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definition:God is the one who can "define why a logic exists."

This may seem ackward ,there's no answer why a phenemenon occurs,ex :sun rises in the east ,is because the earth rotates around the sun from west to east.,now we dont know why it happens like that.,its GOD made ,only the God can answer this .As there is no definition for why a logic exist :"WE CANNOT DEFINE GOD",he can only be realised.

He is the inner being of all life forms,he is omnipresent.god had answered many questions to those bwho seek Him,,such as why do we exist.We are not living to die

nor dieing to reborn.We are here on certain mission to enlighten owr thoughts,ideas,to love,to help,

to enjoy our life .

definition:God is the one who can "define why a logic exists."This may seem ackward ,there's no answer why a phenemenon occurs,ex :sun rises in the east ,is because the earth rotates around the sun from west to east.,now we dont know why it happens like that.,its GOD made ,only the God can answer this .

It's a mistake to assume that because our current scientific understanding can't answer a question, that religion or gods are the next in line to answer them. Inventing a god raises more questions than it solves.


As there is no definition for why a logic exist :"WE CANNOT DEFINE GOD",he can only be realised. He is the inner being of all life forms,he is omnipresent.god had answered many questions to those bwho seek Him,,such as why do we exist.We are not living to die

nor dieing to reborn.We are here on certain mission to enlighten owr thoughts,ideas,to love,to help,

to enjoy our life .

I think asking questions like "Why do things exist" or "What meaning outside my mind does my life have" are childish questions to be asking. Things happen to exist, and they appear to do so naturally. If you want to answer any of these questions by positing a supernatural god, you also need to:

a) Explain where the god came from

:naughty: Explain the role played by this god in the universe(so far the universe is explicable in naturalistic terms; why do we need to put a god into the picture?)

c) Explain rationally how you know all of this

definition:God is the one who can "define why a logic exists.".....


......As there is no definition for why a logic exist :"WE CANNOT DEFINE GOD",he can only be realised.


Here you sabotage your own definition. You cannot present a definition of something you then say cannot be defined. That is illogical. Logic is simply a method of organizing thoughts and ideas into coherent patterns in an effort to determine what is or isn't reasonable.



He is the inner being of all life forms,he is omnipresent.god had answered many questions to those bwho seek Him,,such as why do we exist.We are not living to die

nor dieing to reborn.We are here on certain mission to enlighten owr thoughts,ideas,to love,to help,

to enjoy our life .


Here you present more definitions of god which you have already emphasized cannot be defined. It sounds to me like you are just simply reiterating what you have been taught. I understand how that happens. But in the realm of scientific inquiry, your opinionated statements are nothing more than notions to be proven or disproven. To date, they have never been proven, and never will be until this almighty god is willing to reveal itself. It shouldn't be too tough for an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator to do, don't you think? Why all the mystery? Consider all the fuss and fighting it's generated. :doh:


It is perfectly fine for you to believe as you like as a free thinking individual, but beliefs are not necessarily indicative of reality.

1) do you know this about god?

2) if the answer to 1 is "yes", how do you know?

3) or did you make it up?


1.Thanks for reply .I may not know,in fact even though the people who have realised god cannot answer this,theysay an individual should know by himself and its true.its my understanding of god and truly its my imagination out of believe .In this context I am not thinking about inventing god but to discover him,which cannot be done through our sences such as eyes,but through love and sincerity to him.


A bit embarrassing actually, but I'm grateful for the

correction. When I write my own stuff I'm pretty

careful ,here I actually not meant to define because because it needs proof and reasoning ,logically and scientificily correct,so its just my understanding ,to express my feeling.


God - that which exists in totality: Evil that which destroys good (see first definition). If material existence is just energy, then even evil is nothing permanent or special because death or destruction is just returning things to their primordial state, requiring reformation to return things to how they were.

and never will be until this almighty god is willing to reveal itself, It shouldn't be too tough for an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator to do, don't you think


actually its tough.

by revealing itself you are asking god to be an object of perception,. to do that it must empty itself with all the OMNI attributes. and then without this attribute why would you think it is god?


actually god tried it and was crucified for that. LOL


if god is omnipresent, you should actually see god wherever you turn your sight. isn't it? how could it be other wise? you do not obviously see god not necessarily because it doesn't exists, but simply because you may have not recognized it.

  • 2 months later...


- The creator of this world for you all to answer a single question, a religious question of which your science (Tree of Knowledge) is totally futile. And the question is,


What will you be after your physical death?


- The creator or this world for you all to answer a single question, a religious question of which your science (Tree of Knowledge) is totally futile. And the question is,


What will you be after your physical death?


from nothingness you are born and from nothingness you will die out.

isn't it the most observable fact we can have?

the question is actually based on our "belief" and "desire" that we ought to live forever.

that our existence must continue beyond our physical survival.


- The creator of this world for you all to answer a single question, a religious question of which your science (Tree of Knowledge) is totally futile. And the question is,


What will you be after your physical death?


Worm food. :eek:


Actually, my physical remains will likely either be preserved for a period of time in a fancy box, or burned into a small pile of ash. The atoms and molecules of which I am constructed will revert back to the natural continuum from which I was conceived.


But I suspect it isn't my physicality that your are referring to with your question that you suggest is from god. That which is me really exists in my consciousness, or my soul, right? And I suspect that you are of the notion that our consciousness can transcend our physical bodies. With this, the real question becomes, "what type of transcendency will I choose for myself." Will I choose god and everlasting life, or will I reject god and choose a fate of misery, pain, and suffering.


It's a false choice.


You see, I believe that our consciousness is a product of our advanced brain and nervous system. Consciousness is generated by our brain's ability to store and interpret sensory information electrochemically. If our brain is damaged, our level of consciousness can be damaged as well, and we may lose consciousness altogether. If we lose one of our senses, our consciousness is also altered. So we can see that the success of our consciousness is related to the effectiveness of our physical being.


Imagine what your consciousness would be like if you were born with only your sense of hearing. You had no sight, no taste, no sense of smell, and particularly, no sense of touch. You would be floating in a world of sounds with no ability to interact. Take away your sense of hearing, and it could be argued that there is no consciousness at all, even if your brain is fully developed and functional, because there would be no information getting in.


Our individual consciousness is dependent on sensory input being processed in our brains. When we die, our brains and senses die with us, and our consciousness is lost. I know this is an unpalatable prospect, but it is a reality I have come to understand and accept. I also understand that the prospect of losing consciousness forever is disconcerting enough for many, that they would rather believe that our consciousness can live on for all eternity, and prefer an afterlife concept to cope with the unpleasant reality of death.


Fine. Whatever gets you through the night.


But your question really isn't really about transcendency. I think you take that for granted. Isn't it really about deciphering whether or not someone shares your values? And while it appears your are asking whether someone is right with god, could it be that you are actually trying to determine if someone is right with you?


Judge not, lest you be judged I always say. :turtle:


By the way:


Welcome to Hypography. :(


Well said, Reason.


In addition to your well stated post on consciousness and it's ties to brain function, once we die and our physical remains become worm food, our "essence" will still live on in the memories of those we knew who are still alive.


We don't have a soul. We are no longer "us." However, people remember us, and our impact on the world remains, and that is where our "spirit" remains after our death. <_<

Our individual consciousness is dependent on sensory input being processed in our brains. When we die, our brains and senses die with us, and our consciousness is lost. I know this is an unpalatable prospect, but it is a reality I have come to understand and accept. I also understand that the prospect of losing consciousness forever is disconcerting enough for many, that they would rather believe that our consciousness can live on for all eternity, and prefer an afterlife concept to cope with the unpleasant reality of death.



1. do you really think you own "your" consciousness. or ownership is just a temporary human construct for functionality and convenience. for example, we think we own a piece of lot because we have a title deed for it. but in reality, the land is one and nature doesn't make distinction between the imaginary line we used to subdivide the lots. iow, the ownership and separation exists only in our minds. is it possible that consciousness is as universal as atom and we just feel like its our own?


2. consciousness cannot be lost forever, if it appears on earth and even when get lost it will appear again. even if it takes billions of years again. therefore. it is as eternal as matter and inherent to existence. so i think a crucial question is are you the body/brain or are you the consciousness?


3. is consciousness in the brain or the brain is in consciousness. if consciousness is inside your head, how come you experience everything outside of your head?

1. do you really think you own "your" consciousness. or ownership is just a temporary human construct for functionality and convenience. for example, we think we own a piece of lot because we have a title deed for it. but in reality, the land is one and nature doesn't make distinction between the imaginary line we used to subdivide the lots. iow, the ownership and separation exists only in our minds. is it possible that consciousness is as universal as atom and we just feel like its our own?


Yes. I do believe I own my consciousness. If it isn't mine, who's is it? Your property analogy doesn't work because we can observe collective nature, but there is no collective consciousness to point to. If there were, why wouldn't I be able to read your mind? While consciousness may be a common universal product, evidence being our own, it is expressed individually.



2. consciousness cannot be lost forever, if it appears on earth and even when get lost it will appear again. even if it takes billions of years again. therefore. it is as eternal as matter and inherent to existence. so i think a crucial question is are you the body/brain or are you the consciousness?


I'm not saying that all consciousness is lost once I die. I'm saying my consciousness is lost. If you're still alive, you retain yours. I am the body/brain that has consciousness. I am both. Not all life forms require consciousness to survive, but without outside assistance, I do. My physical being and my consciousness are co-dependent for my survival. It is not an either/or condition.



3. is consciousness in the brain or the brain is in consciousness. if consciousness is inside your head, how come you experience everything outside of your head?


Without sensory input, you would not experience anything outside your head. Your senses take in information that your brain processes and stores electrochemically. Our level of consciousness is limited by our senses. For example, we cannot detect infrared energy on our own, we've had to develop tools to expand our conscious awareness of the natural world beyond the capabilities of our senses. How much would our consciousness be raised if we had sonar like a bat, or could smell as well as a deer or could see as well as a hawk.


Having senses without a brain to inerpret data, or having an iterpretive brain with no sensory input would not produce consciousness.


If consciousness is a stream that we tap into with our brains, our death would still result in our loss of consciousness because we could no longer tap into that stream. But I have seen no evidence to support the notion of an inherent universal consciousness that exists independent of the consciousness produced by living organisms.

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