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i wanna hear more about all that, both the matter/antimatter engine, the ransacking, the classified research, NASA classified papers, all of it, i love this kind of stuff




I'd have to get to know you better, but as of the moment I would consider you a candidate for collaboration. When the forum allows me to imbed a link, I'll direct you to the site groups.msn.com/CLIMBINGOUTOFTHEBOX which is a screening site to the more sensitive site. I'm not comfortable just dumping potentially hazardous material into the hands of potential yahoos.


Where in the world RU?


Also: I'm re-writing the novel I mentioned. I'll expand it. I think the first "book" (like Verne made "From the Earth to the Moon" and included the sequel "A Trip Around the Moon" in the same book...) I've thought of elaborating on the time traveler being a heinous villain in the first iteration, then becomes the absolute protagonist in the second. I plan to rob H.G. Wells blind in the first book (as the best writers do:D)... What think ye?)


One more thing: I thought more about whether I was right in saying the epitrochoid vertex of the hypotrochoid would "orbit" the clumps. I still say "No. They wouldn't." Consider the lines of force surrounding a magnet, then consider the true nature of the orbitals in an atom. The electron actually becomes the proton at the vertex (compact) then expands into the electron as if it were the base of a radially elliptoid triangle. An egg.

See "Organic Chemistry by Marc Loudon" 1997 (I think)...




God's not always silent...:hyper:

...nor is He always so loving toward His children...


IMO the universe (vacuum energy-wise) created a condition allowing God to evolve, then He created our neck of the woods...





I'm not logging into other threads or voting successfully:confused:


Some guidance would be appreciated. (I'm an old fellow... My bones are weak; My head it aches... or is it the other way around...?:D (Monty Python; The Life of Brian... partly...))



I'm not logging into other threads or voting successfully:confused:


Some guidance would be appreciated. (I'm an old fellow... My bones are weak; My head it aches... or is it the other way around...?:D (Monty Python; The Life of Brian... partly...))


If you explain your steps for what you are trying to do, I'll try to help. :hyper:


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This is the error message when voting...

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This is the error message when voting...


It might be that you cannot vote until you have 10 posts. The tenth post is a magic number that allows you to do more things, such as create a thread. I'll look into it more to make sure though. In the meantime, post away. :doh:

I'd have to get to know you better, but as of the moment I would consider you a candidate for collaboration.

Woo-Hoo, i'm a candidtate for something... never been a candidate, at least not in the recent years that i can remember. I mean i was a candidate to being banned from here, and infact was, for a couple of days, but that's a long story, and its not real candidacy, so yeah, woo-hoo candidate at last :confused:


Where in the world RU?
Location: Just before 0xAA55

I guess, my joke in the profile didn't describe that, all that well... hmm well, physically, i am behind my computer, metaphysically i am still in my body, emotionally i am pissed at my job, psychologically, generally pissed at the way that the society is, scientifically i am interested in everything, suspiciously i am suspicious of doctors (not your kind), politically i am pro legalizing cannabis, though i do not use it, monetarily, i owe a ton, and geographically, i am a tad right and up from the center of CT.


What think ye?

It was a late, the jasmine buds were breaking into bloom, and the sweet stench of the aroma in the standstill afternoon air was only broken by the wild flapping motion of clouds of moths, as they flocked from one plant to another in their nightly , almost ritual dance of nature. He was a bit nervous, though he did not show any signs of it, as he spun in his chair, feverishly waiting for the code to compile. "It is nearly complete" he thought, as he pushed against the desk to gather more speed, this time almost throwing him off the chair. He did this often to unwind after a day's worth of coding, but tonight, tonight was special, all he has worked towards, both at the lab and here, it was finally complete, it was coming together. The most masterful plan the world has or will ever see, and nothing, not even the constant tapping of moths at the bug zapper, was going to ruin this night, this is the night the world will soon come to remember...




CT eh? Are you naturalized or on visa? (My late bro-in-law was on visa till he married my sister...)


Basically I'm saying you seem to be on the same page with me a bit. Who knows... What do you think of Nevada or Colorado? I think NORML is a good thing...



Freeztar, Turmod,


Thanx for all efforts. I'm a patient fellow...

Are you naturalized or on visa?



What do you think of Nevada or Colorado?

Well, used to have a friend from Colorado, and he's never been to South Park, which was the joke that haunted him throughout High School.

So what do i think about it, never being there? Montainous region, mostly fairly high altitude. It has a fairly low population per square mile, infact most of the people live on the eastern ridge of the mountains, most of the other areas are fairly rural, contrasting temps due to mountainous regiouns, likely fair amount of percipitation and main attractions are likely snow-based sports. It is also a high altitude region, with some peaks over 14000 feet, and population being gathered in one main area, appeals to observatories, so it would not be unlikely to see lots of those, outside the populated region, and in the protected regions...


Nevada i know even less about, though, the state is basically the outline of the majove desert, thus it is mostly flat, somewhat dry areas. Nevada had a pretty big nuclear test site, about 65 miles away from Las Vegas, and it was active, until nuclear testing restrictions put in place in the early 90s (methinks 92 or 93, but i was too young). I remember that being a rather liberal state, they have some of the harshest drug-posession laws in the country, and i think they consider possession of marijuana a misdemeanor if its less then an ounce, more then that, then you get wacked, and wacked hard.


eeh, about all i know about the states, and i'm tired, going to lunch, take it easy :singer:


Hi folks,


The following is something I wrote on one of my other forums. This should probably be somewhere else, but since I'm testing the water I decided to place it here.


This was entitled: "Supersymmetric God."


I do not advocate "The Big Bang." The TV show is cute, but that's as far as we go. I advocate String Theory and Supersymmetry along with what physicists generally refer to as "The Anthropic Principle." That trinity is difficult to weld together, but in doing so what emerges from the equations is a parallel universe of antimatter where the Holy Spirit is the binding force, but God Himself would exist inverted as would everything else. Planets (earth) would have everything growing from the inside toward the center and Genesis might begin with a description of God's face being in the center instead of on the outside of "the deep."


This is because Elementary "strings" have been indirectly observed within superfluid helium, supporting the theory, but atom smashers, like the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) some of you had fears about, have demonstrated that particles tend to evolve in twins, only opposites. String theory and supersymmetry theory just don't jive!


Wait a minute, though. If the strings are approaching infinite velocity as neutrinos on the outward path and infinite mass, but reverse that to become gravitons approaching zero velocity and zero mass on the inward path, they would need to reverse their type of matter somewhere along the way. The only way this could happen is if the path out of this universe follows the nature of larger scale matter, as we see in chemistry, where similar polar reversals are seen, and shoots into this antimatter parallel universe to repeat the cycle, return to our universe and so on...


From the mathematical point of view, this explains what we call "tensors" or quaternions that pull mass in four directions at once. (I don't blame most for cowing down to math. It'th a weal meth, that mass math...)


The question of a supersymmetric God's existence is this: "Is God's supersymmetrical twin good or evil?" I tend to believe He has no evil twin. One thought is if the geometry is inverted, in the anti-universe God could be a She! Is the anti-universe dominated by husky women beating frail men?


As contrary to the fundamental Christian belief as it seems, this theory welds it all together and answers some serious questions.


Dr. C.



Some of this involves an extention to both string and supersymmetry theory. This was tailored for a "Christian" forum, so the math comment is trying to be "nice" to the blatent stupidity of the managers there. Why stupidity? IMO stupid differs from uneducated in that an uneducated just might want to become educated where stupid rejects it.


Einstein started out stupid. He threw away text books and tore up lab instructions when he was sixteen, avoided math classes. Tearing up one set of instructions nearly cost him his right hand. Avoiding the math became a nightmare when he began doing the math associated with his own theories of relativity and the University of Zurich had conceded to giving him a doctorate degree in 2006 after turning him down for his first dissertation.


I still admire his courage to stand up and fly in the face of authority that essentially squelched his motivation to learn from these people who so often handed everything to the students upside down.





I'm not sure what GC means; General Collegiate?:hyper:






Thanx. I'll give it a whirl. When can I include a link to invite you folks to "out of the box?"


Dr. C.


Dr. C, GC=Green Card (and green, not as in money, unfortunately)


God could be a She!

And who's to say that God is a he, now? this is highly speculative and assumptive on your part...


I mean, following similar assumptions, if god is a he, and you can only assume that from the bible, but lets go with this; and god created (sculpted) a man first, who did not show interest in god, and thus a woman had to be created, God tends to favor men over women in and throughout the bible, adam over eve, noah over his wife, notice how god comes to men a lot more then he comes to women, god therefore must be gay, at least in some part of his orientation... and i dont have problems with that, but i dunno if there are all that many believers that would agree with that logic, thus it is assumed that God should neither be a man nor a woman, either straight or gay, neither good or bad, god is neither strong nor weak, neither bright or dull, neither a god, nor an antigod, therefore throughout physics, god is the same in this and the directly opposite universe...


I am agnostic btw, so don't take that as babble of a christian or a religious person or anything...


Btw, i love philosophy, i love physics, i hate math until someone can show me otherwise, i love numbers though :hyper:, and i think my opposite me would still be a geek :|


Hi Alexander,


These are simply religious thoughts that emerge from strings and supersymmetry. I do believe in God and even that He is who the Bible says He is, but that doesn't change my dedication to truth over faith. I don't have a problem with math. It's easier to find an emergent theory within a mathematical structure than in a thought experiment that may be too complex at first.


For example, I'm considering the shape of the universe and the nature of the connecting material between the 3 primary sub-dimensional, geometric data as it exists holographically, as a palimpsest per se. Is it live or is it Memorex?


Green Card is cool.


What are you studying, or are you in college or a working dude?


Back soon.


Dr. C.


I have been reading several threads lately concerning various subjects concerning the physics of reality, string theory geometry, super symmetry and so on.


IMO we do not exist is a dimension at all, but rather our reality manifest only when two opposing fields overlap. Existence is only manifested between dimensions. This is the trinity of existence, the Vesica.

Two opposites that are only probabilities with no independent existence until they interact. This interacting increases though time building complexity, evolves into life forms creating a “Morphogenic field.” ORG/WIKI/RUPERT_SHELDRAKE File This field is the bubble we exist within. Our complex bilateral body plan is a perfect reflection of this underlying principal of dualities. We have in fact two bodies, a right side a left side. This morphology generates the geometry of our perceived world, a world of opposite. This underling field generates our bodies and mind, and our conscious reality. Male female, up down, past future, good bad, God devil. We our in fact at the center point of an exponential reaction, a run away self generating binary equation resonating complexity.





Synergetics, Fuller and Applewhite


This is nature’s own way of assembly which seems to be reflected from the smallest to the largest systems, echoing the qabalistic axiom, “As Above; So Below.” This axiom is also reflected in the Holographic Concept of Reality (R. A. Miller, Webb, Dickson; 1973-75) and the fractal reiterations (self-similarity regardless of scale) found in Chaos Theory and Complexity (I. Miller, 1993a).


There is a fundamental reality which is an invisible flux that is not comprised of parts, but an inseparable interconnectedness. In this dynamic model, there are no “things,” only energetic events. The holoflux includes the ultimately flowing nature of what is, and also of that which forms therein. Patterns of interference (light waves) create matter and energy as we perceive them. This domain is not transcendental to matter but underlies it as a coherent unity.


Through the seemingly chaotic process of emergence, order appears spontaneously or instantaneously within a system. Chaos is creative at its complex “edge.” Chaos theory tells us that new kinds of laws come into play when the level of complexity of a system increases.


Complex feedback loops from subsystems constitute integration. Creation is instantaneous. The flow of energy washes life and consciousness into the world. Or, in the kabbalistic vision, consciousness washes energy and life into the world. As the kabbabalists say, “God is a verb.” Chaos is nature’s guide, the matrix of formation, cosmic “zero,” as Fuller called it. Thus, something emerges from nothing

Dodecahedral Universe
What are you studying, or are you in college or a working dude?

Um, well i work full time as a sysadmin. I used to take college courses, but right now i'm down on money and can not afford them. Besides the only classes i learned in were non-computer courses, at that it was my history courses, psychology and math (which i dropped the last time around, Diff Eq was, lets say, too time consuming for my level of interest in it)


IMO we do not exist is a dimension at all, but rather our reality manifest only when two opposing fields overlap. Existence is only manifested between dimensions. This is the trinity of existence, the Vesica.

Two opposites that are only probabilities with no independent existence until they interact. This interacting increases though time building complexity, evolves into life forms creating a “Morphogenic field.” ORG/WIKI/RUPERT_SHELDRAKE File This field is the bubble we exist within. Our complex bilateral body plan is a perfect reflection of this underlying principal of dualities. We have in fact two bodies, a right side a left side. This morphology generates the geometry of our perceived world, a world of opposite. This underling field generates our bodies and mind, and our conscious reality. Male female, up down, past future, good bad, God devil. We our in fact at the center point of an exponential reaction, a run away self generating binary equation resonating complexity.

interesting theory...i may not understand 1/2 this theory, but i will ask foryou to explain something, you say that we exist in 2 opposites, and as an example of that bring the fact that our 2 halfs of the body are seriously different, but they are not quite opposite to each other, can you explain that?


I guess that the opposites are not so opposite, love and hate differ only minorly to be considered opposite, so id good/bad etc....

Um, well i work full time as a sysadmin. I used to take college courses, but right now i'm down on money and can not afford them. Besides the only classes i learned in were non-computer courses, at that it was my history courses, psychology and math (which i dropped the last time around, Diff Eq was, lets say, too time consuming for my level of interest in it)



interesting theory...i may not understand 1/2 this theory, but i will ask foryou to explain something, you say that we exist in 2 opposites, and as an example of that bring the fact that our 2 halfs of the body are seriously different, but they are not quite opposite to each other, can you explain that?


I guess that the opposites are not so opposite, love and hate differ only minorly to be considered opposite, so id good/bad etc....




Yes indeed our bodies are not equal. We do not have two livers for example, and every organ competes for energy. I am hungry.. I am lonely. I hate, I love. Me so horny. .and so on.


This imbalance between unbalanced opposites is where we get creative chaos. If these opposites were completely balanced evolution would decay. No competition. No creativity.


I picture the evolution of complexity of form as two opposing resonating points trapped together inside an egg shaped vessel. The points are in chaotic motion as they repel one another. The moment they find balance and settle into a divided equal space the waves begin to resonate. The music of the spheres as Pythagoras said. This is an effect called . Heterodyning ; Alternating currents of two different frequencies that are combined to produce two new frequencies, the sum and difference of the original frequencies. This new frequency settles as two new points opposing each other within the contained space. Heterodyning, DNA, Morphology, The egg, The heart The Vesica, and even love and sex All follow the same geometry. The geometry of Phi.


Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Remember I said "candidate?" I'm sure much math education would be required of the "elect."


I hope all goes well for you.




Very interesting. I'll have to think on it all some more before I can make an intelligent comment on it.





Are you still out there? I've been curious as to whether you might be a fellow who lives in Muncie, Indiana...



Has anyone ever heard of or looked into "Maxwell's Demon?" One fellow on a forum I created brought up this most interesting concept. Maxwell's equations are enough to memorize, let alone deal with his demons and devils:lol:


Dr. C.

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