Turtle Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 Okaly dokaly. T-minus 1.5 hours & counting. Here's a link to the debate live online for non-TV parties: >> http://www.myspace.com/mydebates I got the VCR warmin' up and I'm lookin' forward to some gaffs & guffaws. :hihi: Post your reactions, predictions, rants & raves on the VP deabate here. :eek: :D
Essay Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 I'm predicting that she'll sound a lot more coherent, not like the previous interviews. But if not, McCain will really have an uphill battle. I'm looking forward to this like it's Christmas Eve, but I just can't believe we'll hear anything as funny as before. ...but here's hoping....:eek: UPDATE:OMG!!!She another one of those that says NUCULUR !!!
Thunderbird Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Evasive irrelevant folksy rambling. She is cute though
Turtle Posted October 3, 2008 Author Report Posted October 3, 2008 Essay said: I'm predicting that she'll sound a lot more coherent, not like the previous interviews. But if not, McCain will really have an uphill battle. I'm looking forward to this like it's Christmas Eve, but I just can't believe we'll hear anything as funny as before. ...but here's hoping....:) UPDATE:OMG!!!She another one of those that says NUCULUR !!! Well, another remarkably unremarkable debate...for the most part. I missed the 'nucular', but I caught Palin call Joe 'O'Biden' :doh:, and she said "He [John Mcain] is the one to leave...lead." :doh: Somebody say Freud? :D Yes Joe stumbled on a word, but it didn't make me laugh. Palin got John's policies out there pretty good... get ready for 4 more years of the last 8. "That's drill baby drill." :hihi: I have to laugh or go postal. :doh: Do the right thing and send John & Sarah back to their old jobs. :eek:
Thunderbird Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 33% no winner,46% Biden wins 21% Palin cannot verify this yet but the here is what I got second hand.
Essay Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Thunderbird said: 33% no winner,46% Biden wins 21% Palin cannot verify this yet but the here is what I got second hand.I saw some number like that too.Certainly all things being equal, Biden won; but Sarah "won" by hanging on successfully. I'm sure the Palin promoters will feel vindicated.=== Isn't it amazing how quickly a person can be turned into a passable politician.She got in enough emotionally charged phrases: "white flag of surrender," "Shia extremist," "hungry markets," "rear the ugly head of abuse," "Joe Six-Pack," her "mom" experience, and her "oil and gas regulator" experience, I guess; ...and of course she's always proud to be an American, "like John McCain." She did sound more coherent, but only by sticking to what she wanted to get said; not by answering the questions, or responding to particular points. Even her cuteness seemed a tad rehearsed this time; a little too cute and folksy ...as one pundit said, like Gidget goes to Washington.Hey, who was that last name she mentioned, after Lieberman, Rudy, Romney, and who? Lingle, or Lengle? There were a couple of times that she strayed and started meshing talking points together; but usually she dodged and weaved effectively, avoiding those situations. I thought she seemed the most comfortable when she was answering the Darfur question. I could see that she felt her confidence on that one. She was the true Sarah only twice, IMO; and it was when she was speaking of Israel! Her eyes were looking into the future when she talked about building that Embassy in Jerusalem (probably just the back door to the giant underground bases we built in Iraq). ;)And that moment of clarity came in the middle of one of those beauty-contest moments, "...also, still... despite, again..." after talking about the "two-state solution" question. That makes me fear that, like Bush, she's a rapturist. But aside from that paranoia.... The funniest moment was when, in talking about the environment, she talked about "conserving our petroleum proje... products...."Ooop, too late! I heard that Freudian slip... the petro projects are what she's into. ...andWhat the heck does she mean about the "flexibility" of the VP duties? Sounds like she been listening to Cheney.... ~ :hyper: REASON 1
InfiniteNow Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Essay said: She did sound more coherent, but only by sticking to what she wanted to get said; not by answering the questions, or responding to particular points. Even her cuteness seemed a tad rehearsed this time; a little too cute and folksy ...as one pundit said, like Gidget goes to Washington. Quite right. Coherence is easy when offered in tiny bites (of the sound variety). Regularly pivoting to off-topic tangents back to her practiced and drilled talking points helps, too. I wonder what she'd do in real life if she didn't have time to cram the night before a test. Hitting nails on heads: Viewpoint: Sarah Palin's Foreign Policy Follies - TIMEA number of commentators, including The Atlantic's James Fallows and Slate's Christopher Beam, have said that Palin resembled, in Beam's words, "a high-schooler trying to BS her way through a book report," which is an insult to both high-schoolers and B.S.
REASON Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 While I don't disagree with anything you guys have said thus far, I do believe she did exactly what she needed to do in this debate. With the low expectation of her performance, she appeared to come back strong. Of course, appearances are often deceiving. The Right-wingers will be riding high for a while after this one. "Gidget goes to Washington" :hyper: Good one Essay!
Racoon Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Biden had a few "senior moments" when it came to public speaking tonight.. Palin is a sexy little mamma! Too bad her politics are rotten, and she never answered any question head on. If you played a drinking game where you took a shot everytime she says "maverick", you'd be piss drunk.She's all cliche. and if everybody askes themselves this simple question:Are we better off after 8 years of George Bush Jr. ?? the answer is a resounding HELL NO! and You already know who to vote for.. Racoon has spoken. :hyper:
Essay Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Racoon said: Biden had a few "senior moments" when it came to public speaking tonight.. That was a funny part too; ...that it was the third time that he mentioned Obama, before he finally got his running mate's name right. ...all that practice, and you forget the most obvious thing.... ~ :hyper:
Turtle Posted October 3, 2008 Author Report Posted October 3, 2008 REASON said: While I don't disagree with anything you guys have said thus far, I do believe she did exactly what she needed to do in this debate. With the low expectation of her performance, she appeared to come back strong. Of course, appearances are often deceiving. The Right-wingers will be riding high for a while after this one. "Gidget goes to Washington" :) Good one Essay! ;) One of the pundits post-debate said 'Gidget goes to Washington' too. :hyper: Is that the hip zinger now? :hihi: Anyway, I came to zing up your post a little Reason. ;) Underline: Not fall off the cliff. Italic large: Expect (hoping?) will fall off cliff. Bold: Did not fall off cliff. Underline-Italic-Bold: Will take 24 hours before rightys realize there's a woman on a cliff. :) :hihi:
coldcreation Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Both Palin and Biden did a superb job. However, Palin excelled greatly towards the end of the debate; in her closing statement. Judge for yourself: YouTube - Biden / Palin Debate Part 12 - Closing Statements http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=824kjrkpZbQ Both would make excellent VPs, and both would be great presidents if indeed that were to transpire. CC
pgrmdave Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Did anybody else notice Palin mentioned "Shia extremists" instead of Sunni? She was clearly at her strongest with energy, and weakest with foreign policy. Biden showed her up soundly on foreign policy, and attacked McCain like he should have without attacking Palin. Some facts adrift in veep debate - Yahoo! News
coldcreation Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 pgrmdave said: Did anybody else notice Palin mentioned "Shia extremists" instead of Sunni?... She was likely referring to this person/group specifically.
Nitack Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 The goal for Palin last night was to repair her own tattered image. I think she managed to do that a bit. She certainly did nothing more than recite the talking points she had memorized. That is a pretty safe bet considering she flatly refused to answer questions as asked and instead spoke about what she wanted to talk about. It was the best move for her to make because she did not have to admit that she did not know the answers but at the same time was at least able to sound coherent. One pundit put it this way, "Joe Biden had the goal of attacking McCain and he succeeded, Sarah Palin had the goal of fixing the image of Sara Palin and succeeded." That is a very important distinction because Palin was not able to use the opportunity to take aim at Obama, which is what she should have been doing. She had to spend that valuable time fixing the mess that was created because she agreed to interviews with out actually understanding the issues. I also think that people will start realizing that it is pretty scary to have a VP, to arguably the most likely president to die in office ever, who has the objective of not screwing up more. If that is your ultimate goal, and we know they didn't expect her to wallop Biden, then that is a very serious problem. I personally think that she tried to push the folksy words and small town image entirely too much. It is one thing for a pundit to say "joe six pack" but for a candidate to do so is a very big no no. No man wants his entire existence boiled down to a six pack of beer. It makes him look stupid and completely redneck. The only people who might find that endearing would not be watching the debate, they would have already finished their six pack. Her folksy small town image stuff was pushed too much and seemed forced at times as well. "Say it aint so Joe"... it was so clearly prepared and completely out of place. Overall, I would say Palin helped herself out, those who wanted to like her will push aside that voice in their head that says "don't vote for this ditz", but she did not win any new votes, and probably lost some independents. This race is basically over for McCain now. Her previous debacles drew way too much attention away from their issues and gave the other camp a pass on any scrutiny. At this point the only chance McCain has is a hail mary (both the play and the prayer). On a side note, the partisan lines are clearly drawn. I have a colleague who used to be a GOP staffer on the hill and she was raving about how Sarah Palin knocked it out of the park and that she destroyed Biden. It was pretty clear that she was seeing through her GOP glasses and a little out of touch with reality.
questor Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Would one of you Obamians please tell me EXACTLY what you think Obama is going to do that gets you so excited? Please don't just say anything is better than Bush, that doesn't show much thought.
Nitack Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 questor said: Would one of you Obamians please tell me EXACTLY what you think Obama is going to do that gets you so excited? Please don't just say anything is better than Bush, that doesn't show much thought. Where did i say I supported Obama? Frankly he is an idiot that doesn't understand basic economic concepts. He is a traditional entitlement socialist that thinks he can tax and spend his way to a glorious socialist republic. I am a libertarian, I don't want the ridiculous socialist programs of the Dems and I can't stand the religious zealotry of the Republicans. That leaves me completely out in the cold since our system does not allow for viable third parties. Galapagos 1
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