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A moment for 341 Turtle posts, too! And water to go with that seed!


Turtle: don't look back though, I'm right behind you!


"In the Thunderbolt Grease Slapper once he's on your tail.

He won't quit because you know there's no such word as fail to

Tom Slick

Tom Slick!"





Not to get too awfully sentimental, but-

My youngest son has hydrocephalis. (otherwise known as "water on the brain").

For many, many years there as no cure, (and actually, there stll exists no real cure), but for many years it ended only in retardation, blindness, or death for those so afflicted. - It never ended well.


So having said that, I raise my glass high and salute the first person who ever said -"hey...y'know, if we just drill a hole in that kids skull and let some of that fluid out, he might just be OK!"


Thank God for that guy or gal!

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