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New Member from France, interested in Biochar/Terra Preta

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Greetings to all you other curious people out there. I'm not a scientist (always did badly in it in school, in fact). I'm an aspiring writer. Innovations in Science fascinate me, especially new discoveries in astronomy, medicine and the environment. I have recently become very excited about biochar and want to know more. Google alerts and Science Daily provide new info each day, and it's through alerts that I found the introduction by another member on this site who mentions an involvement in developing new stoves for biochar. I've been trying to find more detailed information on stove design, both for individual and community use. As well, I'm trying to find details for a friend here in France on small scale hydroelectric production and affordable wind power for private use. I look forward to becoming a follower of news on my favourite topics from fellow seekers and finders. Perhaps one day I'll be able to contribute something, too! CJ Warley, Malaucene, France


Enfin, un autre membre francophone! T'as remarque' que on a un forum francais pour les gens qui veulent apprendre...ou pas oblier comme moi par exemple :confused:


Anyway, welcome to the forums

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