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I am a Physics and Math major at O The Ohio State University. Currently I'm doing research under Prof. Hughes, using the GLAST satalight and looking at the unuverse in the 100 MeV to 3-400Gev range. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I also like philosophy, Evolution, virology, and being active.

looking at the unuverse in the 100 MeV to 3-400Gev range

I'm soooooo jealous right now.


And all i get to reply back to that with is, i talked to Adam Savage.... ugh, that's not even really anything special... Ooh, i did get to talk to people involved in a NASA project, back when Casini was passing Europa, they were processing the raw image data, then taking the data and arranging the images, and linking them together, then sending the large, at this point areal map-like images to NASA who were using their 3d surface data, to map these processed images over the 3d surface.


What a cluster that was, i tell you, over 160 servers crunching 24/7 to process the image data... who knows what NASA was running :)


anyways, welcome, welcome, welcome, hope something neat comes out of your research. Though science is philosophy, i am looking forward to having philosophical discussions with you :)



I am talking about gamma rays coming from sources like stars although they are actually some of the weaker sources. The GLAST is a satellite that is sensitive to gamma rays coming from any source such as pulsars, blazars, various collisions of high energy particles in the ISM (inter stellar medium), or even albieto photons which are made in the atmosphere of the earth. Although the albieto photons and collisions in the ISM are background which we are not interested in along with most of the know sources of gamma rays. What we are interested in are GRB's (gamma ray bursts), dark matter/dark matter halos, pulsars, and many other fascinating things I just listed the things that the research group I am in is interested in. At the moment we are trying to test the filter and trigger efficiency of the satellite using various pulsars (mainly Vela), since they seem to be the brightest sources in our energy range. So I am not working with a collider although the other half of the group is working on CDF and trying to detect the Higgs boson, using various methods involving advanced neuro networks, which you train to find your signal events, which hopefully allow you to detect the Higgs to put it crudely.

I am also looking forward to have some deep philosophical discussions, I hope I answered your question and if you have any other questions feel free to ask. My name is Omar Tabbaa by the way and it is nice to meet you.


Now I know what happened to the life I wanted to live! This guy is living it! Welcome to the fold dude.



Oo-hoo, everybodys talking bout the new kid in town.

Oo-hoo, everybodys walking like the new kid in town.

Theres a new kid in town I dont want to hear it

Theres a new kid in town......



Oops, sorry about that, i was certain that you were talking about stars, and then started doubting, and decided to post that second reply... me thinks i should have re read the post, GLAST would have set me off, i know what it is ;)


My name is Omar Tabbaa by the way and it is nice to meet you.

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And I'm Alex, just Alex :oops:



Sorry about calling you Adam I just read your post and I guess the name just popped out at me. Thank you for the warm welcome and I am looking forward to some good discussions. Again if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

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