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Moon/globe system pushes itself away from the curved track of the sun. It can be considered to be like a giant planet whose surface the other side of the moon is.


This "giant planet" rotates around its axle. This way the other side of the moon is sometimes towards the sun and sometimes away from the sun. Sometimes the moon pushes itself faster away from the sun. At the same time energywaves opening up from the globe push the moon away from the globe. That`s why the moon passes the globe in a curved track.


When the moon is proportionally as far away from the sun as possible, an enormeus pressure from the sun is directed to the globe and the globe begins to reach upthe moon at the same time as they push themselves away from the sun. This way the globe passes the moon and so on.


Apparently this side of the moon that is towards the sun, is thicker and heavier than the other side. The moon keeps its heavier side towards the globe (towards the bottom of the energysea opening up from the globe) at the same time it pushes itself away from the globe in a "energysea" opening up from the globe.


The largest amount of energy commits to the moon when the moon is in an area between the globge and the sun.When this energy is released away from the moon it makes the moon to head towards the globe. Surely the moon pushes itself away from the globe at the same respect as the moon and the globe expand.


In an area between the atomcores of the globe and the moon the neutrinos coming from the sun push themselves through the globe and the moon. Also these neutrinos expand and open up energywaves by which they move their kinetic energy towards the atoms of the globe, atom by atom. But the question is : Are there similar energybundles opening up from the globe towards the moon and do they penetrate the moon and move their kinetic energy to the moon, atom by atom?


The comets that expand three-dimentionally push themselves sometimes away from the sun expanding three dimentionally faster than the surface of the sun pushes itself behinf the comets. Every now and then the surface of a sun reaches the comets and the comets approach the sun without moving towards it.


When the surface of the sun reaches the comet, a part of the energy opening up from the sun travel as corpuscules between the atomcores through the comet. The corpuscules that open up from the sun rub themselves to the energywaves opening up from the atomcores of the comet. This is how the corpuscules traveling through the comet burn or explode more and more energy all the time. Now they have more interaction with the atomcores of the comets other side than with the atoms that locate at the side towards the sun.


The comets orbit of motion bends around the sun because the atoms of the other side of the comet push themselves away faster than the atoms of a comet that locates at the side of a sun do. After having rolled around the sun, has the comet been charged with athe energy coming from the sun so much that the corpuscules coming from the sun burn out inside the comet.


They transfer all their energy of motion to the comet. The comet starts to push away from the sun faster than the surface of the sun pushes itself after the comet and so on. Of course the sun and the comet must all the time also pay regard to the external pressure that is directed to the solar system.



Access : Sun storm hits comet : Nature News


The supporters of the modern physics have often wondered how all the four separate forces have exactly the same power. Why does the space expand as it does? We talk about the so called omega, that should be nearly the same as one or maybe even sharply one. We make questions if it is a bit under one or a bit over one. Does the universe expand forever in accelerative speed or does it begin to reduce ect.


If even one of the so called four separate forces would be even slightly different as it is, the universe as it nowadays is observed would´t have born.


According to my theory the omega is automatically so near the number one and this is proved if you are able to internalize these sites.


There exists only one force and it is the pressure. Everything else is based on the variation of the pressure.


An unexplained acceleration towards the sun has been observed with the Pioneer-sounders. If it would be observed that the sounders have the same kind of unexplained acceleration away from the sun, it would similar to the expanding of space in a Big Bang-theory. Apparently the space is assumed to expand somewhere far away from us (?).


Maybe in the universe according to my theory there is nothing unexplainable in the acceleration of the Pioneer-sounders. Maybe the energysea opening from the sun does not push so strongly the sounders away from the sun the

farther the sounders are from the sun.


This means that the space itself does not expand or curve. The energy concentrations expand and open up energywaves in a space that does not expand or curve.


Dots of the sun


Approximately in eleven years distance the visible universe rubs itself against the energywaves coming towards and the energybudles in these waves burn out inside the sun. They make there a bigger pressure than normally. That makes the the energywaves open up from the centre of the sun towards the surface of the sun like a stream towards a same area (just like the water in a rainy day goes in a track made of sawdust).


Now the powerful energypulse flows out of the sun in a same area. When the influx stops, leaves the energystream on or many sundots as a mark to a relatively same area. Also in the tracks made of sawdust one can see several streams side by side.


When energybudles go inside the sun there could be formed new atoms of heavy substances like in coldfusion. They could clean the energywaves that open up from the expanding atomcores with them. Now the atomcores expand close to each other, but they don´t push each other away for a while.


A powerful energystream could bring the new atoms of a heavy substance far away from the sun.


Slow time


The thicker the energy in a concentarion is, the less it has exterior surface. The slower the time is. The less exterior surface, the slower the concentration opens up energy as waves.


For example the new massive photons have a slower time than the old light photons do.


Accelerating time?


The faster the spacecraft moves, the faster it expands. The more the spacecraft expands, the more it affects energy that comes towards.


The more the the spacecraft affects energy coming towards, the faster the spacecraft expands. The more the spacecraft expands, the more it needs energy to accelerate and so on.


To catch up the speed of light, the craft needs all the energy from the universe. The craft heading straightforward may even catch fire before reaching the speed of light.


What if the craft would be formed like discus and rotates around its axl wildly? Does the energyfield forming around the craft prevent that the energy coming towards can not get to the atomcores? Can the discus shaped craft that turns wildly around its axl catch up easier the speed of light?


Why don´t we feel acceleration away from the globe when we are in a spacestage circulating the globe?


One could think, that inside a spacestage that expands three-dimentionally one should feel escalating push away from the globe? One should feel it in the same way as in the surface of the globe, because also a spacestage pushes itself away from the globe with escalating speed.


The globe expands three-dimentionally and opens up energywaves. The energybundles in the waves go between the expanding atomcores through the stage and transfer their kinetic energy smoothly to the whole stage and to the people inside the stage. This is how the stage expands around the people inside the stage at the same time as it pushes itself away from the globe with escalating speed.


Behind the globe through the sides of the globe there comes energywaves towards the objects that exist on a orbit of the globe. That´s how the effect of energy coming outwards the the globe and heading towards the globe reverses the further we go from the globe.


The further we go from the globe, the more we can see about the globe. The furher we go, the more energy comes towards the object from the globe. When the shuttle reaches the orbit, it has also reached its escapespeed. After that the speed of its atomcores accelerate sufficiently with the help of the energybudles coming from the globe.


That is why on a spacestage that circulates the globe we experience the weightless space where people flow.


If moon surface would push and so forth from the month's centre month attraction in comparable acceleration, no moon would stay in the as same size relationship to globe .


Sun, planets and moons expand three-dimensionally. They also opening energy waves outwards and in these in the energy waves be three-dimensionally expand energy bunches interact eg. On the country's surface as being with the items atoms, and move for them to their business energy. Does surface of globe dropped push attraction by fast in the acceleration and so forth from the globe's center point?


No. Now must take yet to the attention towards the globe, coming three-dimensionally expansive energy bunches and that, how much they interact country surface region as being with the items atoms, and how much they move to their business energy well to items.


What about how for example from the globe in opening energy waves be three-dimensionally expand energy bunches interact towards the globe, with the coming energy bunches ?


I assume, that from the globe opening energy bunches clean towards to their presumably globe, from the coming energy bunches opening small energy bunches, whereby these don't get by the side mobile energy bunch "to surface", and towards the like this globe, come energy bunches don't push each others and so forth from one another, whereby towards the globe, coming energy wave does not spread so to the wide area from the globe because of the opening energy bunches, and towards the like this globe, becomes more energy bunches square metre towards.


Towards burning the does globe, coming energy bunches to the end fixed and fluid ingredients in interatomic, whereby energy which is in those explodes inside the fixed and fluid ingredients, and move their all business energy solid and to the fluid materials?


What about from the globe opening energy bunches? Do they move them less to his business energy kiinteisiin and to the fluid materials as towards the globe, come energy bunches?


If like this, does surface of globe in smaller push acceleration and so forth from the globe's centre as dropped gravity acceleration gives to understand?


This all comes take into consideration, when are inspected the interaction of different planets and moons between.


Light from common red move is in interpreting accelerating expanding.


Whereby in the acceleration planets push and so forth from the sun?

Whereby in the acceleration stars push and so forth from the galaxy's centre?

Whereby in the acceleration we push and so forth from the globe's centre?

Whereby in the acceleration galaxies push and so forth point from the one?


How from the sun coming energy bunches interact with the globe atoms , when they pass globe? Do they start them to explode all the time more and more energy, whereby they interact all the time with the more and more globe atoms ? This again affects there, how they affect to us then, when we are globe it has, on the half which to the sun towards or and so forth from the sun.


The speed of a sounder accelerates when the sounder passes the planet nearby.


When the sounder approaches the planet, it begins to have more interaction with the planet. The energywaves opening up from the planets energybundles make the atomcores of a sounder to explode their energy more. Now these waves make the energybundles coming from the planet explode their energy more towards the atomcores of a sounder ect.


After passing by more and more energy comes from the atomcores of a sounder towards the energybundles coming from the planet and this is how they explode their energy more towards the sounders atomcores.


So now they transfer their kinetic energy more to the sounder.






When the sounder goes by the planet, more massive energybudles come towards the sounder from the planet. These energybundles have less exterior surface and this way they can have interaction with the atomcores of the sounder less than the energybundles that come from the space.


The energybundles coming from the space make the orbit of a sounder to bend in accordance with the planet with the energywaves opening up from themselves. So they expand and bombard this expanding atomcore with a radiation that opens up from themselves. This radiation contains very small exploding energybundles.


Little by little the charge of a sounder changes and more and more energy begins to open up from its atomcores.


Now the more massive / more energic energybundles coming from the planet get more and more hits towards themselves and begin this way to transfer more and more kinetic energy towards the sounder with the help of energywaves that open up from themselves.This is why the speed of a sounder accelerates when the sounder moves away from the planet.


Constant speed of light simple logical nicely.



When spacecraft moves quickly forward, there hits faster and more for example Photons and like this vessel self opens / to explode denser energy waves forward.


These forward opening energy waves get from their formating come photons to explode much energy forward and speed of the like this their slows.



Well, when vessel has stopped its speed exciting, it does not open backwards nowhere near so much energy as forward, because there comes to guarantee towards slower and less energy, whereby vessel also explode in other words opens behind the less energy, towards and like this to guarantee towards to the initially coming photons get towards base much easier than from their formating come photons.



Well what from this company?



To initially coming light moves in the proportion to with the same towards in the speed, base in that on the moment when it hits to the initially, get it from the front towards or guarantee towards, even though vessel self moves on the huge speed forward, whereby born image so that observer is able in position relationship to the environment and that light speed is always constant observer in the relationship.


And this if what is from the logical, simple and beautiful.

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