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A moment for Humans being the only animal who's head hair continuously grows in length.
Unless you count a horse's mane as head hair.


A moment for horses, which can have some amazingly long manes. :rolleyes:

Unless you count a horse's mane as head hair.


A moment for horses, which can have some amazingly long manes. :hihi:


___I have minimal equine experience, however don't horses have a shorter part of the mane growing from their head called a forlock? Do wild horses' manes grow to the ground?

___A moment to look this up while we take a moment for the Human being the only animal to ride horses with beautiful manes. :rolleyes:


___A moment to add a moment to DarkMind's moment in view of the moment it takes to cross check on the web. It used to take hours, days, even weeks scouring librarys, bookstores, & addresses of authorities to contact. Oh yeah, a final moment that it is the result of science. :)


A moment for "paying it forward" :doh:. (excellent movie, with a surprise ending :)...) I saw it in theatres it seems like 4 years ago... excellent philosophy of life, although a bit hard to fulfill... maybe if it was only two people...

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