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____If the pursuit of the quanta is pure, ie. a quanta exists, then I propose there must also exist a Primary Rule. I further propose that the Primary Rule is NO; as in 'no, not nothing'. Discuss. :o


i dont really understand what your aiming at here...

what is the goal/meaning of this primary rule? i think that if you want a basic rule for the existance of quanta then it is given by the statement that 'there are quantities that cannot be known both at the same time'. The quantized nature etc all follows from this.




___I may have misrepresented the word 'quanta' here. My thought was, if there exists a primary particle, does it follow there exists a primary rule. A smallest something, string or otherwise, needs a smallest rule to direct it. Along the lines of a cellular automata type rule I have in mind. A simplest rule for the simplest object.

___I came up with the simple rule 'no'. Then, I thought how does the particle carry out the rule 'no'. Well, if it's not moving, then 'no, don't move' means move, or if the particle is alone then 'no, not alone' means reproduce.

___Kinda build from there I guess. :hihi: :cup:

  Turtle said:
If the pursuit of the quanta is pure, ie. a quanta exists, then I propose there must also exist a Primary Rule. I further propose that the Primary Rule is NO; as in 'no, not nothing'. Discuss.
Many existential issues:

  • Is the pursuit pure? It cannot be. It is driven by self-interest. See Ayn Rand. Influence of "pursuit," in spite of Heisenberg is not influential and is defintely not parsimonious and is thus extraneous, and should be eschewed.
  • Does the quanta exist? Most certainly. Plancks are small, and there can be no smaller. Although they are made of wood, they are not wiccans, and are thus coporeal and conform to SR, GR, QED, and QCD. There is quantum foam, and there is champagne. They reinforce each other.
  • Are quanta pure? Kaluza-Klein are clean, no edges, many dimesions. Must be pure.
  • Are there rules? Who's rules? Allah's? Budda's? Santa's? Dubya's? Osama's? These rules conflict. There are no rules, only laws and empiricism. Answer reinforces "no."
  • No rules, no primary rules. QED.


On the other hand, I do not like "no," it is negative. I'll propose "yes."


Onnngh Yanng,


  Turtle said:
___I may have misrepresented the word 'quanta' here. My thought was, if there exists a primary particle, does it follow there exists a primary rule. A smallest something, string or otherwise, needs a smallest rule to direct it.

Are you..... sure?


This is at least half-serious: I went to a hip hop club with a friend recently and asked her: "okay, I'm just about the only white girl here. What am I supposed to do to not make a fool of myself?" She said, "Honey, jus' get out there and shake yo' thang!"


I'm not so sure that that's not the "rule" driving those little Kaluza-Klein thingies: they're just out there, "shakin' their thangs...."





That's mighty right... all them thingies out there is sho' shakin' they thangs like mad!!!


Great stuff Buffy! :hihi:


well this puts everything in a new perspective :hihi: (i wonder how my proffessor would react if i would rename my thesis-in-progress to 'how the stringy moduli are shakin their thangs and thereby causing inflation'





___Thang shakin' rules! Who flang dat thang? I chose no for the primary rule because I'm a cynic; yes is fine for you optimists. Thang shakin or whatever, our little particle is an individual like us is so is selfish like us & what is more natural then, than selfishness? NO, I won't hold still; NO, I won't be alone; NO, I will not not challenge authority; NO, I won't not shake my thang. :(


but I like wild gals, 'specially ones that sho' kno' how ta shake they thangs. Like Buffy was doin' in #4!


Quid Erat Dimostrandum :cup:

  Turtle said:
____If the pursuit of the quanta is pure, ie. a quanta exists, then I propose there must also exist a Primary Rule. I further propose that the Primary Rule is NO; as in 'no, not nothing'. Discuss. :cup:



Just say No!

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