sees religion discussed in this way, one realizes that it's worth having as a very real and prominent part of our society.


In all honesty, I am beginning to think that maybe I've been mistaken for all of these years being atheist, as these articulate, hope-bringing words of love and kindness have caused me to more seriously consider making faith a part of my life.






YouTube - George Carlin is in Hell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd0dtyr3ifw





I wonder if I can join their demonstration outside of his funeral?



I was warmed to see this video recently.

It really made me feel more closely connected to those who espouse religious belief....


Correct me if I'm wrong, cause lord knows I'm not absolutely right all the time, but I think I believe that perhaps you might be expressing just a little sarcasm.




This is the same sleaze bag that advertised on his web site that he was coming to our town to protest at a soldier’s funeral. They backed out when they figured out what kind of people they would be encountering around here specifically rednecks with guns. This guy's been around for a long time . His congregation is basically his family members.


Technically Jesus is not god of anything, he is either the son of god or the avatar of god on earth but the guy who is protesting at Carlin's funeral is a low life piece of **** who's finest hour would have an early abortion. Or possibly to just run down his daddy's leg.

I can't see how any one can take religion seriously without being a little bit insane. Or, to borrow from a popular book title, deluded.

You ever take a course in comparative religion ? or study mythology ? this helped me understand my fellow man’s collective ethos though a knowledge of how we are all in the same metaphorical world.

This guy is a lot like you. Do you realize he like you, see’s something terribly wrong with what other people think, instead of creating original ideas for themselves. :cup:


I liked George Carlin. He made people laugh which is doing good in my book. Phelps is what happens to someone who tries to be too good by the book. It causes repression and compulsions. Political correctness must be based on Phelps religion model. Instead of waiting for one to die to be cast into hell, the new method tries to make hell on earth for all the infidels. Each has their own sensitivity paradise. Both get knarly if the infidels are not with the program. Both can quote from books. The only difference is the God word.


The atheist have their own heaven and hell but this is here on earth. Anyone who is religious is considered dilusional. This choice of words is based on delusion equals insanity being a living hell. The atheist heaven on earth is rational and scientific.


I thought everyone knew that Fred Phelps is actually a repressed homosexual.


I mean, how obvious is it with all his outward vitriol and open expressions of hatred toward gays. He must be one. A man who is secure in his own sexuality doesn't need to go so far out of his way to condemn someone elses sexuality, unless he is trying to cover up his own sense of shame and guilt.


Yeah, I'm sure he fantasizes about having sex with other men all the time, and he hates himself for it. He thinks that by acting like he and God hate gays that everyone will be fooled into thinking he's really straight.


Sorry Fred, it isn't working big boy. You can come out now. :cup:

He'd have no platform for such comments if religion were not so protected.


I agree, if me or you tried to spout such hate filled rhetoric we would be arrested for promoting a hate crime but he can do it because he cloaks it in religion of all things:doh: On day one of the bikers that follow him around trying to block his access to the funerals of soldiers will get pissed off and off him, (my prophecy for the year)


Ha! I love it!


"Art thou also become as weak as we, George Carlin?" He said that was from scripture! George Carlin is mentioned in scripture?? HA! If I knew that, I would have been at Church on Sunday!


And I love how he rounds out his unholy trinity with Keith Olberman and Jerry Seinfeld, of all people! Oh, god damn, that was priceless!


I know Carlin would have gotten a kick out of that. And seriously, this Phelps guy must be gay. Anytime one of these hate-mongers starts getting some attention, WHOOPS, turns out they like chugging cock in the men's bathroom at Sears. It's classic self-hatred manifested in rage towards others like him. He really is upset that his briefs get in a bunch whenever a young attractive man passes by.

What are you suggesting? ;)

What he is suggesting is the same thing that H. L. Mencken, famous New York newspaper man of the 30's through the 50's often said in many ways. Here is one of them:


One of the most irrational of all conventions of modern society is

the one to the effect that religious opinions should be respected.

[This] convention protects them, and so they proceed with their

blather unwhipped and almost unmolested to the great damage of

common sense and common decency. That they should have this immunity

is an outrage. There is nothing in religious ideas, as a class, to

lift them above other ideas. On the contrary, they are always

dubious and often quite silly. ~~~HL Mencken, Minority Report 1956


It is an ignoble fact here in America, that espousals of hatred and venom are indeed accredited with a degree of respect and acceptance that they would NEVER enjoy, were they not swathed in the cloak of "religion".


So, what is your take on this?

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