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This is Rebeca. I've found this is an informative forum. I've just joined here and started posting.




Hi Rebeca. This is a brilliant site, its also v addictive, i should be revising for exams in three weeks and instead am on here :)

oh well back to it i suppose :)


Girls always welcome :singer:


Its awesome to see female population visiting our website, I think we really lack the content that would appeal to most females, something about thick glasses, lines of computer code, discussion of particle colliders and nutrinos, black holes and exothermic reactions of certain chemicals, advanced calculus and dead ancient civilizations, just does not appeal to most females :confused: ...


instead of my more-or-less usual "welcome to scienceforums, the only place you know, where..." i will finish this one with a quote :singer:


"So Bender, what's up with the scarf?"

"It's a little something called 'Fashion', look it up sometime!" (Futurama)


hmmmnn, Alexander, why do you suppose that is with most females? the doors to discussion have been slammed in my face at the mere mention of something so simple as gravity. I have found only a few males to even entertain new ideas or theories with, and for that I am grateful.


why do you suppose that is with most females?

are you really open to my opinion on this?


the doors to discussion have been slammed in my face at the mere mention of something so simple as gravity.

Hmm, i would assure you that nothing like that would happen here, problem with that sentence that i have is the "simple as gravity" part. As far as i know, gravity is actually extremely not simple, while we know its a force, and we know how it acts, we have no idea why it is as weak as it is, and how exactly it works, or rather what causes it to work :)


Trust me, i've become friends with most girls i have met that did not cringe at the sound of gravity, relativity and questions like "what time do you make it?" (generally followed by an explanation that time is not uniform)


having an open mind, is certainly a must in science as well as in the interactions between humans. i could not, would not, be anything other than open to your opinion. as far as gravity being simple, it is one of the more "lighter" of the the theories currently moving thru my brain, and yes, every pun intended.

how fortunate for you to have surrounded yourself with people who have an understanding, however, my response to your last line would have been-

" Time is a man made unit of measure" but ofcourse, that would open a proverbial can of worms



Pam, get to 10 replies and post a thread somewhere, just pm me where, i would love to discuss anything/everything mentioned above, even the accidental hijacking of this thread. (I see tormod is telling us to get a room already :hehe: )


I actually am not surrounded with like-minded people, there is only one person who seems to understand me, even though she herself most of the time nods in agreement without having a clue what in the world i am attempting to reason out (that and she sort of has 2 kids and more important things to worry about), but i find it hard, outside of here (being hypo), to find people that i can relate to, at least on some level. And many times they tend to leave us for various reasons (lesa see, irish moved and does not have a computer, buffy has more important thing to do, but she is around, Uncle was being a bit too grumpy, FreeT was playing flame wars, all i got constant is T, who remains here through good and bad, through winters and summers, fun and sad :hyper: ; and ofcourse the readers, those who benefit in any, positive or negative way from my input, and most of all, those who learn from the experience)


Rebeca, do forgive my natural curiosity towards people that seem really cool, like yourself, i did not mean to hijack your intro thread, and am very much interested to find out your area of interest. What do you like, what are you into, what area of of this forum attracts you the most, i should probably ask? I certainly look forward to reading your contributions in the near future, and certainly hope you stick around, like Buffy (now that i'm picking on her).

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