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Moderation note: this thread was moved from the Alternative Theories forum because the ideas it presents, while interesting, neither make predictions that can be scientifically tested, and thus constitute a scientific theory, nor are supported by links or references.





There are two possible explanations for the red shift. The most common theory is that the far stars are moving away from us near the speed of light. However this conflicts with Einstein’s laws of moving objects. The far stars would have to have near infinite kinetic energy to move near the speed of light.


The second possibility is that the light from the far stars loses energy per unit distance of travel. This makes more sense according to the dot-wave theory because the dot-wave energy decreases with time.


To make matters worse for the fast moving galaxy theory is the constraints placed upon our light speed C universe by the multi-lightspeed universe. Since space is a spectrum of multi-lightspeed energies, the only thing, which varies, are the dots and the dot-waves. Therefore expanding galaxies at the speed of light cannot fit into a multi-lightspeed universe.


The cosmology dot-wave theory is an extension of the dot-wave theory. It specifies that the distance between the center of galaxies does not change. Thus the black holes at the center of our major galaxies were formed during the big bang and have remained basically stationary ever since. This does not say that every black hole is stationary. Some smaller black holes may rotate around other black holes. However all black holes will tend to be within a relatively small distance from the inner sphere of our universe which is at 15.9145 Billion light years from the common center. In order to understand the red shift; let us perform a simple experiment, which will help to explain the red shift.


Take a small pebble and throw it in a quiet lake. This represents the big bang impulse function. Notice that when the rock hits the water, there is a high frequency high amplitude wave at the point of origin or big bang. Notice that as the wave stretches out that the amplitude of the wave and the frequency of the wave decreases. Upon the lake the wave will dissipate. A point is reached where the wave will not be visible. There is friction within the water and thus the wave energy is used up.


This simple experiment shows us what is happening to the photonic waves from the far stars. As the light wave stretches out we find that energy is used up in the stretching of the energy field. Thus the photonic field acts very much like the water wave. By the time the light wave from the far stars reaches us, the energy of the wave is basically zero. All the energy has been used up and the wave will end in space at a distance Rg from each galaxy. As all the waves form a sphere as shown on the cover page, we get a perfect sphere at 31.8 billion light years from the common center of the universe.


At the 31.8 billion light year distance we meet up with the light speed 2 inner sphere with light speed 2 galaxies. Thus our wave ends at the junction of the next higher light speed universe. Likewise our inner sphere at 15.9 light years from the center contains our galaxies and is the surface where the light speed C/2 universe ends.


The dot-waves have expanded since the big bang. The photonic and gravitational fields have expanded as well. The galaxies have expanded however they have only expanded a small distance as compared to the photonic, gravitational, and electromagnetic fields.


The photonic waves tend to have collisions with the dots-waves of space. The waves continually hit the large amounts of free space dot-waves, which exist with random motion. The collisions are similar to the general gas laws except they occur at light speed. This damages the photonic waves. Thus the resistance of space decreases the energy of the photonic waves.


As the photonic wave flows outward over long distances, the collisions break up the wave. The wave loses energy per unit time or distance. Thus the universe tends to eat up the energy. The lost energy remains within space. Thus vast areas of space have huge amounts of dot-wave energy in them. However the dot-waves are uniformly distributed and cannot be seen or measured.


The red shift can be defined as:


f= fo [ 1 – (Rs/Rg )...............................(5-2)


Equation 5-2 defines the redshift. It states that the frequency of the light wave from the emitting stars equals the original frequency fo (after big bang stability) times 1 minus the ratio of the distance from the far stars Rs divided by the radius of the galaxy Rg. At the far stars, the light is white like our stars. As the light wave moves toward us, it gets redder and redder.


It is true that the far galaxies are expanding. This means that their ruler has increased over time. However our ruler has increased as well. Thus the expansion of the dot-waves over time tracks the expansion of the protons and electrons over time. Therefore the expansion is common mode and cannot readily be measured.


The photonic waves coming from the far stars are independent photons photonic waves. Within our Galaxy we have dependent photonic waves. We are all traveling at the same galaxy speed. We are all part of our galaxy’s inertial system. All galaxies tend to be independent systems. Therefore we must look at the entire light wave from a galaxy as coming from a different inertial system.


Our measurements of the light waves from far galaxies come from our inertial system. We read a light wave, which has been weakened as it stretched outward at the speed of light. Therefore the light wave that we measure is no different than the water wave we saw by throwing a pebble into a quiet lake.


The photons from our sun are part of the same inertial system as our galaxy. We produce gravitational and photonic waves all over the universe. These waves will reach a maximum radius and die out completely.


We produce describing functions to explain how our light works. This is all well and good for this galaxy. Light waves from a far galaxy flows across many other galaxies before reaching us. Thus independent photonic and gravitational fields interact with each other. Energy is transferred between these fields. The net result is the destruction of the fields into chaos over time.


Another factor for the redshift is the slowing of the light as it passes stars. The high density of space dots surrounding stars cause the photons to slow due to increased permitivity and permeability constants. As the light nears a sun, the light speed drops. When this happens, the photon takes on the property of mass as per the following formula:


Mg = Mo [ 1- (V/C)^2 ]^1/2 ....................................(5-3)


Equation 5-3 is a describing function equation of the overall photon. The photon is composed of the bipolar dots. These dots have the capability of being mass dots or photonic dots. When the photon travels at light speed, the multi-dimensional bipolar dot stays in the photonic dimensions. Thus it is basically almost 99.9 percent photon. The bipolar dots photonic dots change into bipolar mass dots some of the time as soon as the photon speed drops.

The net result is that the photon will oscillate between pure photon and partial mass. This will cause some bipolar dot-waves to split into electro-photonic waves and electro-dots. This prevents the photon from moving too far off course. In the process, the photon turns red.

Therefore there are two main parts of the redshift. The collision with space dots acts like friction and wears out the photonic wave. This causes the wave to turn into stationary bipolar dots, stationary electro-dots, and electro-photon dot-waves.

The final process involves the total destruction of the grav-photonic field into the electromagnetic field. As soon as the remains of the photonic wave reaches near the radius of the galaxy, the last mechanical energy turns into electrical energy. This self limits the galaxy field. This process protects and conserves the galaxy energy.

There are two possible explanations for the red shift. The most common theory is that the far stars are moving away from us near the speed of light.
This – that the observed redshifts conforming to Hubble’s law are due entirely to the relativistic Doppler effect and gravitational redshift – is no longer the most accepted theory explaining Hubble’s law. Rather, the “cosmological redshift” due to the metric expansion of face is theorized to be the dominant contributor to the large redshifts of the most distant objects. Many good summaries of this present-day state of cosmological theory are available in the popular science press and online, including this wikipedia article.
However this conflicts with Einstein’s laws of moving objects. The far stars would have to have near infinite kinetic energy to move near the speed of light.
The situation is actually worse than this. Not accounting with the cosmological redshift, various observations of very distant objects indicate that these objects are receding at greater than the speed of light, and therefore have greater than infinite kinetic energies. This impossible application of the theory of special relativity was a major influence on the development of the theory of the metric expansion of space and the cosmological redshift.
The second possibility is that the light from the far stars loses energy per unit distance of travel.
Theories containing this mechanism, conventionally termed “tired light”, have been well-known for a long time (Zwickey proposed one of the first in 1929). However, for many reasons (summarized in the precedingly linked wikipedia article and its linked references), this mechanism was largely rejected by most cosmologists by the late 1950s.
To make matters worse for the fast moving galaxy theory is the constraints placed upon our light speed C universe by the multi-lightspeed universe. Since space is a spectrum of multi-lightspeed energies, the only thing, which varies, are the dots and the dot-waves. Therefore expanding galaxies at the speed of light cannot fit into a multi-lightspeed universe.
Jerry, what do you mean by multi-lightspeed universe and multi-lightspeed energies? The only references I’m able to find to this term appear in your posts at this and other forums.
The cosmology dot-wave theory is an extension of the dot-wave theory. It specifies that the distance between the center of galaxies does not change. Thus the black holes at the center of our major galaxies were formed during the big bang and have remained basically stationary ever since. …
:) As you should know, Jerry, hypography’s rules require that claims such as the several in your preceding post must be backed up with links and references. Your previous post makes may very unusual claim, but gives no links or references. In addition to being against our site rules, this is bad form for scientific writing in general. I strongly encourage you to seek out good sources of experimental data supporting your claims (I don’t think you’ll be able to find good scientific papers or popular articles supporting them), or if unable to find such data, reconsider them.
This – that the observed redshifts conforming to Hubble’s law are due entirely to the relativistic Doppler effect and gravitational redshift – is no longer the most accepted theory explaining Hubble’s law.


Rather, the “cosmological redshift” due to the metric expansion of face is theorized to be the dominant contributor to the large redshifts of the most distant objects. Many good summaries of this present-day state of cosmological theory are available in the popular science press and online, including this wikipedia article.


The situation is actually worse than this. Not accounting with the cosmological redshift, various observations of very distant objects indicate that these objects are receding at greater than the speed of light, and therefore have greater than infinite kinetic energies. This impossible application of the theory of special relativity was a major influence on the development of the theory of the metric expansion of space and the cosmological redshift.


Theories containing this mechanism, conventionally termed “tired light”, have been well-known for a long time (Zwickey proposed one of the first in 1929). However, for many reasons (summarized in the precedingly linked wikipedia article and its linked references), this mechanism was largely rejected by most cosmologists by the late 1950s.


Jerry, what do you mean by multi-lightspeed universe and multi-lightspeed energies? The only references I’m able to find to this term appear in your posts at this and other forums.


:Exclamati As you should know, Jerry, hypography’s rules require that claims such as the several in your preceding post must be backed up with links and references.


Your previous post makes may very unusual claim, but gives no links or references. In addition to being against our site rules, this is bad form for scientific writing in general. I strongly encourage you to seek out good sources of experimental data supporting your claims (I don’t think you’ll be able to find good scientific papers or popular articles supporting them), or if unable to find such data, reconsider them.



Thanks for the information. My posts are part of my Unified Field theory. I do not have any backup because what I write is my singular theory. Einstein published his Special Relativity theory without proofs. Proofs came later.

A theory does not require proofs or backup. I am not discussing other peoples theory but my own. There may be parts of my theory which are incorrect and must be revised.


As far as the redshift is concerned as my theory sees it, it is due to (1)the expansion of the dot-waves . This will expand the rulers. Is that what face means? (2) According to my theory, the Redshift is also due to the slowing of light when the photonic field encounters stars and galaxies. Finally the third component of the redshift is due to the conversion of grav-photonic energy into electro-photonic energy as the light sphere reaches a maximum radius of 15.9 billion light years as per my Dot-Wave theory calculations. I have no proof or references to this theory. That is why I post in the New Theories sections for discussions.

I also send my theory to some College professors who provide me with some useful feedback. I just emailed over 120 schools with my revised theory. It is not easy to get many responses but I do get some. However I just had to rewrite my work to make it more understandable.


Here is my latest letter to the Professors:


In this letter is the scientific data that I work with. The measurements of the Hydrogen atom and the Neutron enable the dot-theory calculations. Once you understand what is happening in the hydrogen atom and the neutron then the red shift becomes clear. Thus here is my data:


The Dot-Wave theory has been completely reformulated. Many people had difficulty understanding my presentation. In addition as soon as I finished it, new thoughts came to mind. My recent study of string theory enabled me to look inside my dots. Instead of charge and mass being equal to each other, they are transforms of each other. The dots now have more complex characteristics.


Qd + (-Qd) ===== Md


The dots exist at a radius Rd of 2.51941E-29meters in the here and now. They existed at 1.59407E-37meters at the time of big bang. The above transformation equations specifies that a plus dot charge Qd of 1.13144E-57 coulombs and a negative dot charge (-Qd) of 1.13144E-57 coulombs combine at Rd and form a mass Md of 7.33982E-69 kilograms in the here and now. Md=9.94289E-61 kg at big bang.


The bipolar- mass dot continually changes from a mass dot when stationary to a photonic dot as it moves. Thus each dot exhibits a particle wave characteristic. The singular plus dot is a charge dot when stationary. When it moves at light speed C, it become a singular magnetic dot. The characteristics depend upon which dimensions the dots are working at. The characteristics are as follows.


Plusdot……………0………………0………………..+Qd……………DC field

Negative…………0………………0…………………-Qd…………….DC field

Bipolar……………0………………Md..………………0……………..Grav field



Bipolar……………C………………0………………….0………………grav. & photonic


When we apply this theory to the hydrogen atoms we find that the Einsteinian energy of the electron at C/137.036 in the Bohr orbit is 13.606 electron volts. This energy is produced by the loss of charge of both the electron and proton of 3.73892E-24Coulombs. Thus the charge of both the electron and proton in the lowest Bohr orbit is

1.60218E-19 – 3.73892E-24 = 1.60214E-19coulombs.

Therefore the electron is prevented from moving into the proton due to the loss of charge.


When a neutrino is added to the hydrogen atom, the Einsteinian mass/energy of the electron increases to 1.29300MEV as it reaches a velocity of 0.91859333C. This increase comes from the neutrino and the electric field between proton and electron. A transformation of the charge dots of the proton and electron into bipolar mass dots occurs. This leaves the neutron electrically neutral charge wise. The electric field provides KQ/R = 1.09122MEV. Therefore the energy of the neutrino is: E (neutrino) = 1.29300- 1.09122MEV = 0.20178MEV. Thus most of the mass increase in the process came from the electrical field.

For 27 years, since age 42, I worked on the Dot-Wave theory. My book “Doppler Space Time” was self published in 2000. Just three months ago I created the Dot-Wave Unified Field theory. Yet in just the last few weeks the theory changed dramatically.


I am adding this section to help the reader understand what I studied over the years. I started with the numerical relationships such as

4 pi Q T=1

There are many other relationships but what do they mean. It took many years just to produce some good equations. It took 15 years to get a good equation for gravity. You ask for references. My only books are my college physics book from 1966. I name them in my manuscript. These included Einsteins special relativity although I read it directly from him in 1981-3 when I studied his work. The only Modern book of any significiance is Brian Greens Elegant Universe which I guess everyone is familiar with and which I do not understand much. The only important thing is his discussion of the smallest string which is of the same order as my dot size. Also he defines multi-dimensions at this small size which made me look at my dots under a micro-scope. Anyway here is my 4 pi Q T = 1 analysis.







The outer radius of the galaxy is a constant of the universe. The universe we live in at the present time appears to be quite stable. Therefore the outer radius of the electro-magnetic fields has reached a limit. The protons and electrons are still expanding. Gravity still exists. The mass of the universe is still disintegrating. The electron has been deprived of a great deal of mass. It has maintained its charge Q but the structure of the electron is in jeopardy. Thus within a few billion more years, the electron will self-destruct.


The self-destruction of the electron will result in a little bang. This is a condition, which signals the final end of the universe. It is a little bang because the energy levels are very low as compared to the original big bang. The little bang hastens the outer flow of energy toward the radius of the galaxy. It will then take billions of more years for this energy to reach the outer radius. When this happens, a time will be reached when the electromagnetic energy density at the outer radius of the galaxy will reach a critical point. Then the electromagnetic field will collapse.


We now need to know the radius of the outer field of the galaxy. This radius does not change. Just as the speed of light is a basic constant, the radius of the galaxy’s outer field is a constant. After the big bang, the photonic waves moved outward from the center at the speed of light. Due to the hysteresis loop of the universe, a degree of electro-magnetic energy always remains at the outer radius of the universe.


Returning to my numerical analysis of the universe in 1981, the following equations always appeared as self-evident to me>


4 pi Q Tg = 1 (9-10)


Using the radians per second solution for the charge Q we have:


4 pi (Radians per second) (Sec) = 1 (9-11)


4 pi Radians = 1 (9-12)


Equation 9-12 states that 4-pi radians equal unity. For single plane two dimensional rotations, 2 pi radians equals:


2 pi radians = 360 degrees = 1 turn (9-13)


The corresponding three dimensional relationship is:


4 pi Radian = 1 turn (9-14)


Since the charge of the electron is a constant value of 1.60218E-19, we can calculate the time to reach the outer sphere of the galaxy or universe.


Tg = Tu = 4.96682E17 seconds (9-15)


The Radius to the outer field of the galaxy is:


Rg = C Tg = 1.48901E26 meters (9-16)


We calculated the time of the galaxy from the Hydrogen atom since big bang to be:


Tg= 5.02227E17 (9-17)


Tg = 15.9145 billion years (9-18)


The radius of the galaxy was calculated from the Hydrogen atom to be:


Rg = 1.50564E26meters (9-19)


From equations 9-15 and 9-17 we find that the electromagnetic field from the big bang has already reached the outer radius of the galaxy. The difference in times is:


Delta time = 5.547E15 seconds (9-19)


Delta time = 175.77 million years (9-20)


We see that 176 million years ago, the electromagnetic field, from the big bang reached full expansion. This is a difference of:


Percentage of Delta time = 1.1 Percent (9-21)


The calculations in this book used the Hydrogen atom expansion velocity to calculate the time of the universe and the mass of the dot. There is a 1.1 percent difference between those calculations and the time found from the charge Q. This would change the number of dots per neutron by 1.1 percent and the charge per dot by the same amount. For this study, the Hydrogen atom numbers have been used. It is just noted that there are two methods of determining the mass of the dot. This is left for future study.

The outer radius of the galaxy is a constant of the universe. The universe we live in at the present time appears to be quite stable. Therefore the outer radius of the electro-magnetic fields has reached a limit.

What about other galaxies? Are you saying that all galaxies should be the same size as ours or they are otherwise inherently unstable?

The mass of the universe is still disintegrating. The electron has been deprived of a great deal of mass. It has maintained its charge Q but the structure of the electron is in jeopardy. Thus within a few billion more years, the electron will self-destruct.

Are you saying that the Conservation Laws are wrong? Can you discuss this in more detail?


By the sacred radiance of the sun, the mysteries of Hecate, and the night; by all the operation of the orbs from whom we do exist, and cease to be, :phones:


What about other galaxies? Are you saying that all galaxies should be the same size as ours or they are otherwise inherently unstable?


Are you saying that the Conservation Laws are wrong? Can you discuss this in more detail?


By the sacred radiance of the sun, the mysteries of Hecate, and the night; by all the operation of the orbs from whom we do exist, and cease to be, :phones:




When the billion big bangs occur, there is a distribution of energy around the universe. The process involves random chance. Therefore some galaxies will be much larger than others, some will have much more mass, some will be independent, others will be dependent. Many will be similar to ours. there is no control over the process.


As far as the conservation laws are concerned, we produce laws based upon what we observe and measure. The universe at the present time is an old universe in which most of the action occurred long ago. At the big bang, the forming protons and electrons had huge masses but were equal in size. Therefore at least half of the electrons mass/energy radiated away in the last 15 billion years. This would account for much of the dark matter which really is my dot-waves in space. Space is full of dot waves and we live in a space filled with dots similar to the general gas laws. Except the rules are different because the dots are either stationary (mass dots) or moving at light speed C (photonic dots). There is no difference between these dots. It only depends upon which dimensions they exist in.

Thus the conservation of mass/energy is true but this refers to the total mass.energy of the universe including all the dark mass/energy. Most likely at the big bang, even more mass/energy radiated away. Some people believe that there is 4 times as much dark matter as our matter. That seems okay to me.


As far as the conservation of momentum, that is correct when all the momentums are considered. Linear momentum can convert into orbital mommentum at the dot wave level. For example an electron beam moving upon a target experiences continuous quantized motion. Each dot stops every split second and then restarts at light speed. When it stops its linear momentum changes into orbital momentum. Then it goes again and its orbital momentum changes back into linear momentum. However these is no guarantee which direction it will be . Thus the magnitude of the momentum is concerved on the dot level but its angle is not.

this is the reason for the Heisenberg Uncertaintly principle. Quantum mechanics makes the error of believing in a multi-dimensional universe which operates on the large scale. They are true at the small scale. It is possible for an electron to have synchronized mass/energy conversions such that all the dots are photonic dots at the same time. Then the electron could completely dematerialize and rematerialize on the moon a few second later. However the probability of such an occurrenece is basically zero.

On the small scale, the electron produces a wide spot on a screen.


The important thing is that the concerservation of momentum is really


Linear Momentum plus orbital momentum = Constant


When you take large objects, the probability is such that most of the time the object will move in a straight line. Since there are 2.28198E41 mass/photonic dots in a proton, most of the time, most of the dots will reemerge in a straight line. In addition as the object moves only some dots change from mass dots to photonic dots every split second at a time. Therefore an object moving in straight line motion tends to continue moving in a straight line.


Thus for all practical purposes on a large scale


Linear Momentum= Constant

Orbital momentum = constant


It is unfortunate that we produce laws which are only partially true and which degrade the thinking of man. I reject all laws until I can fully understand them. Thus for 27 years I have not let myself be limited by any laws such as light speed being constant or that only our light speed is available within our space time. In general the light speed depends upon the density of dots in space. The more dots per cubic meter, the lower the light speed.


If we do not think outside the box of our taught limitations, how can we move forward?

It is unfortunate that we produce laws which are only partially true and which degrade the thinking of man. I reject all laws until I can fully understand them.


This is mostly something you should bring up in the Philosophy of Science forum rather than here. I would argue that it is impossible to produce laws that are 100% true and at the same time tries to explain something that is related to something else. This is both due to our limitation as reasonable beings, and to our extremely limited understanding of the universe.


If we do not think outside the box of our taught limitations, how can we move forward?


But do you really think that cosmology is a field where people tend to think "inside the box"? I beg to differ. :phones:


Jerry, you have not been thrown out of hypography. Were this the case, you would be unable to post, and “suspended” would appear under your name when others viewed your posts, or you viewed them as a guest (by clicking “log out”).


Because your posts in several threads didn’t follow the site rules requiring backing up your claims, and your writing didn’t meet the requirements of scientific theory (eg: mathematical rigor, making experimentally verifiable predictions), the threads have been moved to the strange claims forum. You are welcome to continue posting to these and other threads, but should make an increased effort to follow the site rules.

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