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The paragraph that I am about to write is what I hope is conjugate correctly. Please tell me which verb in el futuro del verbs needs to change to what tense.


Sra. Garcia: Manana es mi primer dia de vacaciones. Por in, podra decansar! Se levantara al mediodia. Se pondra un pantalon y uno blusa requetecomodos, nada de faldas y trajes!, y unos zapatos deportivos. Desayunara en el patio. Leera ese libro que hace meses esta en mi cuarto. Y, lo mejor de todo, No tenera que ir a reuniones a ninguna parte! Hara exactamente lo que quiera todos los dias.


Secretaria: Buenos dias, Sra. Garcia. Su esposo esta al telefono.


Sra. Garcia: Gracias. Hola, Pedro. Pasa algo?


Pedro: No te llamo para decirte que no hagas planes para manana. A las ocho y media, nosotros llevaremos a Luz al medico. Luego, ira al zoologico. Se lo prometi a los ninos. A la una, comera en casa de tus padres. Y a las cinco, mi hermana y sus hijos vendran a ver una pelicula.


Sra. Garcia: Y mis vacaciones?


I doubt anybody is going to want to do your homework for you, but I will translate exactly what you have written. I certainly could use the practice.


To get the correct conjugations, most Spanish texts have at least the irregular verbs conjugated in the appendix (most of the verbs underlined above are irregular). Or, you could use a website like this one. Good luck.


Mrs. Garcia:

Tomorrow is the first day of my vacation. Finally, she’ll be able to rest. She’ll rise at noon. She’ll put on really comfortable pants and a shirt, none of these freakin’ skirts and suits! And some sports shoes. She’ll have breakfast on the patio. She’ll read that book that’s been in my room for months. And, best of all, she won’t have to go to meetings anywhere. She’ll do exactly what I would want every day.


Good morning Mrs. Garcia. Your husband is on the phone.


Mrs. Garcia:

Thanks. Hello, Pedro. Something up?


No. I’m calling to tell you don’t make plans for tomorrow. At 8:30 we will take Luiz to the doctor. Then, she’ll/he’ll go to the zoo. (or formal: Then, you’ll go to the zoo) I promised the kids. At 1:00, she/he will eat at home with your parents. (or formal: You will eat at home with your parents) And at 5:00, my sister and her kids will come to see a movie.

Mrs. Garcia:

And my vacation?


~modest... Good luck.

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