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To: Blakcalchemist and Modest. My main interests are science, math and music. I got interested in math while designing musical instruments back in the 60's and it has remained my hobby ever since. I also enjoy philosophy, and from a purely philosophical point of view, I find this universe so absolutely incredible that it's hard to think of something that I'm not interested in! Don.


T, are you implying that i'm lame then?


I also enjoy philosophy

Science is philosophy that follows scientific method, used to prove beyond doubt a once philosophical topic :confused:


Welcome to sienceforums, the only place you know, where discussion of philosophical aspects of philosophy, is like an everyday thing :singer:


To: Galapagos. I like all kinds of music. I was a teenager in the 60's, and had the good fortune to see a lot of really great artists.(Cream, Jimi Hendrix Experience etc.) For me, the genra doesn't really matter, as long as the music has artistic integrity and especially if it has beauty. The instruments that I designed were mostly stringed instruments that allowed for a wide variety of different scales to be played with relative ease. Western music uses only twelve notes in a system called "equal temperment". I got bored with that and wanted to experiment with other possibilities. Don.


To: Tormod. Good guess! Yeah, I still pick up a guitar from time to time, and every now and then, I will even do a gig. Last week I played with my old high school friend "Carlos Guitarlos" who I think is one of the greatest bluesmen in the world. Don.


To: Alexander. Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to some interesting and thought provoking discussions in this forum. Don.

Yeah, I still pick up a guitar from time to time, and every now and then, I will even do a gig. Last week I played with my old high school friend "Carlos Guitarlos" who I think is one of the greatest bluesmen in the world.
:( We’re not worthy! ;) Very cool! Though I don’t quite get blues (can’t seem to resist getting bored by it, and wandering into mischevious and disrespectful improvisation), I’ve a brother-in-law who’s a dedicated bluesman, in the tradition of not-more-than-a-half-dozen-times-in-his-life-played-out-other-than-at-this-one-bar-five-miles-from-the-house-he-grew-up-in (the same bar where I first saw my wife playing and singing country music ;)), I’m awed by your good fortune in high school friends. I’ve actually heard Carlos Guitarlos, via my brother-in-law, who as near as I can tell has recorded in some medium all the blues that’s ever been played, studio, bootleg, or whatever.


Any chance you know or have heard Sunrise Harmony? After DC, he was in SF for about 5 years in the early-min 1990s, as was Karen Love, who had a store in the Mission District (I never could figure out quite what kind of store to call it), his wifeoid, Jasmine, and eventually a child named Archer. Played a lot in and around the Haight, and tended to walk around the Panhandle a lot in very hippy garb playing a Mexican strat through a battery-powered amp? More than anyone else (even my wife), he’s the harsh taskmaster who abused me ‘til I transformed from a chord-thumping pop-vocal-imitating redneck into a semi-credible cosmopolitan folksinger, and eventual fodder for bluegrass. :)


Anyway, welcome to hypography, the place to bring out your math-y and science-y parts!


To: CraigD. Carlos can play in many, many different styles and has written hundreds of great songs. He's got two CD's out, entitled "Straight From The Heart", and "Hell Can Wait". They were recorded "almost live", that is, on a very low buget, but sound great and showcase his amazing versatility.


He was in San Francisco during much of the 90's, so there is a very good chance that he knows both "Sunrise Harmony" and "Karen Love". I will ask him.



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