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"Hello," community.

I have a very simple question about curved (or in any way distorted) "spacetime" as per its origination in relativity *theory* ala Einstein, Minkowski, et.al.... i.e., what exactly is this supposed to be as a real medium as distinct from a 'cool-graphics' way to explain the way gravity works... the "ball in the blanket" and all.

(Seems even math requires an actual, describable medium in the real world as a referent.)

Anyway, hoping to get a real answer rather than just character assassination for being dumb on math re relativity theory.


(I'm really not interested in the social life here or personally "getting acquainted," so I'll go to the forum and get right to it.)



welcome Michael,

I can assure you that it is not our intent to assasinate anyone's character. We all have questions and some of us have answers. I look forward to the information and insight that you will bring to the forum and hope that you will gain from here as well.

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