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Hello, I am the co-admin of LHCFacts.org :ohdear:


I have been helping to educate the public, media and scientists about the safety issues. (Yes average physicists had not studied the safety issues in any detail and are just starting to now, so I help to compile the information, links, etc.)


Basic arguments:


Hawking Radiation is disputed as "no compelling theoretical case for or against radiation by black holes" and cosmic rays striking Earth do not prove safety because if stable neutral micro black holes were created, they would travel through Earth and exit at relativistic speeds.


CERN has presented a credible and detailed new safety report with arguments for safety based on Neutron stars and cosmic rays. And while I am very thankful for the creation of this important report, I can not ignore what CERN's SPC Committee writes in their validation report:


"A powerful argument applicable also to higher energies is formulated making reference to observed neutron stars, but this argument relies on properties of cosmic rays and neutrinos that, while highly plausible, do require confirmation, as can be expected in the coming years."


A balanced encyclopedia article, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_of_the_Large_Hadron_Collider

Safety arguments in more detail: LHCFacts.org

Legal Defense: LHCDefense.org

If everyone were to plaster our boards with a link to their page in every post, we would be a billboard, not a chatboard.

unless ofcourse you are one of the co founders of Google, in which case, you can link to google.com in every post, even Tormod won't mind :evil:


Welcome to hypography, the only place you know, where the dedication to clean content contributes to much more sleep deprivation from the admins then from the sleep deprivation caused by users typing out those extra long research posts ;)

unless ofcourse you are one of the co founders of Google, in which case, you can link to google.com in every post, even Tormod won't mind :D


At least they pay for it. It's thanks to Google that I can afford to run this site, after all. :cup:

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