modest Posted March 25, 2008 Report Posted March 25, 2008 I’d love to hear the folks over at the “living bible” explain that edit. In case it's not ridiculously obvious to anyone I'll spell it out. There it is in black and white (or red and white as the case usually is) Jesus making a prophecy in Matthew 24 that so clearly doesn't happen. So, yeah, they just edited it away. Nice. -modest Quote
Ahmabeliever Posted March 25, 2008 Report Posted March 25, 2008 There's a lot of that. I have what is called a parallel bible. The 4 versions I listed above. Each page has 2 columns, an open double page being all 4 versions of the same passages. Too painful to sit and read the bible 4 times over the exposure could ruin my iq. But the above edit is certainly not uncommon. Quote
nutronjon Posted March 28, 2008 Report Posted March 28, 2008 Rapture = Nonsense Armageddon = Stupidity The Rapture will not happen because it is nothing but religious myth. Armageddon in the form of a nuclear holocaust could happen, particularly if we continue to believe in religious nonsense such as the Rapture, and attempt to fulfill it's prophesy in an effort to demostrate it's credibility. The truth is, in such a circumstance, everyone loses. My sentiment exactly. It very much distrubs me the Christian Right has so much political power. Its power is a failure of our education system to teach our young how to think, with its focus on teaching them what to think. Quote
Tolouse Posted March 29, 2008 Report Posted March 29, 2008 there is going to be a 3rd world war though, in the beginning of the Tribulation the most mentioned Armageddon will not take place until the end of the Tribulation though and its likely none of us will see that either the Tribulation will span the space of 7 years and during that 7 years, there will be a crumbling of society as the little horn and big horn rises to power but during that same time, the ones that weren't taken up with the Rapture and who have come to know the truth too late, will have to live in hiding but during this time, there will be uncountable multitudes prosecuted the Book of Revelations states that the world will be ready for harvesting, and it isn't talking about harvesting fruits but souls i don't have my KJV in front of me at the moment since i am at work, but i have done extensive studies on the Book of Revelations for years, and can give you a lineage of what will transpire not only before, but during and after this 7 year period when humanity will be at lost hope with a last chance to believe in something Quote
modest Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 there is going to be a 3rd world war though, in the beginning of the TribulationAre you sure it won’t be a sixth world war or an seventeenth world war? The first world war was the "war to end all wars". Is Armageddon just going to be another one of those?the most mentioned Armageddon will not take place until the end of the Tribulation thoughThen there will be ‘Armageddons’ (as in more than one). I don’t think the dictionary lets us put an s on the end of that word. I don’t think logic lets us say the second-final-battle between good and evil. and its likely none of us will see that eitherI won't be there to fight in this glorious battle? Then why did I buy this elven dagger of Haldir promised to slay Orcs, Trolls, and Uruk-hai with ancient magic forged in the depths of Angmar? Seems like a waste of money now.the Tribulation will span the space of 7 yearsYes, but 2 Peter 3:8 says one day is like a thousand years - so 365.25 X 7 X 1,000 = 2,556,750 years. A two and a half million year tribulation is a bit excessive. Of course, this assumes God uses the Gregorian calendar. That might be a safe bet considering God and Pope Gregory are both catholic. However, God can’t be too good with calendars. He memorializes his son’s death on a different day each year.and during that 7 years, there will be a crumbling of society as the little horn and big horn rises to powerIt’s a unicorn that rises to power - clearly described in Daniel 8:5 “goat had a notable horn between his eyes” Is that not a unicorn? Personally, if the choice were between Bush and an evil unicorn hell-bent on destroying the world… I’d have to think about it.but during that same time, the ones that weren't taken up with the Rapture and who have come to know the truth too late, will have to live in hidingHiding from the unicorn - I’ll have my elven dagger of Haldir, so I should be ok.the Book of Revelations states that the world will be ready for harvesting, and it isn't talking about harvesting fruits but souls i don't have my KJV in front of me at the moment since i am at work, but i have done extensive studies on the Book of Revelations for years, and can give you a lineage of what will transpire not only before, but during and after this 7 year period when humanity will be at lost hope with a last chance to believe in something Tolouse, I realize you don't well-know me. I'm sure you're thinking I'm a glib *** who knows nothing about the subject or faith I'm mocking. I do respect your knowledge of the thing you believe and apologize for the cheap laugh above. If you care to support your position on Revelations, and choose to do so with a new thread in the Theology forum, I’ll be excited to engage you on the subject in earnest (and not dismissively). If you decide not to, I’ll understand why. -modest Quote
nutronjon Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 there is going to be a 3rd world war though, in the beginning of the Tribulation the most mentioned Armageddon will not take place until the end of the Tribulation though and its likely none of us will see that either the Tribulation will span the space of 7 years and during that 7 years, there will be a crumbling of society as the little horn and big horn rises to power but during that same time, the ones that weren't taken up with the Rapture and who have come to know the truth too late, will have to live in hiding but during this time, there will be uncountable multitudes prosecuted the Book of Revelations states that the world will be ready for harvesting, and it isn't talking about harvesting fruits but souls i don't have my KJV in front of me at the moment since i am at work, but i have done extensive studies on the Book of Revelations for years, and can give you a lineage of what will transpire not only before, but during and after this 7 year period when humanity will be at lost hope with a last chance to believe in something And do you think will happen if the economy of the US falls? Let us put a little reality into your argument. Quote
Ahmabeliever Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 but during that same time, the ones that weren't taken up with the Rapture and who have come to know the truth too late, will have to live in hiding Location - Deep South. :hihi: Quote
Tolouse Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 ah ha ha, LMAO! that was too funny! Thanks ModestO, you had me rollin' all through that post nutronjon - i don't quiet get your question and Ahmabeliever - ain't that 'bout the truth? Quote
Ahmabeliever Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 Truth, hmm lemme see. My mother, God rest her soul, was seriously into God, as much as many southern types are. Here's some of the stuff I was taught as a child only 3 decades ago. Some of these beliefs changed slightly, but more often than not superstitious dread was the guiding hand in our household... Here is some of her 'truths'. She was a minister, and travelled to southern states as a womens minister several times. Don't get me wrong, Mum did more good than most people you're likely to ever meet, but boy did she have some quaint ideas. Herbal medicine - witchcraft! Pointing out biblical reference to plants for medicine was worth a harsh rebuking.Rock and Roll - Devils music - the devil has dominion over music that's why christian music is not very good. The better it sounds the more seductive the devil has made it. UFO's - Demons and angels. :DWar, Genocide - Mans fault, God had nothing to do with it. :)Vegetarian food - highly suspect, possibly of the occult. :PFree thought pertaining to other philosophy - the devil putting ideas in my head.Abusive marraige - Her reward was in Heaven, after 20 years of Hell at the hands of a sadist the minister finally cleared Mum to divorce.Catholics - misguided church of satans design.Muslims - doomed servants of satan as are hare krishna, buddhists etc etc.Dinosaurs - We will understand their lack of mention when God comes again.Death of cancer after spending 20 years consuming phenylalanine - Gods timing, a usa company (God's chosen ones) could not possibly sell poison as a foodstuff. :P That's off the top of my head. The new minister in her church greatly enjoyed the money she left and selling the things she left them. He looked very sharp in his brand new suits. The cafe out front of the new church is thriving. The books, her life's study, were boxed and flogged off, discarded as irrelevant. The church is making a profit, moving to new premises, none of the family have been contacted by one of these 'christians' once, in nearly two years since Mums death. Charlatans! Evil money grubbing bastards! If christ was the personification of love, they are the personification of bullshit. God is love - kill every man woman and child, cut down the fruit trees, salt the fields, kill every beast - God is love :) Dickheads. Quote
Moontanman Posted March 30, 2008 Report Posted March 30, 2008 Having had to prevent the world from ending a couple of times, I think I'm an authority here....I actually think the world is getting better, all we gotta do is get these religious fanatics to stop trying to kill everyone they think is an infidel/apostate/godless humanist/mechanical materialist/etc. ...and therefore, deficits *do* matter! Cheerily,Buffy I for one would like to thank you for preventing the end of the world those couple of times. Having grown up terrified of nuclear war and worrying about how close to ground Zero I would be when the big one hit. It has been very nice to have raised my sons in world where nuclear annihilation was less than a major worry. But I have to admit that if the religious "wars" are allowed to continue we might eventually get it anyway. There really are people who think it's their duty to press for Armageddon. Certain evangelical Christians have this attitude. Personally I think it's our duty to prevent wars whenever and whereever possible. If Armageddon is going to come helping it along seems to be a bit presumptuous to say the least. If God is indeed omnipotent then he doesn't need our help with this one anymore than he needs us to kill everyone we think is worshiping the wrong way. Very contradictory to think that God wants up to do things like that. Personally I'll leave it up to God and try to keep things together as long as possible. Quote
Michaelangelica Posted April 7, 2008 Report Posted April 7, 2008 here is an excellent book detailing how it might all pan out in 'the real world'. GOOD OMENS:(THE NICE AND ACCURATE PROPHECIESOF AGNES NUTTER, WITCH)byNeil GaimanandTerry Pratchett Quote
Michaelangelica Posted April 17, 2008 Report Posted April 17, 2008 == DR KARL: MAYAN APOCALYPSE 2012 ==The Mayans were wonderful astronomers and sophisticated mathematicians. They also had a complex system of calendars which some people believe predicts the end of the world on December 21, 2012.Mayan Apocalypse, 2012 (Great Moments in Science, ABC Science) Quote
Tolouse Posted April 17, 2008 Report Posted April 17, 2008 world Y2K thanks for the link it is an interesting read espacially the last part But there are two problems with this. First, when a calendar comes to the end of a cycle, it just rolls over into the next cycle. In our Western society, every year 31 December is followed, not by the End of the World, but by 1 January. So in the Mayan calendar will be followed by - or good-ol' 22 December 2012, with only a few shopping days left to Christmas. And the second problem is that it is always remarkably difficult to make predictions, especially about the future, and things that haven't happened yet. Quote
Ahmabeliever Posted April 17, 2008 Report Posted April 17, 2008 WAR on MUGS. Men Under Gods Standard. The world did not end in 2000, nor 2005. I'm thinking third time lucky. In 2012 the world ends followed by a parade in which the giant vengeful unicorn marches us all in front of countless MUGS who get to say - Told you so! Hell could not be worse than having to admit to these cretins they're right. :confused: But they're not. I forsee a war in which the general population finally say - F*** you! And the religious can either learn to live with real humane principles (that they claim as their own) and drop all the judgemental murderous horseshit, or die. When, I don't know. Sadly, some idiot will see my statement as another indicator for end times. They interpret anything to their own fashion and cannot be wrong as their stupid egos have to be smashed to allow any real truth in. The more I learn, the stupider they sound. I had to go through hell to realise God wasn't gonna help me, wasn't listening even, wasn't there and so did not care. 14 years to smash the ego created from 14 years of horseshit. Another decade undecided and bordering madness because of the confusion (the madness state creates absolutes in thinking from one extreme to the other). Thank 'God' for hypography. I'm a smart cookie. How are these below average intellects going to grasp anything while cocooned by idiot social groups, idiot scientists, and idiot leaders. They believe in armegeddon, they will be the source of it. Bomb Texas, Mecca.... Hehehehehe. (joke ok) I guess - God is bollocks - is a new train of thought in human history. We take a long time to catch on... Quote
CraigD Posted April 17, 2008 Report Posted April 17, 2008 I guess - God is bollocks - is a new train of thought in human history. We take a long time to catch on..."God is bollocks" – atheism by another name – is certainly not a new train of thought, appearing at least as far back as the 6th or 5th century BC. There’s no clear evidence that it's "catching on" in recent times any more strongly than in the past. A notoriously difficult demographic to measure, there’s a vague general consensus among demographers that around 5% of the world’s population is and has been throughout history atheistic. For a bit of background, the wikipedia articles “ History of atheism” and “Demographics of atheism” seem to me as good as any encyclopedia’s offering. A complicating factor is that among people who believe, objectively, that supernatural entities such as God, Satan, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster don’t exist, many believe that it’s advantageous to maintain the mindset that they do. It’s difficult to objectively determine if this position is right or wrong. :confused: Quote
Ahmabeliever Posted April 17, 2008 Report Posted April 17, 2008 Thanks Craig. I appreciate the time it took you to help my understanding. Religion as valium for the masses. Thing is, it does not allow for the position of personal responsibility. Included is the wests way of trashing the planet and not caring because 'God will be back soon, what does it matter'. I honestly see religion as a threat to human survival. It stops us from working in symbiosis among nations. It blames Satan for anything bad happening thus absolving us from blame or responsibility, God's will.... Without God, when we have to solve our own problems, I believe we will be much better off. Quote
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