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How about a brief background of who you are, FetusHead.



I am a Homo Sapiens sapiens living near 32.74N 97.11W where Thursday will be cloudy with a 20 percent chance of showers in the afternoon, highs in the mid 50s and east winds around 10 mph.


Refered by FishTeacher73, who has yet to acknowledge my molecular cohesion.



I am a Homo Sapiens sapiens living near 32.74N 97.11W

Oh, my! This one I know! You live on Prarie St in Arlington, TX, is that correct?

Refered by FishTeacher73, who has yet to acknowledge my molecular cohesion.
I've read a little bit by Ms. FishTeacher, and she seems like a very nice lady who you should like. I'm sure she likes your cohesion quite nicely!



Holy crap! FishTeacher is a female?


Wassup with the moustache then?

I don't really know! It seemed that way to me, but maybe that's why my dauthters tell me I'm a clueless chauvinist pig! I'm told its part of being in my generation! I'm not very good with these things... Do you know Mr. Fishteacher then?




Ok, where the heck is Fish? We need to clear up this moustache thing right away... :(

Not that it really matters, but Fish, I think someone has a crush on you. Please do let us in on the joke, it sounds really interesting!


Also, to ALL of you, PLEASEPLEASE take a moment to add your state, or at least your country. It is REALLY helpful when trying to understand people if we know 'where' they are coming from, especially when we're trying to figure out 'where they're coming from', if you know what I mean.


Thank the big bang. For a moment there, I started slipping into a bose-einstein condensate from the lack of attention.
You're welcome! But be careful what you wish for!




Dude...you mean my Y gene has gone missing????? :o No really I do have a mustache...or at least did....got in a fight with my razor...I got proof...here I am: really......


Must be a hazzle with all that facial hair when you're teaching fish.

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