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Is Vibrating in the spirit a Biblical Experience or an Occult Phenomenon?

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Is Vibrating in the spirit a Biblical Experience or an Occult Phenomenon?


Hank Hanegraaff of the Christian Research Institute is on record at YouTube - Hank Hanegraaff on Todd Bentley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqa5WqWwyW4 (1:33 to 2:26) saying that he is surprised that some Christians are vibrating in the spirit:


"Honestly, when I wrote that book [Counterfeit Revival] I never envisioned what would happen in the year 2008 with Todd Bentley who harks back to all those revival years as a basis for what's happening today. He is a continuation of "the counterfeit revival" but he has taken it to more bizarre and blasphemous [Hanegraaff pauses for lack of words?], an extent that I had [n]ever envisioned possible. He now is vibrating in the spirit."


To understand vibrating in the spirit, just google for the words, vibrate + spirit and see page after page on the sensation that Mediums experience when they psychically connect with their spirit guides.


Todd Bentley has another explanation for what causes him to vibrate in the excerpted video clip titled, The Three Ring Circus of Todd Bentley. See YouTube - The Three Ring Circus of Todd Bentley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWX05-hCjuk at 7:40 to 8:38 minutes and 18:09 to 19:03 minutes. I still think that Mr. Bentley's testimony sounds like a demonic manifestation.


I've seen Todd Bentley on Pat Robertson's 700 Club and on other promotional videos by CBN and that organization, Charisma Magazine and other "Christian ministries" have positively endorsed Todd Bentley. See:


YouTube - Lakeland Revival Miracle Healings Continue - CBN.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76WDKzS7Yog

YouTube - Bill Johnson- How in God's name can you endorse Todd Bentley? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV_Whu0kfTk


Who am I to believe? Should I trust Google, which is famous for having the corporate motto, "Don't be evil", or mainstream evangelicalism, which is infamous for defending George Bush and the Republicans?

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